The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


although in s ars ut pori of his liso Iano is stili alius:

When the old an had eased to supplicatu in his


pearance, o Ieopte callinihi by his name, holitodlouder than efore, and after testis ying thei disploa-sure in Various Way at his protracted absence alsed a considerable clamour; and finalty dispalched a mes- senge to the spo Whither he had gone, to acquainthim of the dela he Was occasioning, and to accelerat his movements. e had remalaed a very hortlime in suspense When the messenger returne tou in a state os excessive agitation. and trembling


comtr a Soon as Ossible. Having therei Te gone ove a considerable distance at an unusuali quie rate, We oon arrive at the village here e determinedio pas the night. The eople hen e came there were in a State of great commotion, in consequene Os


servant in the ouse, an his master entrusted imwith in charge of his large stablishment This Woman ecame ealous of her hu8band in consequendo of his allis in ove it a reed omanos an alacent proVince an bella enrage against lita, set re to an consume his account books, and very ther artiet that elonge to his Nor


Boo VIII. LUCIUS OFFERE FOR SALE. 281 very tired, and in the evenis me arrive in a large and populous city. In his it the hephord os urparty determinod to estabiisti thei permanent habitation notini o n to the natur of the count , thalassorde abundance of places of concestiment in theneighbourhood, ut also on account of the exce8SiVe