장음표시 사용
9. Sithoniis the Sithonians vero a people o Thrace, ut here so the Thracians generally.-Non levis hostilo. The Thracians ein ver intemperate, an committin ali man-ner o crimos in their easOn of Xcess, Bacchus is aid toliave been hostile to them sor abusing his gifts. 10. Quum fas . . . avidi the construction is, Quum illi aridi libidinum discernunt fas atque nefas eriguo sne. 12. Nec variis . . . rapiam 'nor illes expos to te thy
I scem that Maecenas had intimate Dio Horace his intentionos mahin him a visit at his country-seat at Tibur, in the Sabino territory, bout twent O twenty-sive miles rom Rome. The poet intendes o give his illustrious friendis etcome tollis house, ut o prevent an disappotniment in One accustomedio the choice ines an other luxuries of the our at Rome he
mations and shouis of oy Horace ad preservo tho dato inthi Wayri an no pay a very delicate compliment to his patrona alludin to that circumstance. 5. Paterni suminis: tho Tiber ows rom Etruria, here
Diana, to e sun by a choi o tWenty-Seven Oun men, and another choir of the Eam number of Oun virgins On a nyconsecrate to the worshi of thes tutetur divinities. Theme Seem to talis the partis a priest of Apollo, an to dictatet ea ch choi What to Sing. I. Tenero . . . virgines the choi os virginiis first exhorte dio sing the ruisses of Diana. 2. Intonsum . . . Cynthium: thsen the choi os oun me is exhorte to sing the praises of Apollo. 3. Latonamque . . . ori in to Latona, the mollier os
both, supremet love by almight Jove.'5. Lo tam GEc Dianam 'delighting n.'9. Tempe to this delightful valo Apollo retire Daster heralewthe serpent Python. 11. Insignemque . . . Urd and the houlder of Apollo, grace With his quive and tho lyr received rom his rother.'Mercvry the inventor of the lyre, presented tuo Apollo. 13. Hic Apollo motus vestr prece aget bellum, &C.
In his elegant and cautisul de Horaco oscribos o his
abo ut by the in in illows, lilio ater. The wor Syrtes
7. Fabulosus the rivo Hydasposcis o called Do the fabulous reporis of it Washing gold an genis along ith iis ater. 8. Lambit sor alluit. 15. Iubae tellum Mauritania, hi h wns subjecino Juba. 17. Pigris . . . campis heirst spe alis of the frigid gone, thenos the torrid. 22. Terro domibus negatd the ancient enteriai ne the opinion, that tho torridione a uninhabitabie, o account of the
Quinctilius Varus, a distinguisbed poet o Cremona, a thointimat anil mutua friendis Horace and Virgil but perhapsenile arei tomo ne more than to the lalter H diud in thoseve hundred and wenty-ninth year o Romo Thu ualli os Varus a mos de epi selli Virgil, o hom his de is ad-dressed by way of condole nee. 2. Praecipe . . . Melpomene Melpomene, te acti me mourn-
13. Quod si . . . fidem 'but though moro Neetly than Thracian Orpheus, ou tune the lyre iste ne to by trees.'
14. Arboribus in iis dative casu, as, neque cernitur ulli: Adam's at Gram. R. xviii. ObS. 2.17. Non lenis . . . recludere not asit induce by prayersto ope noli path bach into lis again. ut recludere, h. e. xium eae Orco in vitam redituris occlusam recludere' moering.
Lucius Elius Lamia, a poetis considerablo reputation, and a Dion os Horaco, liud in the civi dissensions Oine the republicans. Astor the downsul of his party, herae came despondent, and thought the commonwealth, as Oin to ruin I seem tobo the design of this de to ais the droopin spirit o Lamia, and to divertiis thought to poetry and literature. 1. Musis amicus i. o. f themuses do ut mile on me, Ishallianish ali sua and melancholy. 3. Qui . . . ecurus holi indifferent by whom tho ingof the roge regions unde the orth pote, a b se ared, orWhat manterris Toridates.'-Teridaten to the ear of Rome 719, the arthians expelle thoi hin Phraates sor his crueity, and placo Teridates ora his throno. ut abolitive ear aster, Phraates a restore t his dominions by the assistance of tho Parthians. Teridates fled to Augustus, and carrised, illi him the so of Phraates A se years after Phraates Sent an embassy to Rome, illi an offer os restoring the Roman Eugies, whichi ad eun alien ut the deseat o Crassus, i Augustus Would restore his son and eridates to him. While his negociation a pending, his de Wa written. What cause Teridates lia forte in alarmed we an imagine. The On a reStored, but Tiridates as O given p.
vocative case rom Pimpleis Pimplacis amountain in Macedonia illi a solintain of the Same name, Sacre to themuses, Who are therei ore ometimes called Pimpleides. 10. Hunc . . . sorores him itaecomes ou and our istor Muses to consecrate to immortalit on ne harps an in Lesbia numbers. Fidibus novis, carmine novo; h. e. lyrico, quale nemo apud Romanos ante Horatium cecinit. Doering.
The occasionis this oderis notanown although it has bsonthe subjectis various conjectures. Dis a dialogue representedas havin talien place etween a marine and the hade of Archytas, a celebrate mathematicia an philosopher of Taren
1. Te mari . . . munera the construction is, Archytas, parva muner et ui pulveris cohibent te mensorem maris et terrae arenaeque carentis numero, prope Matinum littus.
wer no buri . o his, rescrene is made at the conclusiono the de , here the mari ne is sntreate to rendo this littio Service of thro ing arthispo theiody whieli, as of o much
7. Occidit Tho had of Archytas here replius to this offoci: Do noti surprised marinor that I have hare the commonio of humam tyri or Tantalus dieit thougha was admitte tothe societ of the god an Tithonus, ythagoras.' c. Archytas Seem to console himself by the refluction, that ollior somuch greator that hi infelf had submittet to tho sam necessity. 10. Panthoiden the Son o Panthous was Euphorbus, ho s lain a the Trojan wa by Menelaus Pythagoras, to eStablisti his doctrino of the transmigratio of ouis declared, amongother prooss, that he was himself at tho Trojan war, centuries besore in the person filiis Euphorbus and saysi recogniSed, in the Temple fauno, tho hi et whieli ho ore honis WasEuphorbus hic hiein talien down refro, Was ound to haveth marhs hieli ho h ad described, as on his hiet d.
