Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


to be admitte into an extraordinar knowlege of the divine counctis. ould particulari r eryo to Raphelius the son, in his preface to his f

ther' annotations On the criptures, ecause e 'as an excellent critic, o good sense, an alis a

quainted wit the whole illis God for the salvationis the world, ut himself. But there is a difficuli notWiinstanding made byssime, bout the eoming domu fram heaven ascis it

implied Christ' havini λre his birili, live in

heaven, and that he literati came dou Domthence This hoπeve has arisen Dom an unWillimnesi in the fame learned men to lose ha theylia long been ceustome to ook upo as an argument of Christ havinitive in heaven belare he was bor fiere; hic prevente thei examining and seeing that coming δε- - heavenis equali figurative language mith ascendivis D Aeaven, an is in other places sed by ouessavi rto signis his havinna divine commission romaea-Ven, o Dom God. his ill by and by be proved in various instances .


The remaining clause of the sentence, even the Sonis man who is in heavena Ditie nodi dyan interpolationi seme officious transcriber, annothe ahen literalty For the Sonis man could notheran heaven, at the iam time that he was ponearth. I lethereseret judicious commentators considere in the fame light a Jolin i 8, who sis the bofom of the ather i a metaphorica langvage, in Whicli our Lord loved to expressinimself: and both of thentia signist, the ein admittedinis the secret counciis of God. Matth. i. 27. Ad uinus are desivere uato meos, Pather: and no man Howeth the Son, butue ather; nesther haeomethiam man the Fatber faveth Son anche to bo orere he Son misi meathim. JJustin artyr cites the word vithin crotcheis,as ou Lord' censure of the eWs for thei ignorance of him a thei delegased God Who spoketo Moses, c. adi in unde the ineffabie God, and

fallier os thd universe Apolog. i. p. 8I P. The

io Eusebiu Hist. Eccles. p. . after itin Ita iiii. renderiniit, hos si declare his generation dias a pro fo Christ' divinit add this passage of Math. i. 27. S simila declarationis Christ concerning himself. ut his interpretation illi bessound in both cases tot equali the langvage of imagination and preiudice, Mithout due inquiry.


The passage is also produce by late mers, a teachim, stat Christris God eques to the Father, in ali respect . Illa true meaning an onj e determined by examining vhat our Savisur in stendes o the occasion, and What his vota movidconveni the connemon in hic he ultered them, to thos that heard him. Immediatet besere, pon reflectioni the different bellaviour of men towatas him; the oes

indifferenc ver go. o seme, the malignant Dinposition ver. 9. Dothera, and the ardent esver. a. f many of the commonimple yo find

i to bera method of th moraliovernment, Worthyos hine infinite isdom an impartia goodness; that whilst the false maxim of the worid, and the influence of irregula passions, lin the yes of the learne and politican Vise, that the cannot se th heavent truth whic I teacti them, it re


Turning himself then to thos that mere . in hini, he proceed to say, no boastingis himself, hut properi assertim his divine commission asthe emis A ratus sve been eliseria, ortauo me of myiather i. e. ali ining relatingto the gospes and the fines salvationis mankindasor the plain constructionis the passage confinesthe generat term to that sense. Andis man Homere thedon, but the Father L e

mation 1 Hardy, in his N. . briesi and wel expresses t

sense of the passage. Nemo cognoscere possit, c. proprio maris, aut Patris onsilia, qua ratione homines servari velit, nisi lius amussit sinciam, cujus ausa venit, nisi Pater. a. o. ' No ne is his own power, could know the designissis Father, by what method mankin inere to e saved, ut the Son nor any one discove the ossice and dutros the Soa, O Miat errandae came, but the astat.


