장음표시 사용
10. Sacramentum an allusion to themath aheni soldiers, who wear noto desert thei standarii So orace SayS, he had Korii noto be separated even by death, rom his friend. 13. Chimaei ceu the Chimaera as a fabulous monster, having
the fore paris of aclion, he hinde paris os atragon, an beinglili a goat in themiddie. 15. Sie i. e. that we hould bo nited in iis an in death.
17. Seu Linra . . . undo th construction is, Seu Libra seu somni losus ScorpiuS, pars violentior natalis horae, aspicit me, seu Capricornu tyrannus Hesperio undae. Libra a ConSider-ed a fortunate sign, o constellation to e bor unde ; ut the Scorpion and Capricorn were inauspicious. Pars violentior natalis horoe the most angerous signis our nativity.'-Aspicit me shines pon meri l. e. hed iis influence reserring tolli horoscopo, here reserene is had to the Sign, o the partof the sign, hicli appears bove the horigo a the moment of hirth. 23. Refulgens this is a term in astrology, hicli signifies shining in direct opposition Saturn was Suid o have a bane- fui influunc on the fortunes of thos bor unde his Star. 25. Quum populus: his refers to the time hen the eopte applauded Maecenas at the theatre On his sirst appearunce astera dangorous liness. . e Boo I. de XVII. . note. 30. Victimas victima properi means a sacrifice fine fine large animais, sueti a bulls an hostia, os ne of the Amalter ind, Auchos Elioepi lambs. The disserunce of thosacrifices of the patron and the poet may theresore, have reser- Once to thei different an and means.
constitute u par of the Xtravagance hicli the Oet censureS. 4. Ultim recisas 'frica i. e. ad os urbi of the ostcosti and exquisite hirid: factus e marmore in remotiore A ricae parte eaeciso, h. e. Numidico, subnigro et variis maculis distincto.'Doering.
5. Attuli Attalus as in o Pergamus, an havin nolegat heir, o made the Roman eopte et to his immense POSSESSionS. ne AriStonicus, however, cluimin tot of the Ial lineage, took possession of the throne an hingdom i
7. Nec Laconicas . . . clientne nor dociae e unde me Ia-
dies of nobi birili to spin the purpis of Sparta.' Di faid that the prou und wealthy patrons compelle thei semul clients of the higher orde to mulie their robes for them. The purplesrom Sparta, illi, hiel the dyed their OOl, was considerentho bus in us among the Roman S. 9. Fides i. e. animi integritas. 12. Potentem amicum Sc Maecenas, hi patron. 14. Unicis Sabinis et c. agris: Mithi Sabine armatone.' 17. Tu secanda . . . loca . bet Ou engage Orlimen to cut
20. arisque . . . littora and o are urgent to pusti theshorus further out into the se a Baiae. Baiis obstrepentis, i. e. rostringi dashing against Bais G hicli as a place of muchreSOrt, On account of iis leas antne Ss, the variet of it Springs,
V . . . coercet: ae restrain beyon the Styx proud Tantalus and ali his race. Pelops, Atreus, Agamemnon, and reStes ero the descendant Os Tantalus. 38. Hi . . . audit: te is ready. - Vocatus atque non Ocatus i. e. Whether involied O not, the messenge of eath is ready to conduci the oor manu a placem rest, hen his totis and suffering are Ver.
Bacchus nil ille poet Seem to have aught the enthUSiaSm anxio have bucome an actor in the eoneae describeS. 1. Carmina . . . docentem i. e. te achin his ors hippers ho to celebrate his mysteries This, asione in Secret retire ment, in remotis rupibus.
