장음표시 사용
ODES. BOOK I. 261 Do Asia. Virgil ad intende to accompan Augustus in his Eastor expedition ut a provented by ill hsalth. Ho
3. Ventorum . . . pater i. e. EOlUS, WhOm Homer represenis
a cons ning the windii a bag, and Virgil a confining them
26. Nefas impioiisl This potnting was adopted by Didotio avoid the flatiles of oining vetitum illi nefas, in the Sual
27. Iapeti genus Q. e. romotheus See Class. Diet. 32. Semoti . . . gradum und the necessit of eath hesoresto anilla a distance, quichened iis tep.
In tho rs par of this do tho post oscribes the o and beaut os returning Spring He proce ud to exhor his friendSextius to et g the leasures that offer thomsolves, and accord- in to the philosophy of the Epicureans, o ominiis him of the Shorines of lisse, as a motive so enjoy in present gratifications. 5. Cytherea choros ducit Venus this refers to the east os Venus, hicli,ero celebrated by oung omen illi ances an hymns in honour of the goddess. Theyaegani the rat
of Apri at the rising of the oon, imminente lund, and continued
three night SucceSSiVely. 11. Immolare: o deopi mere the ancient hostiliens impresso with tho de of the goodnes of Some Verrulin poWer, manifested in the return of the sensons that the offere stated sacrifices in gratitude for this proos os continue care. 18. Non regii . . . talis: bou ill no choose a in of the eas by a casti the dice. This rosers to the practice of chooSin Some ne to reside ver them ut thei sensis, homthe were ali bound to Obey, and obligo xt drini ache directe d. his person, a styled ling ' and was choson by throwingilio dic0, hieli ad n thoi differsnt sidus the figures of Saturn, Iupiter, Mars, Apollo, Venus, and Diana He horarsithre a Venus preSided.
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was a distinguished generat, an Eo much steemed by Augustus, hut v ave in his daughter Iulia in marri age. Agrippa istiud his achievemenis to e celebruted by oracu, ho, hil he excuses himselffroin the mors laborious and responsibi tus of writin a sor mal poena, ingenioust pays him the mos flatierin compliment. H intimates that Agrippa' martia glor deserves the Strainso u lostier unius than his Nn that his a the lyrio muse, and fit onl sor light or tristin subjecis 'ut that Varius, gistud with tho sublimes inspirationes of the opic muse, ould Sin his praises in train Worthy f the subjeci. Most commentator have thought this de meret an eXcuseo Horrec formo dolii that hicli ho ad n disposition todo. ut tho fulnes of the ruisus estowed render this conjecture superfluous. Dis probabi oni an instance, among many of his risuli performin What he retend to declinedoing. 2. Minonii carminis aliti that bir os Homerio trains. Aliti refers tometrio, in the dative casu, sed instea of the ablativeri a neque cernitur ulli, for ab ullo Virg. En I. 440. Homer elonge Di Smyrna, a cit o Maeonia, o Lydia. 7. Duplicis crasty doubl0-dealing. This epithet is very apti appliedo Ulysses. The genitive lysse comes rommysseus, the ancient form. 8. Nec . . . domum: i. e. nor the cruel murdor committed by
the fami ly of Polops, hici hau furnishedis fruitsul a subjectfor the tragi mus of Sophocles.
L. Munatius Ρlaneus, a gentiemanis ortune and of consular
Intacta Palladis arces: G. . AthonS.
os orthius character, Horace draWA the picture of a outhwho hasi come the victimis a de eman destructive passion. 2. Sybarin . . . Perdere Why area oui astening to destroy
Sybaris, a ouili os fortune and of ingenuous character, hav-ingyiuldod to the allurements of Sensuality had ab an dono his mani exerciSes an his forme companions and was haste ningio destruetion by that fata infatuation hieli has sed moreyouilis to perdition than the wholo catalogue o other vices. 6. Lupulis the Romans had a Lind of curi, bit calludfroeni lupati, froni thei resemblance to the neve tecti of a Wolf,
10. Lividulci. o. ruised by earinthe RV Rrmour. 14. Filium . . . Thetidis Achilles Thutis, the mother of Achilles, was Warne di an oracle that iste en to the legeos Troy With the of her Grecia princes, he would e Stain there. To preven him froni oing, sh caused him tot cla in somnio attiro, and sent to the our of Lycomedus that he might passsorinum his aughters and es cape discovery Butin another oraclo ad declared that Troy could neve bo alien ithout Achilles, Ulysses a sent in quest of him, nil ad th ar todis over in by lacinia splendidis ori amon soni se male orna montes Oxhibited bes ore th daughters of Lycomedes, whichwas instantly eiged by Achilles. 16. Cullus his res i. e. uioy'StareSS.
