장음표시 사용
ali conscience, a plum stende figure, Clear com
tu hing on indifforent matters boguiled the timo as ement tili avin procoede a considerable distancoalong the street, e arrived a Byrrhaena' dwelling. In front of the hous Was a very beautis ut atrium orquadrangle, illi a colum at uel, of the our an es, and acti column supported a Statue of the oddessVictory. The soli statues stood acti illi extendedWings plantedipon a phere, hiel un8teady Support
and manseuVres are interminabie.''Such a the counse ByΤrhaena gave me in a most earnes an impressive tone; hile, o the ther haud,
carr me, an although my accelerate pace gave me the appearane os a ma an commune With mysulf
io spes of ne alono of hor various perseetions, hieli I have ver considered the very irs of semate Charins, accordis to tho certain principies that regulate theconsideratio of tho beautis ut And sine in hos Disine mos prominent an conspicuous eatur of tho person, and tho native glos of the emale air appears in strii in and duanta geous contrast illi ho gaudyartificiat colours of the armonis on the od and limbs, here could I have reeourSe to a more Πgaging
The generalit os omen, consciolis that heir native lovelines surpasses the variegate and golde texture of thei dresses, ear eant Clothing, and dispense Withth uppe portio of their robus, o display the roseate liuo A thoi nakod shouldors And weli the know, sorsooth, stat, deprived of he hair, and thus her eoun-ten ances may heaven avert such a catastrophesi divested of iis principat ornament, the mos loveb Oman pone th, ere he droppe fro the ky, or bor in thesea an nourished in the waves, o even Venus her-Sed surrounde by the choi of Graces and a holet, os o Cupids, na girded by the estu fragrant With cinnamon an balsams, never ould s Scinate a
solutet good sor nothing, providod tho distinctive
seatur of her personi notae hair. No in hair of Fotis a romarkable so the extraordinar simplicit os iis arrangement, and derived grace from the abseno os est anne of artifice. Gatherod together in luxuriant trosses and ted in aknotin the crow of the head at the time in question, somo of the curis hun pendulous ado- her nec and throat, and ther in sinuous in eis reste o herbosum, hen, bendin sorWard an Stoopin ove thes re a Pontered the apariment, in stirred si sapidcontent of a Saucepan illi a bris rotator motionis
At his momentiu conversation a interrupted bya knocking at thesdoor, hichiotis havin inlade hastet open ther entered a messen ger rom Byrrhaena, Who brought mo a complimentar present, suchis it Was the custom of the count sen to a neWlyarriVed Stranger. his present, or ascit a termed
Sibyl, ho, rom her observator in the candelabrum, controis everything that passe in heaven, and watches the sun himsoli V aruly, V sui I this is lily a primar experiment in his sortis divination I can imagine it possibi that the litilo flamo though ignite by the handos man, a b endo ed With cogniZance of the greater celestiat recit parent, and theno have a knowle eos things a bout o appen in the firmament,-nay bydivine preSage, may, a it ere, an noune the Same torus here on arth. Why, at his Ver moment at
Corinth, the place of m habitation, here is a certain Stranger, a Chaldaean, disturbing tho holo cit by his Wondersu repties o question stat are asked im, and disclosing the secret of tho Fates to the public sorine considerationis a sum os money. He indicato thoprope da When eople ought o b married the day