O prieStesses of Bacchus.12. Ilerare: i. e. iterum iterumque laudare. Oer Bacchus wa Supposedo produce, an cause an abundance of wine,
milli, and honey. 13. Fas et a nyi it lawsul sor mori sing.-Conjugis i. e. Ariadne She was sui to e translato by Bacchus to thoheavens, an presented illi a Starr crown calle Gnossia
14. Penthei: entheus was a Ling of Thebes, who, sor Elight- in the rite o Bacchus, a torii piecesi hi own mollier,
16 Lycurgi Lycurgus in o Thraco, finding 1 subjecis to much ad dicted to ine, ordoro at the vines in his hingdom tote oote disp. O this offence Bacchus caused hinario go ni Mandri cui Osrhis own seel. 17. Mare barbarum: i. e. Indicum. Baechus as sal toliave extende his conquest to the Indus and the Ganges. 20. Bistonidum the Bistonides ere the Thracian omen,
23. Leonis Bacchus is suid o have trans Ormed himself into lion, an unde this forma have ought the gianis, and hillud
i. e. par man an partis an Ninoe formoe, tam hominis, quam cycni concesso Sunt' moer. 5. Non ego . . . obibo PShali not although the ompring of humbi paronis, Pshalliso die, homo ou, o Maecenas, callholovod. This is the common reading, and the Sual rendering of the passage. ut there Seem to e some violence inseparatin dilecte Moecenas. Doering With Some thers, potntit thus non ego, quem voca8, Dilecte Maecenas, obibo: and gives his eXplanation non ego, ut homo vulgari8, qualem tu me nunc appellas, dilecte Moecena3, et qualis tibi esse ideo
mans in cherishing a Jove os learning. 20. Discet: i. o. cantibus meis attentas aures proebebit.' Doer
These distant und different nations the poet Eays, hali earn his fame and ea his ritingS.
nos does no depend On Xterna circumstances. an undfortune howeVer great thei Splendour, cannot silenc the Volceos conscience Hemni is the trul happy man who lives contonio with his tot, ithout belli a laveri an paSSion, Orsuffering an reproo hom illiin. 1. Odi profanum vulgus despis the pro ne rabbie. By profane,', may understand the uninitiated Forte representes himself here a the prius of the Musos, an a abolatrio dictate a sacre son to the boys and giris, ho composed a choi forthe occasion, a in the Carmen Soeculare, and as in the hymito
ODES. BOOK III. 295 Apollo and Diana Booli I. Odo XVIII. Hs couldio bearetho
4. Virginibus puerisque these composed the choir. 5. Greges: inges are considere Shepherds, and the eo-plo thoi floclis Dacier. 7. Clari . . . triumpho illustrious fro his conques of thegiantS. 9. Est ut i e contingit ut 'it happens that. 11. Campum the electior of the chies magistrates of Romuwas held in the Campus Martius. Petitor: candidate.
14. Necessitas: Se mortis. 17. Districtu . . . saporem the constructio is, Siculo dapes
non elaborabunt dulcem saporem ei, cui super impi cervice districtus ensis pendet This probabi reser to the tor of Damocles, relate da Cicero. Se Tusc. Quest Book V. 21;or Class. Dict.27. Arcturi cadentis Arcturus is a constellation ea the Gruat Benr. 28. Hoedi sor Hoedorum. Theso aro No star in tho est armis Erichthonius. The rising of the medi, and the Setting of Arcturus ere usuali attended with violent stortiis. 30 Mendax that has dis appotnted his eXpectations. 34. Iactis in altum molibus by the pluributit out into ilis Sen.'-Huc frequens . . . fastidiosus: lither the underialier, with a crow of workmen, letidown the tones, hile the fastidious wne look on. Doering mahes his comment; frequens cum famulis, pro cum frequente famulorum operariorum tur bd per coementa dicta quasi pro coedimenta a caedendo, tramenta pro adimenta a radendo intellige lapides caesos, Sed
44. Achoementumve costum: Persi an intinent. The costuS, Or OStum, RS an Xpensive unguent of delightfut dour. It is calle Achoemenium, from Achaemenes, hingis Persia.
In a much a tho Romans had relaxod the stricinos of their discipline, an falle into luxur an vice, the poet Xhoris them l commene a reforma educatin thei childre disser-ontly He intimates that thuyrahould earlyae inure testabour an privation that by enduring the ardships of warfare theyma prige thetlessing of peuce an frugality. 1. Amice cheerfully. B early habit tho may be made tolivo frugali without steliniit tot an privation. 5. Sub divo i. e. in the fiet and in the camp.
7. Matronu bellantis tyranni: i. o. rom the walis os a cityinveste by the Romans, et the wis of Some barbaria tyrantiook out anil se thu dange in Whichie lor is, and dread the
bach par of the lugs, and the aclis of those ho have turnediti sight.17 Repulsae nescia sordida that has ne ver Xperience adishonourable repulse. This has reserene to election to civil
cesso addidit integrum : has involve the innocent in the fame punishment With the guilly.
