The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


8he madem resistance, into the presene of Venus.


inflicted upo her various other tortures stat ut herto excruciatingiuin and When they had done broughthor bae again into in presene os Venus Venus, themoment in s aer again, est a laughin us in haddone es ore, exclaimin a the fame time, Ibook at

truly thus to e calle a grandinoster in the very floWer of m ages Aye, an hea the ratis a vilomaidservant calle Venus' grandson. Grandson 8 NU, ut such, ille orae progensis ain and futile. Cupidinath contracte an ill-assorted marriage ithout the consent of his ather, the eremon hath been

solemniged withou Witnesse in a Country palaee, and the nuptials are not accordin to law. Theres ore theissu of the marriage is even e condescend to suster

timate. Venus adiso oone pronounce the above speechthan wrought into a furious age toWard the conclusion, he violenti fle upon Syche, and rend-


grievousi illissed hor. At ast he commando herattendant to bring and layin the ground bes ore her an enormous hea os seed os disserent oris, ali laedconfusessi together, heat, artey, millet, Oppy, Vetches, lentiis, and eans. The sat Venus to Psyche, molliinks nos Phau sussicienti deprivod thuuis in beauty, and thou ar bocome o us stat, providod thou artistit inclined to fascinate in lovers,

thou illinaveri do so is servitude orithe means osendearment than such a thou has used bes ore.

Wheres ore, in pulting th industry to tho tris I shall


demne to suci a laborious service, an execrati gine crueit of her Stepmother, O oon a the were




momen to nor fierWard had reason to repenther obedience.


Without delay theres ore, he departed and concealedherseis unde the plane-treo; and solio nibesides theres of her instructions impliciij, ound no dissiculi atthe momen indicated by means of the rescribest furtive strata gem, to posses herseis of a large a quantit of the goiden Oollas homould convenienti stussin hortosom. Thus laden illi the of aelloW seecyprige, he immediatet returned to Venus. But it a the sat of syche noto receives rom her mistres even no On the conclusion of

and ahe with the this pitcher; hon thou has filiodit,ith therio matur of the highest spring retum Withi instantly V o Ving, Venus ut into Psyche' handa flagon os elegant hape of crystal, and threatening


im te to ascend the path, as gaginii disma at theterribi spectacle around her, in Walers endoWed Minhuman voice, ascit mere in thei omnies ence, ultered Various precautionar exclamation to the astonished

Tho readeri doubt,illae remitide heroi tho talkingwater, simila to the bove in the tale in the Arabia Nighis'