D. Iudice . . . verique 'An in m opinion he was no ordinary observe of nature and of truth. 20. Proserpina: his reser to a bello among the ancients, that Proserpino attendo on person a boutuo die, an cut romthei ho ad a lock of hair, as an offering to the in serna deities and that he could no die ill his service a persormed. 25. Sic, quodcunque 'he meaniniis, fiou do this Phopo that,
Augustu Sent an nrm against tho Arabians in tho ea os Romo 29, unde AElius Gallus. The Xpedition was unsuccesssul, ori account of a Sichnes Whicli prevallud in the army. Iccius a man os retiret and literar habiis, voluntari lycioinod the expedition. Horace, With a good ea of pleas antry ridiculos Iccius o leavin the eas and quiet of philosophica pur- Suit to en Ounte the anger ani sutigues of war, hilo heSuppoSe him o meditate Some might proos of his valour. 1. Beatis ... gazis Strabo says that Augustus ad Warupon the Sabaeans, asse opte of Arabia Felix, ori account of their
prisoners illi them, he goin t War. 7. Puer quis eae auld i. e. puer regius. Horace acetioustyintimatus that Iccius Wili selec from his captive princes and princeSSe Somerio attendisponiis person. 10. Qitis neget . the meanin is, ho an dun that riversma again Scend the Stoe molintains, and that the Tiberma ruri bael to iis ountain, hen a man in ou enviable Ondition hali preser the harilships of warrio a quiet an studious
14 Panaetici anaetius as an eminent Stoic philosophoris Rhodes. Socraticam et domum i. e. the See o schoo of Socrates, Plato Xenophon, and ther academicians.
Augustus bulli a templo to Apollo ithin his palae onmolant Palatinori and when it a consecrated mos of the eminent poets of the age rote Something pon the occasion. It is sup- possed that Horace rote his de so that Solem ceremony, at the equest of the emperor. 1. Quid . . . vale What oes the poetissk of Apollo, οwhom this dana temple is dedicate I '-Vates i. e. ego poeta. Ne repent the question, ,hut dous e pra sor to givosorce to the interrogation. Because se is not abolatrio asti orthos things hieli are Suali mos destre d. 8. Mordet washus. The Liris divides Latium froni Campania. 9. Calend no Calenam. Tho est implement so the vineyard were manufacturo at Cales Seu de XVII. . note.
10. Dives . . . impunes: the constructio is, et dives mercator, carus dis ipsi3, quippe ter et quater anno impun revisens Atlanticum equor, aesiccet in aureis ululiis, reparat Syrii merce. 17. Frui parati . . . mente grant, O Soni Latona, Ppray
Juvenalis, 35 Orandum est, ut 8it mens an in corpore uno.
Horace as a love Ofileasure, and ad early imbibo thodoctrines of Epicurus, hieli favoured his propensities. ut in this dei achnowledges his error in living, as hora ad adis of SenSuality, and in neglecting the uties of uligion and the worshil of the ods. Some avo doubted his ancerity. Bothat ascit may h reje et the soli of the Epicureans, ho deny
2. Insanientis . . . erro while imbuud illi ho principissos ad philosophyri Wander froni tho way. 5. Namque Diespiter the poet ives a re ason sor disbeliev- in the picuruans latet heard Jove thundering in a serene an cloudies Sh herea thunder Sually, plerumque,
2. Pro Sen3 i. e. ready an able.
17. Sed Necessitas This oscription is ighi coloured: Stern Necessit always precedo thee bearin in heriragenhand pikes and wedges.' Tho edges Woro notu be sed in splitting, ut in ahin more compstet; and the parti SoCompreSSed, hon o wood, oro to e sucured by the longnails ohe of stone, by iron solis, ut in and fastone d withmultet lenit, liquidum plumbum. Tho uncus is no intended, a supposed by ome, or an instrument of punishment.
22. Ne comitem abnegat ' C. e.
33. Cicatricum . . . fratrum m. q. may ei ashamsed of the eviis e have broughtin ursolves by the civit Wars, and dreada repetition of thQm.
Plotius Numida ad been three ears illi Au ustus en-gage uas War in Spain. On his return he was received illi demonstrations of o and thanksgivin by his fri0nd Horaces Who, on tu happy occasion, assemblo the friend of totius' an amon them Elius Lamia, a School-sello os latius, and duarly belove by him. his celebration us attended illi
2. Placare propitiato.' his ord ma with proprietube sed although Plotius ad returne in asset since his
13. Damalis this as amoman Plight character, notorious
Saliaribus . . dapibus : The east of tho Salii oro os homost splendi and costi Lind. The poetaero probabl means to a that Vis pr0per o prepare a lectisternium; hich was u
tarchisays, he provolied the as by richin it, that it might stilichor illi greater fury. 30 Smvis Liburaim: i. e. his high-sp1nte Woma disdam- in sorsooth to e carrie to Rome a a private person in the Liburnian gallius to gracem haught triumph. The Liburnian gallies ere very Wis Vesseis formerly used by the Liburnian pirates. The were of great service to Augustus in the batile of Actium, and with them e pursued Cleopatrario Alexandria.