Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera : accedunt clavis metrica et notæ anglicæ juventuti accommodatæ

발행: 1828년

분량: 396페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


11. Sublimi rogantem: chastis e illi ne martilowthe arrogant Chloe.

7. Ego cui . . . ab ortu the construction is, Providus auspeae prece suscitabo illi, cui ego timebo, oscinem corvum ab ortu solis, antequam avis divina imminentum imbrium repetat stantes a ludes.-Divina: knowin buforet,and. Bird Whicli gavo omens by thei singin were calle oscines thos that avethemanthei fliglit,ure callest pro petes, o aliles. When thecro Or uve repatred to tho margin os a Iahe to ath itscis in the water, thi Was thought to forebode a Stor Pand the voice of this bird, hen eard rom the east, a conSidere a good




In this ode Horaco mahes nown to Lyde his intention topas the da os Neptune' feast ut her Ouseri Way from thunois and usu of the celebration He exhortes herno relaxher sobriet a litus, and o bring orti, he old wino. 3. Strenua Graece pro strenue, promptiy. AS he writes, he imagines himself already at heriouse, an urge herito ut of her gravit undarin forti her choice ine. 8. Cessantem : Matting, sor a call. 12. Cynthioe Diana.

13. Summo carmine: c. cantabimus Venerem.


This de Wa addresse to Maecenas, henae a praesecto Rome, and the whole eight and responsibilit of the gov-ernment rested On him. Horace intre ais hirn to lay aside public cares forin hortatime, and to atten a frugat entertainmentat his Sabine villa. 1. Tyrrhena pro Tyrrhenorum. 2. v n ante verso aso et u roached. The ancient placediheir ars, o castis, upright and potare the wine uti turning them partiali down inste ad os drawiniit out as e do. 4. Balanus u choice unguent so the hair, eXpressed Domin Lindis fruit commoni calle myrobalanum.

whicli Horace culis molem, Maecenas could se the three cities besore mentioned. 13. Vices variety changes.)16. Uplicuere have moothed. 17. Iam claru . . . ignem: i. e. oK the right constellation Cepheus hows his fier starchitherio concente d. Cepheus, thei ather of Andromeda gave his nam to a constellation nest thetat of the litile bear. his constellation rises about the th fJuly. t was there re ver hol When this invitation a givento Maecenas.

18. Procyonu a constellationis callud from it rising jus be-

fore the dog-star, Canicula.-Furit i. e. oevit Stu. 26. Curas, i. e. tu curas quis status deceat civitatem. It wasenoughrior Maecenas to look to the anagement of the flairsos Rome, at that time containing about three militonsi inhabi-


tanc Q.


Other distinguisliud poets an orators, e re Horace, ad spolier of the fame of their Nn writing and although at thepresent da it ould hardi comport with ouesideas of delicacyor propriet to domo, et it was ver disserent With tho Romans. An action, hichrismo in iiset criminal depend sor it propriety, or impropriety, O the common Sage an Sentiment of the place and the age. Among the Romans it was usua sormen os genius to eXpres thei opinion On theiriwn laim todistinction an candidates for me didiso hesitate to comesorsari and solicit the suffrao es of thei fesso citigens. 1. regi: i. e. reaei in altum eduli. V Mitsch. 2. Situ structure. 3. Impotens violent, ,hich cannotae controite d.' 8. Recens 'sourishing.

9. Virgine vestat virgin, whoso ut it Was to attend theehios pries in religious Silenes, hon he en in Solem prOecssion to the Capitolao offer sacrifice. 12. Regnavit populorum: by a Greeli diOm Se Lut Gram. R. XVI. Obs. 1.13. Princeps therarst,' ho introduce the Eolian mea- Eures of Sappho an Alcaeus.

