The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


entreaties by thus ad dressinithim: ' Alas V said sho, the sat countenance of m dearest usband is still sore es. Stili throughis nostriis do I inhalo thope me of his edding garmenis stili is Tlepolemus, in figur of tho beautis ut lepolemus, sive in my


264 SIXTII PISODE. BOOK VIII. thee o conditio that in ceremon os tu nuptiales beperformo in privato, in that our arriage remain

The come, ut come alone, into the street overtooked by m nurSe' apariment. There remain, and a signat



sensetes State of lethargy.

apariment of her mistres Chari , an Charity, promptio the summons of her attendant, urrie spee lyrioth spot here Thrasyllus lay. Standin ove the Sassin, her m ud rought to a pitch of masculinti courage, and her sips quiverin With age, he thus


smor ilia Tlepolemus sed to ear, he r hed ut of tho house, an hurrie through the street at an accelerated pace, evidenti meditatin some dire catastrophe. MeanWhile Thrasyllus, writhin in bittor

Charit succ00ded in reaching the destined pol, and, havin arrived there, speedit assume her post at thehead of Tlepolemus' sepulchre. When he had re- maine sor a ille hilo sistening to the abundant expression of ries an attachment ultored by allaro dier, and waving the gleaminibiade of the wordi orde to prevent the eopte sto approaching, hethus addressed the multitude o more of ears, oli citigens No morem mes of gries ill sulto io m desperate resolve. The cruel murder of my husband I have vindicated The


and vehement tokens os commiseration Indoed theysel so strongly on the occasio that influenoed by tho consequenee lihelyrio acerue to thomsolves hom thosia occurrenee, and particulari from the apprehensionos din hande ove to a ne master, the immediatet mado u their ind to tali sight rom hoplace here the were, an See another domicisse. Among them ali, in master of the stud of horses, ho

as ter I Was committe to his care, a firs and ore mos in mala preparations sorin hast departure, and


From the bove consideration we ere inducet to


tinuat lyaepti by ur pari and by the flamin light

of the orches, or hether that night he happened ob maraudin in omemther direction, no a single olf