장음표시 사용
The a me refers to the recent ost oftOngues, of spmkin in languages therha neve lear d. Whicli ad Men that ver da oni imparte to them Andrinthe connectionis his discourse, nothingmore canis inferre from it, tha that
Iesus, the person he had Men just describ-ing, eing taken up and mised in dignitri the invisibi Worid, ad in ome Wayorither, been the instrumentis God in communicating this gis to his apostles.
esus, homo have cruciferi οι, ordand Christ. It was remarhed above, p. 86. that the ambiguous significatio of the term Κυριος, Lord, in the Septuagini and in theme Testament, hicli is applied inclisserently to Almight God, an to other person ita dignit and authority, has given; handis to uniearned heedlesi, and pre-judiced reader of the scripture, O mahe
passage he had a1d that he Christ should do: In tha
stood by them, elong to Jesus, Domine gin and appotniment of God Thisis also confirme by the apostlaiau hohad par of his instructio concerning thegospei, romtur Saviour himself, after he
Mmbis himself, and be me obedient uniodeat, men the deare of the eroseu Thars
6. animal . When a miraeutous cure asto e mugiit, to convince me of the
divine authorit o Iesus and his religion, his apostles Peter and Jolin although he Wasthen in a state os exaltation in heaven donevertheles callaim the manis Nazareth, the great prophet, ho, or blong a pace, had his abode in that obscure toWn Theydo not say, thou healed in the name of thes ia incareata, oris God heson oris με the feren person in Morinii '' Theapostles Weremo aequainted Mith any lachcharacter o persen.
ia. 1 God of Abraham, and of Isaac, μέ
Heres ρὶ Bengelius, render ii, ministrum suum, his servant; and reser it o Matth. xii. 8. Where the evangelis cites the Almight , in Isaiah alii a stiling the future Christ, Osr- .aat. Se also lix. 3. s. ur Lord s language was uniformi in exae agreementisit this, callisthimself, im .hom God hath sent; i. e. his meringer, his servant.
s, Universities. 93Heremur Saviour is distinguisne DomGod asieinihi servant. Justi Martyr, many of the antientan modern christian writers, Mr. WhiDion, Dr Clarhe, the late en ordecat, Mr Taylor, are ali of them here confuted in thei assertions that Iesus Christ Wasthemo of Abraham, Isaac, an Iacob, who appeare to Moses for the postlestiles himini the servant of that God. Amiti Butae demisiue hol one and thejus .a . t multi Wit more Propriety, a Dught tot translates; ut die dentia that holmandis man. And et there re scholam inour day, ho, aught y the mere seundi englissi, an to muchisentin finding, Christ' divinit every here, an ancythe have discovere a proos oscit here, and meret this, Gaus Almirat God, by the propheta, is also frequently stiled
hol in the ighest degredi othersieingholyini in ditarent degrees, ali at an infinite distanc Dominim D and Christ, andali
ing that Christ must have had life in himselffrom ali ternity, and of couris e theeternat God But the di not lassicientis confider, that the life the postle is speataingis, is eternal life , and that the propermeaning of the Wor αρχηγον, is in chialeaderi conductor, and that the passageought tot transtated, illed the hademio
his Rasi ' here en in si uius. The Messiali, Christ, is here mentioned by the apostle o have been promi sed by Almight God to Moses , an he is describes, seman ages besere he had existence, intirely
face. Principem vitae i. e. cum qui unus est dux ad vitam eternam Thespiae Ulmo; i. e. him horis the oalyguide to lis eternat.
thybon lys ςad of thysrvant nexi in descantinilamel onthe phrase, Sonis God, as intimating the divinit o Christ a person. His friendisicio Pearce, o his ovi admirabie critical ab ilities, haὸ he inade use of them here, ould limetaughchim, that in the writings of the evangelists, sonisGod, and the Chri , he Messiah, Me synonymous and ais that no metaphysical, nintelligini generation is a b under-stood by the fotmer phrase, 'mos Gad. ut e re t re- member, that though his sermons are in generat the best thamo liberal, and the momusefulis an iniur language, thethree last volumes inere posthumo , a tot alway the most Iudici si selected. I have mentione this it no theuvie , at o provent the nam os this ingenio us an mostpleasu Wrirer, an excellent man, rem mi adin his readera in amatis of som importanc
nalty a mortalisian o low condition, and no education , ut gloried incit For this ciewed the more evidently that his extraordinar Wissioni an powers ere romGod, sine constanti declared , and thathe was commissione by him.
tions L I aiae cister disciplis o Christ
risus Trini , compose of three divine Persons Thei pra re are directed to the sngle person of the fovereim Lord of est, the creatoris ali inires, intreatingiuis extraordinar aid, in suppor of the religion,
.hic his holy servant Jesus hin desivereoto them.
2. In the devotions of these imi pri- tive christians Iesus Christ is soris stombeing rechone God, or an obiect o mor- stip that heris therein stiteri aster his resurrectio an exastation in heaven theservant of that God o homile addressthei prayer An the iam term is sed in the original, παις When the cali David, as when they cali Iesus, God's servant. 3. It is referred. to our judgmenis, whether, mitti this example of the apostles besere us, he me speia os Christ in our addrines to the lmio , is mouidnot e prope semet es t se in ser-Vant Iesus, an no alWays thyrion Iesus Christ, ascis eommonis ne in the pra mos christiam. Certainly, is this apostolic pat-
iniversius. 69 Acts ter of praye had been copie in this respin, by ali christians, from thes ginning, it might have me seme hec to thegroundlesi, unintelligibi doctrine os aneterna generation o Christis the in f d, and might have preserve them romthat ad degradatis of the infinite Being, in utring the lesse Iesus, his servant,upo a leve Mith bim, an pasn equal
prayer Wit the ther apostles an chris. tians that ere assembled, fae id nothimself ea thei devotionsa e mayhenc most assuredi conclude that in the ginning of his mspei, he could neve callChrist the logos, God the word by Whona ad things inere creates For his ould have been adting in direct contradictio towhat he himself hepe asseris, and agreesto, in conjunctio with at the other apostles that Jesus a the servant of that God who ad the wori an ali hings
incit. And this manserve to confirm the interpretation bove assignes, of this pre- face of Iotin's mspei, viz. that the ogos, the ord, or Udom, hicli e there