The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


This personage appeare at ali evenis exceedinglyanxious mau me, and inquiring of the orier hence I came, aliis fine stron animal, V replied the rier, Masarod in Cappadocia. ex the ther asked howold I Was; pon hicli the crior, resumin his toneos resflery, alio mathematician,' saidae, Who latolycas his nativity, and from his profession is mellissuredo the saei, pronounces him sive ear old he Will, atali evenis, A the a good satius ut servant toto thywsk both abroad and at homo; V, Iano no Whetheres may not be rustii selling the a Roman citigensor a lave, and theret, incur the penalty of tho Cornelia lam. The odious customer continuod stili tomaho a number of interrogations os disserent soris con- cernin me; at last, ouehing the question os gentiQ-ness, Truly, V said the orier, the creatur that ouse before o has more of the hoe tha thuras in his disposition. Whateve service ou require of him 'tis ali in fame. Neillior siue a biter no a kicker, ut Sogenite, On the contrary that welline might imagine hoWere a Sober honest man enueloped in an as8's hide Nay, is yo a remo satisfied with What I say, and hausea destre t try the patience of the animal, pritheethrus thy ea sor a moment unde his ait.' Atthis alter speech of the orier, the old vagabond be-gi in to perceive that the ther a mak111 game i


being in truth a ready purchasor, ho instanti laid hold


that tho wellinibolonge to a ricli proprietor, hey


Syrian Oddess, delightin in tho pillis of human


and tussis every thin into sacks procured so thooc Sion, these ere place upon m bach. Duringstis andorin liue, hile I servo the purpos of aloeomotive magagine a Wel as a temple the piun-dorod the whole region. On ne da in partieular, after returning With an uncommota rich boot to a casile here the had tablishod thei temporar domicile, the determinedio have a glorious eas in orde to celebrate their succe88. ecordingly, prete in t have occasio soran animal to sacrifice, the imposed on the creduli


mation, hoWeVer, a the mos opportune that could


than ne of the principes inhabitanis, an extremelyreligiolis person, heuring the beatin of rums, tho ound os cymbals, and the of music of ur Phrygian melodies, came sorti, o meet S and oWingio his hio veneration sor tho ods, invite thopvi est to com to his ous With tho oddoss. eremained here accordin y, With in the ange of his premisses, and the ouse ein a Ver large ne, provide us With ample accommodation. Mea While our hos sacrifice in satiust victim so the goddess, and troatu hor divinit With the mos profound



' Immanis cervi pinguissimum femur The fame stor is rotatedi Luciani the hau ch os a MilyasS, νο αγριου μηρον.