장음표시 사용
In the introduction to tho third do of this book it is mentioned that Augustus had destred Horaco to rite in honor orthe conquest achivved by Drusus an Tiberius. In that odothe pruises of Drusus are chies celebrate&; in his, hos of Tiburius But the eginnin is employed in ascribin the Succes of the w brother to the wis dom an prudence of Augustus inste ad os comin at ne to the eulogium of tho immediate agenis. 7. Quem . . . posses Whom the Vindelici hitherio fres romine Roman laws have latet seli, and learned What ou an do
13 Plus vice simplici 'more than onoe.'14. Major Neronum Tiberius.16. Auspiciis . . . secundis: Se Augusti. 17. Spectandus 'distinguished ' o deservin admiration. 21. Pleiadum horo: the choir of the leiades thenare Eeven in number P and lience frequently called the Seven es s. 25. Tauriformis branching, lihe tho horn o aluit insor under hicli the od of rivers ere frequently repre
36. Vacuam Antony an Cleopatra est Alexandria a theapproach of AuguStuS.
45. Ter c. audit h. e. tibi dicto udiens est, tibi paret V
dee Deling of gratitude, as ei as u stron personalattachment to Augustus, breulis ut an Shows itself O almost everyme RSion, Wheremur poet can with propriet indulge in his sevourite theme. e devotes his hole oderio the raises os his glorious reig an princet Virtues. The immediate occasio of the de a probabinthe closin of the gales of the temple of JanUS. 2. Increpuit lyra: his expression has been Vari usi explain- ex butiose ring' interpretatio Seem toto the Ost naturaland the mos classicat. 2 oin Ur with loqui thus, Mevolentem lyr loqui canere proelia et victas urbes Phoebus increpuit graviter admonuit), ne darem parva vela per Tyrrhenum
6. Et signa the militar standariis, restored by Phraates to AuguStus, Were carried to the Capitol, i. e. the temple of Iupiter Capitolinus See Book Ι. de XXI. 3. note . 9. Ianum Quirini the templum Ianus as uiti by Romulus; enc Horae calis it Ianum Quirini, o Romulus Janus. The gales of this temple ere alway open, eXcept in time fpeace. The had eun only twice hut bosore the rei gn os Augustus, and three times during that period. his a thethird timo. Ordinem thum et injeci frum licentis evreganti
EPODES. 32329. Virtute functus . . . duces generat distinguished orthoi valour. 32. Progeniem Veneris Augustus.
A ther hau boen various conjectures respecting the mean- in and derivation of the titio of this Book it ma be et sortii reade to perus the solio in re mark of Doering po the subjeci. me inscriptione hujus libri Epidon, sive ab Horatio, Sive a Grammatico aliquo, prosecta, unde illa petita fuerit, et quo SenSu accipienda sit, non amplius ambigi potest. Scilicet Iamborum inventor, Archilochus ejusmodi quoque Iamborum genus invenisse dicitur, quo μωλυι appellaret, quia in illis, ut Diomede ait, versuum partes h. e. versus breviores legitimis
et integris versibus ἐπίδειν. h. e. accinuntur, Vel ut HephaeStiondocet, ταν μεγάλα στιχω περισσον τι ἐπιφέρηται. Jam Vero cum ipse
Horatius Archilochi se imitatorem profiteatur, hic liber Epo-d0n ejus juvenilia inprimis et maledicentiora carmina contineat. It is heresore a nam adopted rom Archilochus.
This epode was writtemon the eve of the great Engagementie- twee Augustu on one Side, undanton with Cleopatra'. reos and fleetin the ther Maecenas had refusexto have Horaco accompan him on this eXpedition, as he had been accustomedio do on simila Occasions. The post seel evidently uri by the refusal He expresses his anxiet und deep Concern. 1. Ibis . . . propugnacula bou ill then venture, o my friendMaecenas, with light Liburni an gallies, amidst the lost bulwarks of Antony's hips. The fleet of Augustus a composed in agreat mensure, of these light gallies. Se BookΙ. do XXXI.
9. Hunc laborem i. e. the ange of this campaign. 21. Ut adsit although sho ors illi them.' e findistuso in this a sor licet by the writer also. 25. Ut juvencis . . . meis: by Hypallage, foris plures juvenci illigati meis aratris nitantur. 27 Calabris . . . Lucana mutet . t Hypallage, o Calabra
Lucanis Lucania Wa cooler than Calabria, and Suited o sum
29. Nec ut . . . moenias i. e. O that m Sabine villa, uillos,hite arbie ma extendo the walis o Tusculum, farabove it Tusculum albuit by Telegonus, the sonis Circentience Circina moenia. It a more than went miles rom
33. Avarus . . . premam. may bur in the arth, lilio avariclous oli Chremes. This is a character in a play o Te
This epodo is a satire pon avarice. The poet introduces Alfius, amovetous id usurer, who a satisfie of the necessi tyo renouncin his modo of life and who had resolve disii re-tiring Do the city, as recolantin theatessing and the charmes of a coianir liso Aster he has calle in ali his money, and by way of solitoquy gon throughwith the inimitable descriptionis rura solicit containe in his poem, his ulin passion comes ove hi to Atrongi to e resisted, and he again et his
money ut on interest. 4. Foenore mone transactions. Foenus Suali signifestae interest of money, whicli, by the law of the welve abies,
roots. dicis here sed rather a an expletive Ord. 28. Quod ,hicli combinatio of Ounds.' 31. Mulici cane Q. e. illi a numerous ach of houndsp asinulto milite. 33. Amite: i. e. sole nround whiel the et were astened. 35. Advenam: i. e. v visiter, migratin in the inter to the warm climate of taly. 41. Perusta polibus 'sun-burni Τ
59. Terminalibus the festiva of the go Terminus, o theboundar stone, hich Was conSidere a Sacred. 65. Positosque verna i. e. vernas positos circum renidentes
Lares These flaves indicate the wealth of the wner. 67. Foenerator Alsus here the old usurer' solitoqu con