milos froni Rome, roterit to enitven his risend. It is hi ghi coloured with our poeUs Epicurea principies, andespeciali ensore es his avolarite doctrine, that an hould nottrouble Limsul about futurity, and that ali ho has to do is to
This is a hymito Mercury, supposed to have been writton sorone of his festivales There suem to e nothin rem arti able init, Xcepi iis peculia elegance of Xpression, an iis reatsNeetnes und harmon of numbers. It is devotet to the raises O Mercury, and repentes hi tities, and exalis his Services Heis represente dis fashioning the res raco of men, and culti-vatin thoi understanding by the stud of the aris an sciencos; hil he fornis theiriodies to grac and strength by the
person, illi arrived ut theriunt of Achilles. 14. Ilio The Latins sed Ilium in the neuter geniter, and Ilios in the seminine.
the wer banished rom Ital by a forma decree. The had a se of tables formastin nativities, hicli Horace
r os, b dashing against the roelis. 6. Liques The ancients used to iitrate thoi Wine, to render ii more pure and delicate. 7. Reseces sorbear to indulge.'
This do has uen allud by ome a hymit Iupiter. The principat objeci, howe ver feems to have beon the exaltationis Augustus, hicli is mos effectuali ac comptishod, though indirectly by blendin his raisus illi hos of the od an ordoifiod hero S. Dion, Book XV says that, after the victor at Actium, in whieli Cleopatra Marti Antony, and the guptia fleet erede a ted it was decreed by the sonate, that mention o Augustus hould bo made in thoi solemn hymns, ns ei as of the immortaliods. his may account so the peculiarit of
13. Quid prilis . . . laudibus: ,hat shalid colebrate es oro the wonte pruise of Jupiter, parsnt of ali Θ'
38. Superante Poeno i. e. hen Hannibal, in Carthaginian,
41. Hunc . . . utilem his Fabricius, and Curius Dentatus, with air uncombed, a vallant arrior. Curius disduinei theresin munis of poliShed Society, a martis of effeminacy. 43. Apto . . . cum lare: Mith a ous proportione to his sarm. It was a common remark of Curius that he was a badcitigon, ho a not contente With se ven acres of land.
46. Marcelli this a probabi that Marcellus h was sive times consul, and whorarSt aught the Romans that Hannibal was not invincible. The poet' meanin is that the lor os the ancient Marcellus, a Domaein tarnished by the lapso ostime, ain ne lustre in ne of his descendantes i. e. thenephew of AuguStus in and a Myoun Shoot rom an id stocli, it rises by insensibi degreecto iis fuit strength and proportions. 47. Iulium sidus: This undoubtedi refers to the oungΜarcellus, then Scarce eventeen ear old, hos bright and Opening viriues atready reflecte glor o the Iulian family undisot a Some have SuppoSed, o Julius Caesar This oungMarcellus, it ill e re collected was the sonis Octavia, thesister of Augustus, ho had adopted him us his Successor and
omnes, Se alios Romanorum juvenes Iulium sidus juvenis Marcellus, Sideri instar virtutum suarum Splendore gentem Euam Juliam illustrans, Spes ac decus gontis Iuliae.'' 50. Tibi cur . . . regnes 'to Oia, O Iove, has the guidunco
os great Augustus been committe by the fates: Eo eign, Iheseechoou that his empiro may be secon to Ours. Thatis a expresSed in verses 57 and 8 may ou rule in heavenandae pon in earth. 55. Subjectos Orientis orae d ellinii the extremulorders of tho East.)56. Seras et Indos the Sere and Indians, the most remotenations of Asia.
Whon tho Romans, aster at thei suffering an privations
3. Portum this harbour means the peuce offered by Augus
4 2 dum remigio latus tho orce of the republican partywas greatly diminished by the os o severat of the principalluador the hadio en des ea te a Philippi Sextus Ρompeius
It is supposo that Horace adstresso this do to Maric
Antony, at tho timo hujus ensnared by the love o Cleopatra, and was meditatin an expedition vitii her against taly thath might mali ho mistres of the Roman empire, to dissuadehim froni that desperate ente1prisse. Torrentius Enys that he Sa an ancient manuscript in hic hahe ille of this de as. Ad Daeandrum Paridem An thor is litti doubi ut a parallo is here intended et eo Paris an Antonyri pacti os whom embarhed sor his o vn countror Vith a foret gn queen to the ruin os himself and thos connected withaim. 1. Pastor Paris, in consequence of his mother staream thathe wouldi thora structionis Troy and of Priam' hou Se WasSent viva a Soon nitie a born, and committexto a hepherdon mount Ida, tote brought up to that modo of life in ignorance of his parentage Aster ejus received ani stelinowledged ut colari, he was frequently calle Pastor Dardanus, tho Trojan hepherd. 2. Perfiliis Paris vas a visitor at the palae os Menelaus, at the timo e committed the reacherous and infumou violationos hospitality, hic hinninexhim this epithet.