This de commences illi an en omium on justice and con-8tancy an Ahows that an mortuis have by these VirtueS, gaine admission to the assemhly of th gods. ut iis main Object was to discourago the lan of mahing roy instea os Rome the eat of the empire, hicli Augustus a SuppoSed tot meditating. A designis this sort was onerali bellevedio have been sormed by Julius Caesar a hori time e re his aSSRSSination an Augustus seeme disposed to carry ut thepr ect of his prodecessor. To dissuade Augustus Dona meaSure S Unpopular the poet represent Iuno, in a fuit assem bl of the ods, declaring that the Romans may continue to
1. Iustum ac . . . manuS: the constructio is, Non ardor civium jubentium prava, n0n vultus instantis tyranni, neque Auster, turbidus duae inquieti Hadrior, nec magna manus fulminantis Iovis quatit virum justum ac tenacem propositi a solidὰ mente. 9.id arte Q. e. by this firmnes O purpose. Vagus this epithetias reseretice to the wandering of Hercules ver theearth, to accomplisti the labour an harilships imposed ultima EurystheuS. 11. Quos inter i. e. amon those, ho by thei perseverance limo uino admittance to the aSSembly of the OdS, e must
13. Merentem 'deservin this honour ' i. e. os bein carried
17. Gratum eloquutd . . . divis aster Iuno ad spoliem at was leusing to tho god in coiincit; to this effect 18. Ilion . . . fraudulento the construction is, Eae quo tempore Laomedon destituit deos mercede pacto fatalis incestusque judeae, et peregrina mulier vertit in pulverem Ilion, Ilion dum natum mihi castoeque Minerva cum populo et fraudulento duce. 19. Fatalis i. e. ordaine byriate to e tho destructionis his country.-Judeae: he was the judg that awarde the golden applerio Venus, hichis incense Iuno. 21. Destituit . . . paetd defraude the od of the payment promise d. The suble here allude to states that Laomedon engηge Neptune and Apollo to assis him in bulldin thowalis os Troy, and that he sterward defraude them of theroward he had agreexto give them. Some explain this by say- in that Laomedon borrowed the consecrate gold an silverseo the temples of these odes, an neglecte to repa it. Laomedon Nas the sonis lus hin os Troy. 22. Mihi . . . fraudulento given ver sor punishment, O-gether illi it peopte an perfidicus hing, o mo and thocliaste Minerva. Damnatus as a term of tho Roman laWwhiel adjudged an insolvunt obtor to his croditor in hichsenserit is here sed to expres the condemnatio of the Trojans to the reseniment of Juno and Minerva. Macier. 25. vec jam . . . hospes i. e. the infumous aris no longorglitters usor th licentiolis Helon. Helena haud amplius cultum Paridis et formam miratur. Mitseli. 28. Hectoreis opinus b Hector' valour.'
31. Invisum nepotem i. e. Romulus, ho a Considere Lasthe soni Mars, and consequently the grandSon O JUno, Washalesul to her on account of his descent froni Venus by Anchises, theriather of AEneas. 33. Marti redonabo : i. e. donabo et concedam Marti, h. e. ab
ird et odio invisi mihi nepotis in Martis gratiam absistam. moer.
43. Triumphalis that have been anquishodi her.
45. Horrenda: Ac Roma; an object of terror.'46. Medius liquor: the intervening sea, the Mediterranean.' 49. Aurum . . . deaetro: Ome, I say, more powersu sor
70. Quo, Musa tendis the poeti hecks himself, ascis he hadrashly been hurrie into matters to high so the lyric muse.
Astur the civit,ars ere onded Augustus turne his attention to the aris of peace. He particulari cheri Ahed learning and earn ed meri. In this demorace than ks the Musos for theiavour the had besto exonaim, and speciali so the friend- Shi and protectioni Augustus, hicli e scribes entiret tothei incluserico He intimates that a love of poeir und elegant litorature ad inspire his patron illi nobier sentiment and se eling tha thos of revenge and part Strise. 2. Regina: i. e. o Calliope, regina Musarum, descende coelo, age dic longum melos inici Calliope is here called queeno the Muses, e cause Ahe was thei eides sister, henee heparticulari preside Move heroi poetry, and was attendant Onhings anadon. 5. Auditis ' do ouasar h0 3 The poetissem atready to imagine his prayer granted, and that Calliopu had descendedfrom heaven an Masks thos abo uti inici tho hearier.
