장음표시 사용
ARS POEΤΙCA. 251 Si curet quis opem ferre et demittere lanem, Qui scis an prudens huc se dejecerit, atque Servari nolit ' V dicam Siculique poetae Narrabo interitum deus immortalis haberi Dum cupit Empedocles, ardentem rigidus aetnam 465 Insiluit Sit jus liceatque perire poeti :Invitum qui servat, idem facit occidenti:
Nec semel hoc secit nec Si retractus erit, jam Fiet homo, et ponet famoSae morti amorem. Nec Sati apparet cur versus actitet utrii 470Minxerit in patrios cineres, an triste bidental Moverit incestus certe furit, ac velut urSUS objectos caveae valuit Si frangere clathrOS, Indoctum doctumque sugat recitator acerbus ;Quem ero arripuit, tenet, occiditque legendo, 475 Non missura cutem, nisi plena cruoris, hirudo.''
of that odo in tho sol lowin Alphabetical Ιndex and against
in Strophe or Staneta includes a maia lines as are necessar tostio at the disterent kind of measure in an de It is callei Strophe, whiel in reo litorali means a turning becauserat the nil of it, outum ac to the fame kiud os verse With Whichbou egati.
Eli, vetuSto AEquam memento Alter jam teritur Angustam amice At o deorUm . Audivere, Lyce Bacchum in remotis Beatus illo Coelo supinas Coelo tonantem Cur me querelis Delicta majorum Descende coelo Dianam tenerae Diffugere niveSDive, quem proles Divis orte bonis
Ehou i fugaces Est mihi nonum Et muro et fidibus Exegi monumentum Faune, NympharUm Festo quid potitis dio Herculis ritu Horrida tempestas Ibis Liburnis Iedi beatis
Ille et nefasto Impios parrae Inclusam Danaen Intactis opulentior Integer Vitae Jam jam ossica issam pauca aratro Jam satis terris Jam veris comites Justum a tenacem Laudabunt alii Lupis et agnis Lydia, dic per omneSMaecenas atavis Mala soluta Martiis coelebs Mercuri, se unde Mercuri, nam te Montium custos Motum ex Metello Musis amicus Natis in Sum o ΙΝ sorte credaS. mo. Ι
ΝΟ. I. The tanga os soli lines. The sirst two regi eater Alcaic, mensured thus : a ponde or iambus, an iambus illi a caesura then two dactyles; as,
Vides ut alia stet nive cand1dum.
This is callei themouΑΤΙΑΝ ΤΑΝZA because Horace δε- liphte in t abore ali thers. More han ne hird of hisodes are in his Staneta. No. I. The tanga os sola lines Thorars thre linos are Sapphic meas ured by a trochee, Spondee, dactyle, and
Jam satis terris nivis atque dirae.
or thus Sic te diva potens CV Dri.
Tho sucon is Asclepiade an consistin os a pondeo tWOchoriambi, and a pyrrhichiuSI S,
Sic fratres Helenae lucida sidera. O thus Sic fratres Helenae lucida sidera.
Maecenas alavis edite regibus.
Laudabunt alii claram Rhodon aut Mitylenen.
Aut Ephesum bimarisve Corinthi.
No. IX. The tanga os on lino, meaSured by a Spondee, three choriambi, and a pyrrhichiu ; S,
Tu ne quaesieris Scire nens quem mihi quem tibi.
dio. X. The tangam ono line, containing Si iambi, rother feet, in the od placeS.
To Deos oro Sybarin cur Propere amando.
Solvitur acris hiems grata Vice Veri et Favoni.
Tho sucon line has sive iambi an a remaining syllabio, admittin spondees a bessereri AES,
Trahuntque Sicca machinae carinas.
ΝΟ. XVI. The tanga os livo lines. The irs has three iambi, precededi a long Syllable as,
Tho socon has sive iambi and a caesura. admittingspondees in the od places.
2. 4 prccsidium Withiuch propriet Horace ad dresses hi as his guardian and delightfulion Ourri sine Maecenas notoni procured his pardon rom Augustus, o figlitin againsthim illi Brutus and the republicans a Philippi, ut evenbroughthim into peculia favour illi that illustrious personage. 6. Dominos this ordiusti referre da deos an is notthe object os evehit, a Some have Eupposed, applyin it to the
7. Hunc Sc. juvat; i. e. ne ambitious os politica distinction. 8. Tergeminis tollere honoribus: 'o ais him to tho ighostho nours. The word tergeminis is probably used in rosere noctio tho hi glios grades of Ortice mong the RomanS, ViZ. the Edileship the Praetorship and the Consul ship. 9. Illum Se juvat; i. e. another, hos rutila pasSion is wealth.
10. Quidquid . . . areis: ill th grain that is colluc ted DomLybia threshing-floors. Lybia Was a partis Africa particulari sertile in grain.
ODES. BOOK I. 25912. Altaticis conditionibus by tho calth of Attalus; howas in o Pergamus, an immensely rich. Havin no chil-dren, he ad the commonae alth o Romo his heir.
13. Nunquam dimoveas: you an neve induce.)-Trabe
The early commentator more nota Oubi in an error in Supposita this de to have been writto in complimen to Octavius upo ille prodigies, hic appeared Soon rester the assassinationos his uncte Iulius Caesar For ut that time orace a at Athens, and se asterward espoused the cause of Brutus andit is hardi probabis hil enlistud unde his anners that thopout ould have ad dressu a praye so the preserritionis Octavius, O involied venge ancemponii OK party. Tho sollowin historica facis, mentioned by Dion Cassius,eXplain severa passage in the de undisive a much more natura occasion or ritiniit. Oetavius received the urnam of Augustus o the 17th GJanuar in the ear of Rome 727 an on the night sollowing there a a Ver uncommon inundatio of the Tiber A shortlime osoro his, octavius h ad ad dresso the Senate, an intimate his intentio of resigning the supreme poWer. Heisaid his object in assuminiit was to aveng the de athis Caesar, andio ro Romo rom the calamities undor hic licit Was suffering. The post th resore vatis himself of these incident i ad-dres Augustus, a the tutelar divinit o Romun an aster complimenti nihim ver delicately unde the character os Mercvry, exhoris imo cheristi the lessing of peace at home,
NOTES. 6. secutira Pyrrhom Pyrrha was the wis os Deucalion hingo Thessaly, in hos time the Deluge carne Pyrrha may wellbo thought to have complained of strange prodigies, which
stior of the Tusca Sen. 15. Monumenta regis i. e. the monument of Numa Pom
17. Iliae tho constructio is, dum amnis Tortus acta Iliar, nimium querenti, se fore ultorem necis Caesaris et vagus labitur ripi sinisti d Iove non probante Ilia, calle also Rhea Silvia, a the mother of Romulus. She was thrown by Amulius into tho Tiber, or ather into the Anio, ear here Mempties into tho Tibur, hicli is there fore calle heriusband, and made to aven ge he wrongs Ilia a be sal to have carnedher complaint concerning the de ath o Caesar o sar Sincethe brought suci destruction pon Rome; hicli Iupiter, asiis tui lar divinity, di not upprOVe. .
Doerin consider nimium an adjective agreem Willi ultorem nimium non ad querenti, Sed ad ultorem referendum esse putes nimius enim fuit ultor Tiberis, sive modum in ulciscendouXoris suae dolor excessit, dum tantam ruinam Romae aedificus moliobatur. his certaini appe ars very OnSiStent.