70. Kalendis 4 cannot resist the temptation, an seolis an opportunit of loaning his money on therars of the monili.
Horace, hon Suppin With Maecenas, ad eaten artic, whieli ad hi sicli He complain bitteri against articin his oden and says, tot made to ea it is sussicient punish
In this opod the poet inveigh vehementi against Some person who, rom the conditio of a lave, ad ecome a militarytribune and Wa mali in an offensive display of his salth and digni ty, to the annoyance of the more reputabie par of the community It is commoni Supposed to e ad dresse tomenas, a freedman os neus Pompey, and in moest manuscript it is inscribe d to him. 1. Lupi . . . 0mpede e the construetion is, Quanta discordia sortit obligit lupis et agnis, tanta est mihi tecum, o Mena, pertisse quod ad latus funibus Ibericis et quod ad crura dur compede.-Sortito naturally.Τ3. Peruste marrodis hardened. Menas had been a pirate hos oro e serve Pompey, and ad been Ecqurged, and iu
19. Et uncta . . . frigis c the OnStructio is, Et ova nocturnoe strigis tincta sanguine turpis anet, plumamque nocturnae trigis.
24. Flammis aduri Colchicis i. e. to e burne Dor concocted With magical fres, suci a Medea used a Colchis. 25. Sagana Sagana Veia, ni Folia ere Orcere SSes attendant on Canidia. Empedita Mith hur gown tucked p.'that sh might be nincumbere d. 26. Avernales 'from alie Avernus. 32. Quis . . . spectaculo here the oy havin his Ody
43. Neapolis Naples, froni riches and advantagesis climato,
63. Ulla pellicem . se Glaucent se Epode III. 13. note. 68. Fefellit me has escapedi notio Q.)69. Indormit . . . pellicum he fleeps o thu'ed os ali myrivals perfumed witti rugs that inspire oblivion.'71. Solutus se Varus Varus, the objectis her enchant-menis, is quit 1 re froni thei effecis by the influence of sonae
73. Non usitatis . . . caput, havin been itherio P suc-
in Wolf appe ars orcis there is nee d of his at d. t is frequently publishod with this inscription In Cassium Severum But it is probabis that nutilior his, nor the ΙVthapode against Menas, was inscribsed by Horaco himself with the realisame.
10. Projectum et intimatin that he was eastly bribe to k0epsileneo. 13. Qualis . .. gener i. e. Suchos as Archilochus, hen
This epodo as ad dressu to tho Roman uopte ut the timowhen the civit,a was abolitrio reali ut etween Augustus an Antony Aster the deseat o Lepidus, an ille destili of
Previous to the genera enga gement at Actium, thereiadbeen severat partialisngagement be tween the orces of Augustus and Antony, in hicli fortune avolare the Ormer. Horace, theres ore, ori earing of that great batile, hichae Xpoctodwould prouo dccisive ad dressed this epode toti patron Maecenas, then at the cone friction, in anticipation of the glorious
resulti prodieiud to his friund. I. Ad festas dapes i. e. at a joysul festiva on the occasionos Caesar' Victory. 6. me tho lyro.'-IEis the lutes.)-Barbarum . h. e. Phrygium armen.
7. Neptunius duae SeXtus Pompey, ither On account of SOme nava Succe S of his Kn or e cause his athor ad ad thu command of the ea called himself the Sonis Neptune. 9. Quo Se vinculu. Pompe received ali the laves that would entur his service Pand the desertion a Soarent throno hali Italy that prayers and sacrifices,ere made in the temples to
thous and auis crying ut illi indignation, turnod their horsos and wsent vero Caesar. The Se were probabi the Gallo- Grecians, unde Diotarus an Amyntas, ho deserte Antonyand oinu Augustus justius ore this batile. The se con syllabi in verterunt is hortene di Systole. 20. Sinistorsum heia ooking ut to ea from th harbouros Aetium, Italycis ora the right, an AleXandria, to hichaeloopatra fled, is o the est.
Domitio Iugurthine ar a generat equat olim. i. e. Marius froni th conquesti Iugurtha id nodireturn Soareat anil glorious as Augia StUS. 25. Neque Africano . c. a bello.-Cui Se Scipioni. 26. Sepulcrum 'monument.)27. Punico . . . sagum Hypallage, o mutarit Punicum