9. Me the construction is fabulosce palumbes terere suci fronde me puerum, Le. Vulture Vultur, o VulturnuS, a u
15. Saltusque Bantinos Bantia as a town surrounde bysoresis. his ani Forentum ere both siluate ne a the or-der of Apulia and Lucania. 18. Premerer i. e. tegerer, defensarer. 21. Vester Camoeno Pam under Our protection, o Muses. 22. Tollor i. e. ascendo his country-seat was u in the Sabine territory. Frigidum, iecause placed on the opis, hili. 24. Liquidae . . . falce liquido reser to tho character of the water a Baiae, hieli caused that to e a place of frequunt
26. Philippis . . . etro the de Dat os ou arm atthilippi. It willa recollectu that Horace a at the batile o Philippi, and ostiis hiul theremo very much to his credit. Sese Book
II. Od V. 10. note. 28 Palinurus this is a promontor on the coastis Lucania, s callud rom Palinurus, the pilotis Eneas. Dis extremolydangerous to mariners, On account of it latent ocks, and hadnearly proved fatal to Horace. 29. Utcunque i. e. quandocunque dum.' Doer. 33. Hospitibus feros it is suid that the anciunt Britanni usedio sacrifice traPge PS. 34. Concanum de hoc barbaro more, quo Concani, Cantabriae in Hispani Tarraconensi populus, sanguinis equini potu delectati esse dicuntur, nihil quidem aliunde con3lat.' DOer. 36. Scythicum . . . amnem Q. e. the annis. 41. Vos . . . almo i. e. Ou, O divine Muses, inspire Caesar with mil eo unsuis, an delight to se him purSue the ourSere commended.
42. Scimus ut Se Iupiter. 49. Magnum illa . . . brachiis: th construetion is, Ilia hor πι- da jurentus dens brachiis inlauerat magnum timorem Iovi. that dro adsul and of outh, rustin to thei potversu armS,' c. 51. Fratresque i. e. itfines. 53. Sed quid Typhoeus . . . ruentes i. e. What cati Typhoeu and the mostro Neri ut os lanis do against Minerva. 58. Hinc on the idem Jupiter. 59. Hinc on the id of Iupiter. Et se Apollo. 65. Vis consili expers fore void of re ason.' 66. Provehunt in majus inerense. 71. Orion this a S a celebrate diu ter, ho, in attemptingtomiser violene to Diana, as Sinin by an arro fromae bow.73. Injecta . . . utS the earth, thro Nn pon her Wn monstrou productionS grieves. The giant that nitemptexto senio heaven ere the Son o Earth, o Terra. The Ountains, whicli the pilud up were throwmupon th EmSelVES. 78. Ales the vulturo that proyedipon the bo eis of Tityus.79. Amatorem . . . Piritho sim : Pirithoiis sescendod illi
Theseus to tho in forna region to bring way Proserpine; ut Pluto belli apprige of it, ut him in chains.
This odoras emit have been writton in honour of Aus ustus It et forti his achievement an representchim a the guar dianaod of the Roman people. 1. Coelo . . . regnare: , have been accustomo duo bellexo that Jovo sigiis in heaven romae arin himaliunde there.'ὶ Proesens divus: in od pon arth. i. e. o Augustus by hi conquest undiis Services to his country shallis halled asa visibi divinity. Presens has his signification, and no propitius,favens, a Somea RV SUppOSE d. 4. Persis Itis suid that Phraates, hing of tho Parthians, after hein restoredo his throne, as Eo alarmed meret at the repor that Augustus as bout o mahe warmponaim, that he voluntarily sent an embassyrio him and offeret to restore lita
militur standard that ad been lost severat ear bosor at the essent of Crassus. The Parthians are here meant by Persis Augustus id not in realit sub duo ither tho Briton or Parthians, ut the copio submitte to th authorit Os hisname See Book Ι. de XXI. . note . 5. Milesne . . . virile i. e. Miles Crassi, a Parthis ignominioso clade assecti, potuitne captivus cum conjuge alienigensi rere δ' da och.
as the distinguishin mari os a Roman. 13. Reguli Regulus, bo in talion captive by the Carthagini
by the most cruel Ortur S. 15. Et eaeemplo . . . sevum and rom an Xample ringinginis eliis to the coming nge.' 17. Immiserabilis pro immiserata: i. e. si redimeretur.'
23. Et arva . . . nostro and Psa wrili solds, hicli, hadlaid waste by war, no v cultiva ted. Regulus ad conquere dili Carthaginians and laid ast thoi territor ulmos to the walts of thei city bosor the humesia des at whiel the indo- lorice of his soldior brought upon him. 38. Pacem duello miscuit 'ho cons und pene With war, by