장음표시 사용
thei supinenes in no mining a be ter use of thei resionable faculties, o se momenisus a
subject V, si quid mortalia tangunt ig
not hel thinhing, but that it must ive himsonae Concern to know of such an indigni castipon the Almight Being, is his solio resputtinihimself, his creature and servant, ominequalit with him, and renderinthim qualhonours. Also at the la scene of this presentworid, when the dein mali Massed, his mother
Ma , ho was a virtuous excellent persen in
But thus it is, and ver mill be, heremen adopt system concerning the Divino Being, fio human authori , without reason, and without a prope stud of an attention. to the scriptures. When theraster ard find, that these scriptures are notetote reconciled to, but
their interpretationis his ortiae notorve. These passionale expression concerning him, mue resemble theatilings and other reedoms, whicli the Mathens ere Won to se andiae illi thei salse gods, when the did notpleas them, and things id not appen asthei votaries expected And it is onlyrio beexcused in both, as being the result os indeli le
supersitionis, nourimed in them fromahela
of Spar an in his v age to the Cape of Good Hope,
sive us a curious instance of the End via. i. p. M. Man os the colonisth says he have lihewise assured me, that thei Bostio me of eister sex, sed in stomy weathesito a se the inunde in in reproachiul expressio , andat the fame time in a surious manner, it their stoes oran thing esse that was achand me ce and bid defunce in thessastes of liotning a imis of thunder stat explodedandiso foverethei heias. t Would be in via is tr tomae them sensibie, that the vegetable creation, When therand the brute animais, ere nourished, ould without min, Mither, andae intiret drita up even themouentot afteruatastook intomy service ata ellendam, obstinate-
intancy, without ver suffering themseives sexamine into the ground of it. Characters, it no extraordinu po erasrom God howeve meritorious and excellent, cannot be expecte to receive rater utat-ment, hen the come in the way of men ossuch violent unreasonable prejudices. ACcor-
digly, r. Ha hins having made mention fore of r. Loche, says of him is casticatly, p. 67. Neyeriheltas, the great philosopher above mentiones leaves the introductio to this mspe of St. John, and ther passages in itis eques impori, intiret innotices, S though i hin no connectio init his ar- gument; 'hich is a place of A venuous nos that one cannot avola ing, id litile aeredit is his cause, or is himself Andagain,
b persistia, incipitem ali, obiections in the opinion,
stat notwithstandire this consideration, rain Was alway an evit, and that it ouldae a hare circumstanc vere id novero rain. maximi iniciundarum a race of men, in othei respect reali indue sit seme degre os sense, and requently Wit norimali stare os penetration and cunning ouot methinis, o b consideret as an inali ,-- Egistis, o supersinous notion, exteriained by themfram theis infano, raster than a an idea ahenis o mature deliberation an consequent convitaon.'
whic have so long an se deplorabi di vide in christian worid This imputation os dissione dealing, in athinx his to a good minx ould appea the
provexto e the rea intent of the evangelist, in the sonowing ork It illaecomes creatures, the cives of a thousan prejudices,as weare, he any one differs from us, especiali on religious subjeeti, in hich, oughtto belleve est men sincere, unitas e have thesillest assurance to the contrary immediatelyto declaim against them, asci me Mart was in fauit, and they had semerunsala deis incit. This is notiollowing our master'saiaden ut
Μr. Hawkinsaeing sensibi that ou Lordin his life-time, as unquestio bl loo dupon, by many of his discipies, in nossi hera light tha that os a prophet, o divine mes- senger, after seme auk ard concession of the,ind satisfies himself neverihelest that our Solour' resurrection, p. 63 is virtve of his mwn as ei as his ather' Iower, cleare u a thousand dissiculties in a mo- ment, and amounted ora fuit demonstration of his divinity. We ma not doub of thisbeing the effecto, producia by the a ut eventi ou author' mind; ut it certaininhiano suci effect po any of the postles, orfils christians, m Whomo have any -- thentic
thentic accounts. his I persuade mystic hasbeen fuit made to appear, in the subsequent
in by a minute examinationis everylas
Was notis person, o intelligent cingi utoni the extraordinar po eri gistis God, impartia i fir Acts i. a. to ou Lord Jesus a Christ
Christ himself, in his li&-time; and aste Watas, to the postles, an many of the fies christians, is impo e them is reach and propagare the gospes Wit success and . That this a the doctrine concerning God, and Christ, and the hol Spirit, hichwas audit by the womes, and reached tojews and heassiens.