AUGusTusa ad been in Gaul, horo he had put a sto to the progress of the Sicambri, and confirmed the conquest of Tibe-


rius and Drusus ovo the Rhaeti and Vindelici. His roturn was expected withiuch impatience ut Rome, here a magnificent triumph wa preparinisor him. n his occasio Antonius Julius, then praetor of the ity, requeste Horace to rite a Pindaricide in honour of Augustus. Our poet consesses himselfin-oquat to the asti, an telis Antonius that he can muchieuerperi risit himself Whil a the fame time, as his commentators Say, he surpasse even Pindar. 3. Daturus nomina it ill e recollectu that Icarus, theson o Daedalus, is suid o have ive a nam to the curian Soa by hein droKned in it He e to high, and the sunmultu the wax ith Whicli his ings ere constructed an hesel into that par of the Archipelago hichie archis ame.

7. Profundo . . . ore: i. e. ith dee an majestic eloquence. 10. Nova . . . verba: although writers of dithyrambic postrywere noluestrat ned by the ordinar laws O number and mea-

Words.' ut the made ne combinations an nova verba probabi mean compound Words, notis USed hesore. 13. Rege8ve . . . Sanguinem: i celebrate thos princet heroes; i. e. Theseus, irithous, Bellerophon, an Others. See Class. Diet. 17. Ela . . . palmae i. e. the crown o at the olympicgame utilis.

19. Centum . . . munere: i. e. Carmine Centum Statui praeserendo.'' DOer. 22. Vires animumque moresque bOdit Strength, colirage, an mora virtveS. 25. Multa . . . tractus: , he neve Pindar rises to the onyrogions of the cloudS, a Strong and even re ege Supporis that Dircaean wan. Dirce is a fountain in Boeotia, ne a Thebes, Rhoretindar a b Orn. 33. Concines i. e. tu poeia, O Antoni, canes. 35. Per sacrum clivum: his alludes to the manne in hicha victoriou generat in a triumph led the captive princes in huprocession to the Capitol, hi ch, as situ a te onis hill. 49. Tuque The tu must not e referre t sol, nor totriumphe, RS O me haVe Supposed hiatu Antonius, a the wholedrist of the sentenc implies. Formilio murrie the emperor sniece ho ould of course bo ne artis charios in tho procession. 52. Dicemus: Se nos, ego et omnis civitas. Q ill ostenshoiit, o triumphe This a tho usual Xclamation on Such

M. Te this also, os courso, rosers to Antonius, ho be in ofhigh anli, mustisse a sacrifice os correspondin magnificence, whil a tristing one ould sum eo tho umbi bard. 57. Curvatos . . . ignes ci. e. resembling thera right crescent of the oon hen three day old.


3. Labor Isthmius: the Isthmian gameS.'10. Sed . . . nobilem: the constructio is, Sed aquae quin proe- suunt fertile Tibur, et spessae comae nemorum sngent nobilem. Eolio carmine.

14. Soboles: the youth of Rome the queen os cities, se fit toplaco me illi the choirs of lyrio poets.' 18. O Pieri Mus Melpomene.' Pieri is the vocative Domiteris, idia.

Augustus ad ostre Horace to rite tW Odes Onemponthe Secula games and the ther Upon the conquest o Drusus an Tiberius in Pannonia The poet commences this dewith the raises of Drusus, as it was his firs campnign, an ashe was more holoved by Augustus than Tiberius. In tho XUIthode of this book o continues the subjeci principali in pratseos Tiberius.

1. Qualem . . . Vindelici the orderi constructio is, Qualem olim juventas et patrius vigor propulit nido, inscium laborum, alitem ministrum ut minis, cui Iupiter, eae deorum, permisit regnum in vaga aves, eaepertus eum fidelem in rapiendo Ganymede sano, vernique venti, nimbis jam remotis, docuere paventem insolitos nisus; moae, sec. . . . talem Vindelici videre Drusum geren-lem bella sub Rhoetis Alpibus. litem: the agle.' Ministrum fulminis the thunder-bearer.)6. Laborum . . inscium unused to)ying.'14. Ab ubere jam lacte depulsum i. e. ab ubere matris, adeo que jam lacte, quo adhuc nutritus fuerat, depulsum.