64 To se Inuus f themation o any omniscience of the Son equa tolliat of the ather, hicli sonae eopla imagine the find here But the ni knowlege spoken of is that of the gospeb; the discovery of the di vine evertastin designs of mercy and goodnesssor the whole human race, hich Wasalve by the Almight to Christ, tote communichted to the

by Christ, in St. John's gospei, signis his havinga divine commission the cing an extraordinarydivine propheti mesicnger. I here is no language more imposing thaia his,upon reader of es degrees, who do not searchand stud the scriptures for thenaseives rivottingi them sociast the notionis Christ aving Iived in anothe wori besore liceatne into th Is that itis raret tote eradicated asterwards by the strongest


signis oes his aetn investe With a divine

commission '



in anothe worid, a that our Saviou existe inlaeaven, e re he was bor of his mother Marn

The fiat is itini prove concerniniboth, that the hadan extraordinar commission sein God,

were divine prophet o mecingere

et Christ' being en isto the woria, sigmiles his hising a divine commissi , as a prophet or

In his pruereto God not longae re his deam, .hicli has been preserve by t. I n our Lointhus expresses himself to the heavenly Father, and author of his heing, concerning his hosen diai,-ples Golin xvii. 18 A thou hinsent me isto themoria even se have I adissent them isto reo et-I Whicli,ord he cannot he salesto agere, thali heliad existia in another Wovi besoreae carne intothis; ecause in that case, it ouldi vpli Meto his discipies, concerning mcie se the smae language, that the had existe in another Wollo: . ichris nota sed. What our divine master reali intended respexing them and himself, was, sultabi and agnem to the solem occasion, and totis o tuationand


mio character to expres besere the fovereigndispose of himself and est things, his attention to the importantam that ha been committed tohim, in providinisor in propagation of the truthaster his o. departure ut of the worid, hichWas seon to tae place an a he himselfhadbeen sent into the Worid, i. e. ad species coma mission and wminiment Domaheleavent Fatberto stac mankind, he had by his divine I heri. a. II. Aetari. . direction, sent into the Worid, i. e. appoinred, and give these men his discipies a commission to succred hi in his ossice, an he o. intreare the divine lessing pon

The expression therefore o Christ ' Ming sentimo the woria, ad n reserencerio an prior state os existence, ut a purei declarator in othermotas, of his having an extraordinar commissionsto God, as a prophet, or reacher of his millaod commanti. An a we se unde the linhead that his raminia fram beaven; i. e. DomGod, and his einisent inuos moria, erephrases precises of the same impori; so, a Moonclude, are, his ramis isto the wreliand Mingient isto the moriae a Prauediet fori an ramis fram God, and. Miu πιι f the Fauer, and comis isto the maria, are sed by ou Lord, to expres his extraordinar commission rom God his bein the

et Christ,


having an especies divine commission. Iota vi 28. I came forth, ξηλεω, o I pra- crede forib from the Father, an am come into the worid. om in the forme os these citations, me sis that praerediet freth mm God signifieoonly the having an extraordinar commission Domhim, there re the sameris the meaning of the like expression here sed by our Loes. I follows heresere demonstrably by ou Sa-viour's Wn exposition that comisgdomastombea

ven, eingsent fram Gori eiu sent isto the mori procredis forta and comisisto God comisgforo fram cte ather, and somin isto the moria, re alidisserent expression of one and the iam thing; an domo reser is, o signi', an prior state orconditionifating, hic Christ e*oyed besere he a born, ut denote ni the havin an extraordinar commissio fio God is stachinis Will

Yomma perhaps e semewhat disturbes, statour Saviour, in hyeining concerning himself, movidus suci ambiguous terms, and liatae tu mille


τ. Universiis. 69ipta n in their literat meaning. ut his countrymen, theciems, o hom he delivere himself, mouidie under no lac embarriment; and hemust spein to them in their - Way, to maeprope impression ominem: e could notio o the ise. When it a sei amon them, that an man came rem heaven, fio God the naturali an immediately understoo it os comingas a prophet, Wit a divine commissioni message. Christians indeed, ho come to the reading of the scriptures, almad persuaded, rom the authori O thei creed an confession of ait made bythei priests, that Christris God, or a reat pre-

existent spirit, instanti applyiuch language, Without thought or examination to confirm them in

thei prejudices. ut is the would have thes tience themselves to consul the sacre Writings, what Myteach an particularly in the presentinstance, to lettur Lord interpretinis Wn Wotas, these great error concerning him, mining him

different being rom ha he reali is mirat have

o man ascend p here e mas besere These ords, literati taen contain qt an absolutudeclaratio that Christ existe in a sorme state, but that hei formerly been in heaven, and Wasma thither Mahi; hicli thiniit is possibi and Ela competent