5. Mat . . . avi: Mith inauspiciolis omen. The Romans frequently too their mens froni bird s. 7. Conjural tho Grecian princes assemblud viti, heir orcosat Aulis ivliore the bound thenaseivus by an ath O to re-
turn illi tho had destroyed the hingdomi Priam, and avenged the insuli offered to thei nation.
'21. Laertiaden: UlySSeS. 26. Non auriga piger: in spiritu driver, Who occasion
32. Non hoc . . . tuae i. o. quit different rom hat ouboastud o ou beauteolis Helen. 33. Iracunda . . . Achillei: i. e. tho quarre of Achilles With Agamemnon ill for a hilo de se tho fata cla sor Troyand tho Trojan a dies Females ars mentione d a particularly oblects of pit in the achin o a ity. Achillei fro tho old
Palinodia signi se a uocantation, o tho retracting of whathas been a1d. t Seems, our poet havin been supplante bya more Successsu competitor so the favour os Tyndaris, thedaughter o Gratidia, rote an abusive and scurrilous oderio her. He o w1shes o retraci liat he had done and to pinstate nimself in the favour o Tyndaris, o hom he was uel attached. He leads, as his excuso, the influendo of irresistibis passion an dente evertaviniindulge the Delings oxpresse din his forme Odo. 1. Matre puIchri The sormer de is sal to have esunthus: Eo matre turpi lia turpior f. s. Quem - . . Hadriano Quem cunque is dividod by musis.
5. Dindymene: i. e. Cybele, o called rom Dindymus, or Dindymis, a molintain in Phrygia consecrate Di her service and wOrShip. 11. Tremendo . . . tumultu with his troad hundorbolis 13. Fertur Prometheu . . . desectam. i. e. Prometheus, Whenon account of the fallure of his materials whicli,ere Xhaustedan malim Other animais, he was compolle torale nil in thoirstsorm d an a particie undique desectam talien from every ther animal, is suid ais to have placed iniurareast somethino os the fur of the aging Iion. There re the poet would arguo, he ma justi hope formar-don o an ac proceeding rom an infirmityi human nature. 17. Thyesten the readfui effect os passion may be earnsdsrom the tor of Thyestes Seu Class. Dici.
22. Pectoris . . . fervor: suriou anger.'25. Nunc ego . . . tristia: o sarmorace succee dod in re-gaining the favour o Tyndaris, e learn rom the ollowino ode to her.
Horace havin reinstate himself in the favo uri Tyndaris, invites herclo his country seat, here e offer her retirementan a coo retreat from the heat of dog-days. I. Lucretilem mutat Lycoeo Faunus by Hypallage sor mutus coeum Lucretili. Orace' country eat was ne a the ootof mount Lucretilis, hicli, he Says, Faunia finds o lea-sant that he osten sorsuke his Arcadian Ountain Lycaeus, an comes to visit it He consideres himself unde the protectionis that god who defendes hi goatifrom the Xtremes of the
weather. 4. Usque i. e. semper; ulWayS.'7. Olentis urores mariti: i. e. the he-gonis.
11. Ustico cubantis: of Alopin Usticae,' a hil nea Lucretilis.18. Fide eis i. e. o tho lyre of Anacreon or in the style Of
19. Dices . . . Circen Vota hali sing o Penelope and thesei Circe, both in love illi the fame mun. The meaning os vitreum is the amo in his place a caerulea, O marina, referring probabi to the transparene andae aut of glaSS, O Sen-Wnter. Circe is called by Homer the ea-coloured nymph. 22. Duces i. e. largilis bibes Ahali rinti reely. -Semeleius Thyoneus Thyoneus is a nam O Bacchus, Son of Semel intimatin that there Ouidiem quarressing ove their glasses, a there ad been ne by his rivat, hieli caused Tyndaris to dismis him. 24. Protervos rude, anton ahe S.'
Commentator are in dolabi ha Varus is ad dresso in this de But it is genurali supposed tot Quinctilius Varus, tho generat, an no the poetis Cremona, of the Same name, whos de allicis o de epi lamented by ur poet in tho tWentiethod of this book. Horace Xhoris imo plant the vine firs of all, on his ground a Tibur, here he was en gaged in planting trees. 3. Siceis 'to the temperate.'6. Quis non te potius Se laudat. 8. Centaure . . . laea this refers to a tradition that Pirithoiis hin of the Lapithae, a seopte os Thessaly, invito the Centaur io his odit in se ast and when the parties ecameheated witti, ine the Centaures insulte the wives of the Lapithae, an a quarre ensiaed in hicli the wero lain by the Lapithae.