18. Quibus se Vindelicis). . . distuli it is matteris dolabit commentatorcho thes four versus came ore. Al admitthem to e n orth of ille poet, undirought in ithout apparent reuson. Some suppos it ma have been a commonquestion, hen tali in os the conquest o Drusus, hom hence


316 NOTES.

writte in ridicule of somo thur poet who ad attemptesto celebrate the fame conquesta, and Sed Some Euch language. 24. Consiliis . . . revicto anquished by the wisdom of thisyouthful prince. 28. In pueros . . . Nerones Tiberius and Drusus ere tho Eons of Tiberius Nero by Livia. Whon Augustus marrie theirmother Livia, he adopto Tiborius and Drusus undarought them up ith the Eam tendernus and care that he would have dono, had the been his own children.

38. Metaurum sumen masdrubal, the brother of Hannibal, Wa Sent fro Carthago illi a powersu reinforcement tomeet Hannibal in Italy and ad ho uoco dod the fato o Romo ould have been setiled. Claudius Nero, then en- campod in sight of Hannibal, secreti tost his camp with a d tachment of soldiers, and oseatui an sis Hasdrubal ut therive Metaurus. The Carthaginians did notisve know of tho departur of Nero, tili e cause tho est of Hasdrubal to bothrown into thei camp. his dispullud the darknes that over-hun Latium. Thon Hannibal exclaimed onaeholdiniit, qknow the fatem Carthage. 41. Alm risit adoreci: smiled illi a cheerin victory.

Adorea, rom ador, fine corn, was a distributio of heatamong the oldiers, a a reward aster Victory. 42. Dirus . . . Afer mannibal. 45. Post hoc: i. e. aster Nero' victory. Usque continu-

65 Merae . Se gentem Romanam.

68. Conjugibus loquenda: i. e. oesoram maritorum conjugibus cum luctu memoranda.

Thorarsi odo in his book was composed in honoU ODAUguStus, and in the hopo that he ould roturn immediately. his Wa writte in consequence of his delay nil is an expreSSion of the affectionis thu Romans for Augustus, and of thei impatienco sor his return Thu the was animate With Pindari csire, an Seemod o be an carnes of the triumph that wai ted

Augustus; hile his is ut o tundurnes uti destre sor his


15. Sic . . . Caesarem Eo Rome, ut os stron an sine oro destres, demanditie Caesar. The poet proce sed to ive thereasons hiel the Romansi ad sor respectin and lovin Augustu and enumerate Some of the blessing of his rei gn. 23. Laudantur . . . puerpero : i. e. matres pariunt liberos, patri suo similes.'' Moer. 24. Culpum . . . comes 'puniShment clos ely pursu es the criminat.)29. Condit: ipendi) passes. Τ31. Et alteris . . . deum the Romans used No tablos at theirentertain mentes the rs for me ais, tho se con sor fruits and wine. At the secon table the sun hymns, and offeret libation to thoiriousehold od and to Such Other a the pleased. Astur the battis at Actium, tho senatu decreed that libations Ahouldae made to Augustus, nolint a private, ut at publiclausis And the ea sollowing the ordere that 0 hould have a place in the hymns that were Sun to theaOdS.

prais an praye to Apollo an Diana; and Eoum to havo reserence to the Carmen oeculare, at the en of the des It was orae sun by a choir Dyoun men and Virgines. 1. Proles Niobeas the even sons and even aughter of Niob that e re lain by Apollo and Diana, on account of the insole ne of thei mollier. 2. Raptor Tityus, o Tityos, Tered violencerio Latona. 3. Prope victor Achilles is o called hecauserae te Hector, he his deflander of Troy.

