The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


WHIL tho implous and of the busther ere thus preparing the implement to ut me to eath, I aseonsidering o to avem lis and scapo rom thohand of in executioner Stimulated accordingly bytho imminenoe of the dringer, and havin no time sor


294 SUSPECTE O HYDROPHOBIA BOOK IX. Supper, Verturning the lates, si dishos, ali ho apparatus of the supper, and the table also. At thonois of the crasti, in master of the hous Was uehastonishod, and aving ad me delivore ove to theservant to tali care of he ave them a particularcharge to confine 'ha troublesomo risO jackass,Vas e calle me, an no allo me an more t interrupi the ober proc dings of thei sestivat For

But alas thessalal dispositionis Divino Providon eis Deither o bo provented nor modified by the most

prudent counSeis, O the OS Sagaei ou remedies norean mortat man against the wil os fortune arrive at

prosperi . t appene accordin y in the present

tempest, stat eventuallyaad early verWhelmed me, Was then reming. Whilo the were removin me froni in sacrificia suppor hamber, in orde to lochme, in another par of the bullding one of the servant boy burs into the partinent illi serror in his counte ance, an in a state of readfui agitation, a I eard the servant telling one noster in Whisper-announee to hi master, that ome of the


Boo IX SUSPECTE O HYDROPHOBIA. 295 that o tho occasio referre to the do eam rhinningulong ut of tho nexi struet at a furious rate entered by

the bach at of tho promissis, and firs attached and bit

severat of the liounds, after latch rushing to the nearest of the stillos holit the horses, as et a severat of thoattendant and servant Who endeavoured to drivo himaWay. The men ho had been bitton ere-Myrtilus the muleteor, Hephaestion the cook Hypatius the chamberlain, Apollonius the doctor an severat thers. The whol famibaeing thrown into violent onSternatio at the intelligoneo, ver bod conclude bym recent bellaviour that Ptoo was certaini assii ted



mia stillo I say tis impossibi0. No longe a re there

consultation, propoSed to at the person assemble a


sul pui of Water, and is 10 wallo it intropidi in his

usual maniter, hecis uret fre of the distemper butis, on the contra , he linches Whenio eos tho liquid, and shrinks rom cominii contuet illi it, O maybe sure stat thoianos ut adnes has et an obstinato hold n him. For his sciet is contuined in tho book of Our ancient riters and weano it is experienee. VAll the spectator immodialet agreed to thema 'S


Same ternis, is a person propoSed a que8tion relatin tomatrimony, ye or nay the interrogator interpretodine answe to the esseo that he ought to marr imme

' Ido conjuncti terram proscindunt boves Ut in futurum laeta germinent Sata.


Eoo IX. IMPOSTORS ARRESTED. 299 anxious to depari unde divine auspices, anticipaleda prositabie, angeries expeditio by the allusion to the prolisi earth and to Xen the mos docile os quadruped8. Nay, even the oldier destrous fanoW

neck of his nemie to the Ohe. EXeroisin aster his fias io the capricious crast os divination the continue sor sume timerio Serape Ο-gether a ConSiderable Sum os money, untii a lastiVerborne by the perpetua interrogatorie put to them, and thoi unsound logi suiling them more and more Veryday the were obliged nee more t si in thei quarterasor another temporar domicile Departita accordinglys rom Our present stode e travelle alon a road even a great dea mors than the oad me ad como by the a Wo arrived. In Ome places the entire




in Rome.

The gangis religiolis impostor boing thus disposed of the imago Phad carrio on in bach together illi

uotive offerings, an Suspended in the proper placeso gist os a lik description in the templo os Cybele.