The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


passin. resently thou Wil arrive at the Styx thorivor of the dea' and there se Charon, in me iubpreseet, ho conducis passenger in his crag boatauros in river Charon ill demand of tho thy


exceeditas res restie in spirit and in strennii Atine Same time a rasti, irresistibi curiosit seige hermi d nos instandis the extraordinar degre Ose emes She selino complete the service of her mission. Talain to herself, as he went long Eoo that Iam, V aid he, to se thus the bearer of a box of


looks, speedit botoo himself to his iis, and mountingatos in the air, darte along the opinos heights of heaven to the stode of Jupiter There Cupid throwing himself in a supplicatin postiare a Jupiter' seet,pleaded his causo submissively. Jupiter, aisin his hand to his lips, hissed ii, and lien pinching the cheia

o Cupid thus addressedaim :- son, and ke mymaster although, insteadis troating mo With the respectinat tho universa consent of the divinitio hath decreod me a sather of the ods, thou has neve ceased toshoo thine arroW at this breastis mine, heredies thesource of the iam stat overith element an guido the revolutions of the tars. Aud ver amictin me mitti the love os terrestria damself, ast hereb frequently compelled me to infring the laWS-aye, Ventho Julian odio to th great detriment of my digni .

Nay, notWissistandis stat, on occasion many and Various, to the subversionis public morati an injuryto mine OWn reputation, thou has compelle me torelinquisti, Serene countenanee, and tranSsorm myself


that Prende the noW thou may est ne a requite, is peradventur a maide os more stan common beau

ohanc to sali in thy Q.VThus spake themio Iupiter, and summoning oliis presene Mercu , ad him pro laim sortii th anasse ly of the ods, unde a penalty of te thousandpieces of mone sor very one os the divinities, in desinit of ein present; heres ore, the od beingit Otib afraid of the penalty the celestia theatre ra