The scripture Ming thus in lain and express ponatae subject of the Divine Uni , of thereaeing one singla person only horis God, and creatos and governor os ali inings, it must appea very astonishing to these, holiave nocleisure or means to examine into the
histor of the christia church, ho it Waspossibie so them, at se early a periodoto Mys much from the scripture, speciali Withres et to the person o Christ, a seme-mong them amiali did. Thicis the subjectis inquiry, in the second apter of this reatis , in hic Iustin Martyr is assignefas the sies, inscribes divinit to Christ by maintaining see p. 171 that besere his ork of creation God produced
duces m himself a rationes powe or a gent. stilia in scripture, God the Word, therion, c. ho was his instrument in thecreation, and his substitute an representative aster atas, in the appearances made to the patriarchs, and a me giving of the la toΜoses, c. and was after ard unite to theman Chri Jesus. In hat way, and rom ha seumesit was, that the prejudices of earned christians, at that time, te them to entertes suo a strangeide of Christ, has been very clearly me n byDr. Ρriemey, who, bove est men, has thetalent of maring abstrus things lain to ordinar capacities. See his Histor of the Cor
ruptionis of Christianity vol. i. section ii se
si The titie of this section, is the first ste that
was m de toward the deificationis Christ by the per sonificatio of the Logos. The doctrine of these eari philosephic christians, was; that the logos, i. e. the word, the reason, the wiserim of the Father, hic had been in him rom ali eternith was made person a litile bes e the creation, and employed by the Almidit in the creation, and govemnent of the Wori
Thus Irenaeus, Tertullian, and othere, says r. hin ton aster philosophr came in ventured is arum that thes Son
In that section he has thrown ut in a generat way, What had Men observed esse by thers, and I thought it migbtie of service in sterit more particulari explained concerning Juiastin that he was the man who mille allantiquiu, in respectis the true character, and personis Christ. Sh id it no howeve M allowed that Justin was the fir author and inventor of this gregi corruptionis the christian doctaeine, and was copita incit by thos in t mane aster his, whic am mysei persuade os, an have assςraedi arguments that appea satisfactor :theri in ill neverthel si true, that est an
Son was in a secret anne in the Father, fore his generation or Creation and that he was made out os a part
me subsance of the Father, as Tertullian asseris. And, in another place, he remaris, more expliciti That sortos ternis of the Sonis God of hic seme of the tathembegana spea toward the latre par of the secondie turn a plainin notis res existence, si a Son propers coeternat wit his Father, by a true terna generation; ut rather a nutaphsκ existime, in tensia, o in the lita higher an sublime manne in thea ther, as his
viserim, or ord, esere his rea creation or generation: whic real creatiori or generation a then even supposed
is be a lites besere the creation of the worid. Primitiva Christiantu revived vol, i, res p. Vii latae,
tiquit have blindi soliowed in the trae that he struch into, in direct deviation rom thescriptures, hoeuer, o whati ver e theminiscit.
I flatter myself that this inqui , hic Ihave been led to mahe, ill be both usefuland pleilant. Those ho isti to noWahe true state offaeis, and what relates to themo important thing in the orta, the religio the profest, illae glad tesse What arguments ere sed by a Worm man semearibe time of the poma, by hich, in a urse of time est the vii ld was turneyawayfromine me scriptur doctrine concerning Jesus Christ. I have also give seme litile account of the eminent christian writers hoinu distet sollowed, and who copita imin this matter; and have oven seme instinces of thei dogmaticinite in riting, deal min-tiret in assertions ithout mos by whichthis pol Mismi Jinin's was arrita on. And these remains of the early vitares, asine are calles, area be cheristia, preservia, and studied by us; ecause the me , ponWhat principie, fio what rejudices, and through,hat ignora murepresentation,