Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


his ci st Thoughis,' rio hich he prefixes this

II in he interpretatio of this passage, that Christ adglor init the Fatheraesere the world was in this sense oni , b auserit,a what was designe an decreed besorehan sciehim is et exemplified by Clemens Alexandrinus, hospeak of this hono able notice rom Almight God, einga peculia privilege os christians in generas προ ιι πιες του κων


he intended by them to signi that he owned Iesus Christ talis Lord and his God.' Whitby'cta

Thoughis, p. 28. 29. Dr. Whiibycis no singulari or original, in his judicious reasoning po the exclamatio of the apostle Thomas. It was adopted by a very able interpreter of scripture, at the lalter end of the Athcentury, Theodore myBisto of Mopsuestia in Cilicia , hos motas I ive in the margin Is mythingiuiould e thought necessam to confirm his Ddgment, that Thomas id not intendo callchrist, Iir o God I Would mentio that St. Jolin the writer of this gospei, cannot be supposedis berio inconsistent, rario ut doWn a Ving of his


his sellow-apostle, flati opposin a declaratio ossis divine master Iesus himself, a se verses besere ; hom he introduces declaring, o xx. 7. that se far fio Min God imself, he had the me God and ather in commonmith his discipies And momoveri the suppositionos Thomas here callin Christ, God, is Verrule an confuted by the iamrelated Acts iv.

23, c. here est the apost les, and Thomas there

recit ma be presumed long it them, oin

in solem prayer, in hic Iesus is tWice calledihe servant os the supremeraeing, an creator ofiat things, o hom the Udres themselves Andit is no posithie, stat any one mouidi the rem nes God, and his servant at the iam time.

Thus, po ver particular inquir , e messiund that the evangelist St. Joh ha no ne doctrine to desiver, concernin his master Iesus Christ, different mm the other apostles. He in-tiret agrees missi them in describing our Lord, as

a Men


earth, ut re ni declarator in the words,

in the prophetic easter stile, os his high ossicem commission rom linight God, a the Christ the emali. So that by the testimon of tW os me historiamo Christ' life who ere his postles, an intimaret acquainted wit iam; and of tW other of

them, hoclived ommost friendi terms, and conversed .ith his postlos, e re assured that our Lord was no God nor a preexistent eing, ut mas a human creature, like thers, excepting the extraordinar pomer Which he received rom God, to sit hi se his ossice unde his morat ovem-ment, a teacher an Saviour of mankind.

Cne os these riters of the memoire os our Loia' lise, St. Luke, as directed by a go providence, in continuationis that Work, to giveus a histor of the way in hic his divine master' religion aster his death and resurrection, Waspropagate Mer areat par of the kno , Huand


and ath acquainte us particulari With the e traordinar divine interpositions by Whic it Wasconfirme an estabiliued and the anne in Whicli it a preached to e candineathens. An authenti narrative o facts like these, is of the ulmost moment. An the evidence resultingsrom them is most convincing, and irresistible, forthe truth of the gospe in generat, and also forthis particula fact, that there is ut ne God, the rither of the universe, and that Jesus, ho

prope humanit of Jesus Christ, I mali ope todo some service by a fuli exhibition, illi briefremarks, of his testimon t both of them. Og the testamn to the person and character of Jesu Chris, a the servo of the ne ni true God, the ather, Dinni edis St. i v e, in his second treatoe, callia The Acts of t e pestes. Acts These at continueri mire ne accord in

Marrue moιher of Jesus, and his breurea . Hau is here calle the mother of Jesus,


Alfi s. an sume ther persons, his rethren or,insmen. f therelare the were humansreatures, Moligi as of their indred, and the se of one of them, must have been also a human creature. ou ill oh- strue that oii Lor is thus characterietedacter hia re*rrection, an ea altation in

an sata Thou Lord, ho nomes the earis of A men, Rem .hether of theseamqthou has Gosen. The ambiguit of the WOrd Κυριος, ord, in theame originali promiscuous applied o Godi an to his creatures, has e many ho had Hreadytae u an erroneous persuasio that Iesus was the eternat God, o imagine, thatit was to iam that the apostles nosprayed.


Mor ver although it has been alleged, that Christ ait of himself, Rev. i. 23. Iam hemhos ruere the rein and heans itshould e attende to a the fame time, that the writer begitis this book of the Revelation, With declaring that Iesus Christhia received the whole of What he therein reveais, fio God so that theanowlege of the hearis that he speah of enino farther than a gisen him po the occasion This interpretation Wili receive more confirmation, is needed by What will farther appea in the progress of St. Line' history, concerning the light in .hicli the apostles consideres thei master Jesus, and the uniform directio of their prayerario God only.


e testimon os Peter and the ther μω apostos, concerning Chrs, after his reser rectis , and exaltation in heaven. Acta ii. men o Israel, dear thes ,rerit. 22. 24. Jesus of Nuzareth, a man appro via os Godamon Iox, b miraries, and mondera, ad

them, acting With an authorit fio God, of hic hemave proo by the extrao dinar poWerche received rom God Suchlanmage is to plain and decisive, to needdwellin or expatiatin upon it. It telis at onc the opinionio os ad the postisat who thei divine master Was. Actsii.


tis throne,-Peter here again represenis