4 Phthius Phthian, born at Phthia in Thessaly. Achilles fel a Troy huc ausu ho as insolent to Apollo. 13. Ille se Achilles. 14. Mul feriatos imprudenti ongagod in sestivity.'

that tho alis of another cit might ris unde betin auspices. 28 Levis Agyieu outhful Apollo.' Levis smooth, without a bearim indicative of outh.-Agyieu an epithe of Apollo, rom ἀγυιὰ, in stre et '; ecau Se Statues ere rected tollim in the stre etS. 35. Lesbium . . . pedem 'attend weli to the Sapphic sa- Eure. Sappho belonge to Lesbos. The Carmen Soeculare, Owhich heauro probabi refers, is ritiei in Sapphic meaSure. 37. Latorice puerum Apollo. 38. Rite . . . Noctilucam: in dul celebratin Diana, ho


26. Hippolytum . se Hippolytus and Pirithoiis in the lass. Diet.

This oderis supposexto have been writte either at the tims of tho Saturnalia, hen it, a customary among the Romansi sun present to thoi friendes o in re turn or omethingvaluabie hic holio post ad received Do Censorinus sorwhichae sent hi in these verses. So Oet have Suali pald thoir obis os gratitude.1. Donarem . . . sodalibus should tali pleasuro in givingio m friendA, O Censorinus, bowis an gratesul esset ol

5. Divite me . . . Scopam: is I were rich in the work of uri, whichisither Parrhasius o Scopas produced. Parrhasiu Was celebrate painter, and Scopas a distinguished Statuary. 7. Hic sar Scopiis in arbie.'8. Ponere t repreSent.'12. Et pretium . . . muneri and an explain to ou thevalue of the gist; that is, he an et sorti the importanc os poetr in immortali ging the reat and the good, lilchrae oes


13. Non incis . . . ducibus: 'it is no marbi monuments with magnificent inscriptions that ive lis an evertastingsam to great me aster de ath.'18. Rus . . . laudes the constructio is, Clarius indicant laudes ejus qui rediit lucratus nomen ab Uric domito, quum c. Scipio uine the nam o Africanus rom his conquesta in

20. Calabrin Pierides the poet Ennius, o Rudis in Calabria, celebra ted the victor of Scipio ove Hannibal in Africa. 22. Quid . . . puer: ,here ould have been the fame fili sonis Ilia an Mari ' Rhua Silvia, themotheris Romulus, a calle Dalso Ilia. 25. Stygiis fluctibus: drom oblivion. AEncus res indebledio the poets for the honorabie place assign0d o bim in the Elysian solds. 31. Tyndarid Castor an Pollux that right constella

3. Ornatus . . . tempora: crownexas to his temples. 34. Liber BacchuS.

This de is me ne omium pontollius, hocis represented aspossessing the mos ex alte virtuos. Lollius litti dosurus this praiso. ut his hypocrisy, sor a long time, completet con eale his rea character, not ni frommorace, ut rom thers, an even froni Augustus. ut he was a sterward rightly un-

1. v forte . . . chordis tho construction is, o Lolli, ne credas forse, ut verba interitura, quin ego natus ad Au fidum sonantem longe loquor, socianda chordis per artes non ant vulgatas Do

5. Non si . . . amoenre although Homur hold tho rstranti among poets, Pindar an Simonides are not there fore Without thoi merit the menaci nilinosis Alcaeus, and the grave and majestic mus os Stesichorus aro stilliel in re membrance. 11. Vivuntque . . . puelloe thos impassione strain stilllive, hicli, ero tune to the lyre of the Folian maid, Sappho.

13. Non Sol . . . Lacaena the constructio is, Lacaena Helene non sola arsit comptos crines adulteri, et aurum 4 c.

18. Non semel Ilios Troy asae siege di Hercules, and by the Amagons, hesore it Was by the Greelis. 30. Celata es i. e. o celebrate di poets and historians. 39. Non unius anni the meanin is that the Services os Lollius ore not confine to tho ear of his consulfhip hut thathis insuenco as long et with the wis and good who ere magistrates asteriim. 42. Don nocentium: the ribus of those ho ishod toeorrupti im.


43. Et per ob3tantes . . . arma: i. e. and through erowd of flat-torer has triumphanti displayed his firmnes an virtve.-Arma: i. e. virtutem et integritatem.


This de is ritie in a playfui, familia manne to invite Virgil tocioin a part os plensure, at hicli, it Would Seem, that ach individual us expecte to produco Something O-ward the entertainmerit There is no doubi ut his is ad-dresseda Virgil the poet though somo have imagine ita be