The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


nuptials illi Cupid ill si perpetuat, an he hali


roads, tili, arrived, at an early hou in the eveniunat a cave, the place of ur destination There, nob thstandis me ere miserabi tired, e ere notallowe a moment' timo sor res restiment; ut they


rating the damsel, ho adde considerable sorde to herpersuasioni sui nyme frequent Stripes Thearound


in an exclamation, and lookin With an anxious countena erumto heaven, ae gods,' sat she, uenderme a last our assistanc in his extreme perit; and Fortune, Crue Fortune, ceaseoli sury for thee, at

rest delight the so the remainder of thy lisse, but


I Wil commemorate in beneficenc os divine providence and this adventure by a lastin memorial Avotive picture hallae palate an suspended in thoatrium os ou palaee, Wheno at tho orld shal vlewWith admiratio a nobi spocimen of the painter' ari, and the pens of the earne hin domo remotegenerations the histor of ur tot Thene a sublewillae originaled, and las sor ever, unde in homely

of thine illi rechoned among the ancient miraeleS; sor lio, auo by th trullas ut memoriat, ill subtinereas ter, that Ρhryxus crossed the sua o the bae of ram that Arion bestrode a dolphin, o that a bulltransported Europa ver the aves 8 V, is dupiter did ver actuali bellomunde a bovine sorm there issuret concealed in theo omeWhat os human or divine.' The oun damsel ad hares concluded her solito-quy, and a continuinito expres hersed in rohensente es, occasionali interrupted by ios, hen, allos a Sudden, e came to a place here the oad bes reus branchedrint imo, and the three oad me toge


destruction. Thus e menti sor ome time stri Ving one against

the ther, Each destrous of oin a disserent Way, and disputing the grotrud like the coheir os a patrimon ina lassuit. At last, ad os a Staden, We,ere surprised by the obbers, luden illi their booty, ho recognising usa long Wayiss by the light of the moon, came stealthilyuponis undine of them, illi a malignant mile in his coiintenanee, addresse the ollosin salutation tolli damsel:- millier no at his latu hou of thonight 8 hat artolio goin toto long onde rota by moonlight y What has tho no ear sor Oosis and goblini or tatis ut dinoter a thou ari, ouldst thoupay th parent a clandestine visit 3 ut, Wili homthee thyineares Way, and e a guar to the in thysolitud0. V ith that suilla the action to the ord, he cavo me by the nec Mihine of his han&, and seiging the halter With in other, pulled me round and Without more ad began to drivo me ac the way Icame, beatin me a the fame time ithout mer ,


considerationis an flair of importanee, the opinions expresse on the subjectoere many an various