The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류




eVer. Fie pon thee, considerate semiae a thou ari,

nolint thus inquisitivebo pr into the Dieties of thy beautis ut son, andriae tam to as sor his oves an indiscretio , ut iam hi sor exercising the

be delainod a prisonor 3VThus id the two Dddesses, se in the might themselves be ne da mounded by the arrow of Cupid, propitiato the God of Love in his absenee, While Venus, beeomin stili more irritate at he havis injurios turned into ridicule, hauOtib turnedior bach upon thespinhers, and hastil transported hersed to the ea.


liastened her pace and directed her courae thither; and though she was the thoroughly exhausted is continuat


j ou ceremonte os harvest, by the silent rites of the Canephorae, by th Servant the inge serpent os

in car, by the surrow of the Sicilian sori, by theraptive chario os luto by the earth that olosediponth daughtor descendin to the hades below by Ρroserpine' drear nuptials by the light of the Elnean torches, and is ali the hol mysteries that Eleusis the


solvis to propitiate the mour of the residing deit os the temple, hichever of the goti it mightae,

sh approached the sacred entrance rithou hesitation. So oon a sit arrived a theloorrahe perceived severat votive offering suspended rom the branches of the ad-joining trees, and also ther hangin to the doorposts, and among them Severat arment upon Whichahe numeos the goddes Juno, to whom the were dedicated, and the specia aut os grace that the donor had receivedsrom the goddess, wer Wrough in letters of old.

Psyche aecordin y perceiving that in temple be- longe to the oddes Jhino, immediatet seli ponhoranees an embraee With her arm the et tepidaltar Then i pin aWay he wars herilius Udressedine divini . Consor and sister of the migh Iove, whethor thou inhabit the ancient temple of Samos, the place of thy tende insane and childhood,-or frequentin hapta precincts of the lost Carthage, here theyworshi the unde the sortii of a virgini sing through


Boon VI. FIFTH PISODE. 181 in heavens in a cariram byclion8,-Or preside verthe walis of the renowned ciuis Argos nem the banks of the Inachus, here thou ar commemorate a the

desses, - thou hom the nations in in eas venerate

that even the oddesses themselves are unable to assistme, in spite of their own inelination 8 hither hali I