The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


O hoaring the bove descriptionis the Chaldaean, suid Milo, miling, shat ori os person is he, and What is his nam 8V Ho is a tali man, V septie I his complexion durk und the callinim Diophanes. The ver same,' quotli Milo, an no ther that Chaldaean in liko manne hastaeon in urieigh- bourhood tolling many things to any eople, and hath rea sed no mali prosit. An noW, by m troth, whilo I thini on't, I Will et thoe a storymbout his Diophanes, hom sortune serve scurvit a last, and played a cruei trich. V


lio ad pa id a tho price of the divination hicli thoothoeshaddaidio ibus oro lita, and was uti sio in an instant; pon Whi h tho oud fit of laughtor stat ursi

sortii among the spectator aWaene Diophanes rom


his fit os abstraction, andae amat ono thybiunde hohad committed through his indiscretion.


Albis persecti truo thatoo say,' replied I nordides ovo seel moro completet a liberi in an other place I ver as in But,' addo I smiling, sed amsadj rightenod a the accounts Phear of tho dealers in the magi art-of thei dar mysterious dens and irresisti bi poWer. Jay the say that in this countrytho doad odios cannot res in thei graves that thecorpseMare mutilated, and leues of flesti rippod fromtho bones sor pelis to enchant the living. Nay, tis risid that such is the wonderfui sano the old assi avo so the flestiis a so ignor, is the native of anothercountry happen to die, the exert uncommon nimbi0nes on the occasion, and ither anticipate the time os


50 LUCIUS SUPS ITH BYRRHAENA BOOK II. At thos Word an uncontroiled fit os laughtor ursis orth amon ali the company, and the ye of every person at tablomere in an instant directe to ono of tho part who sat by himself in a corner moreover, themerriment a continue socion an pertinacioustytha tho individual ecam confused and presently, multering a se Word to himself, as bout o leaveth room in a fit os indignation, hen Byrrhaena ad-

wonted good humour relate oras that stor of thine about the witches m Son Lucius here has neverheard that wondersu narrative hicli thou has tot so

the manners of the peopte about me in accordane With




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