Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera : accedunt clavis metrica et notæ anglicæ juventuti accommodatæ

발행: 1828년

분량: 396페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



restore thing to thei formo stato. I suum there a Somo particular cause so the anxiet of the poet' friends, althoughit is uncertain What it waS. D. Cyllenesiis invented by ercvry, who a bor on moues Cyllens, in Arcadia.

11. Centaurus : Chiron.-Alumno . Achilles. 13. Assaraci Troy as Ormerly unde ASSarneUS.

15. Certo sublemine: byan unalterable decree ' or, Dathread that fixes ou destiny. 18. Deformis . . . alloquiis: the weet Eoother of odious melancholy.

wars, hic hiegan belweun Marius and Sylla in tho ea 666O Rome, ere neve persecti extinguishod ii thoracath os Anton in 724.

ductis Mutius Scaevola, and his disclosur of tho tot formedagainst Porsena' li , inducedaim to desist. 5. apum Hannibal ad dotorminudo mali Capua thecapital of Ιtat whenie liould complute his conquest of the Ro

6. Novisque . . . infdelis faithlus in thoi frequent revolutions.' Tho Allobroges ero aluoplum Gaul samous for their frequent seditionS. 7. Coeruleo . . . pube Tacitus describes the Germans as havin blue yes 'ende tho epithetiscerulecl.

9. Impia . . . oetas 1 the constructio is, os impia artas devoti sanguinis perdemus civitatem, quam neque sinitimi, c.-Devoti sanguinis; ,hos bicod ista voted to destruction, o account of our crimeS. 13. Quinque . . . in80lens the constructio is, Insolensque dissipabit ossa Quisέni, nefas videre quoe carent ventis et Sol bu3.-Quce carent ventis et solibus: ,hicli are religiousi pre-


Servo fromini an light y i. e. Whicli re et preserve in thoi consecrate Urn. 15. Forte . . . laboribus: perhaps ali, O the eiter par ofyo inquire lintris tot done in orde to Scape these eviis.'17. hocceorum . . . TSecrat civitas the PhocaeanS, asse opteo Ionia, ather than sal into tho and of the Perstans by Whom tho ha been longiarrassed, agre et to abando theircity. lis thun bound theniselves by an ath neverri return, tillis mas of glowin iron, hicli the thre into the ea, Should risu to tho furface. Aster various ardeship the ar-rive in Franco, Whore tho se ille Mandiuili Massilia. 25. Simul. . . nefas that e ma retur Whene ver theroelis hali risu froni the otio of the ea, and A im o the


This epode prosesses tot a recantationi at thu pose had sat against Canidia in the fifth epodo. Hu protend thati is unablo longe to bear the et Tects of her vindictive spirit he ac-knowledges himself anquished uni Sues for mercy. ut thowhole is evidenti ironicat, an in facta most keon an bitter


EPODES. 333A this turnod, it twistud the thre ad , and was supposed to in- creas the power of Onchantinent ver the person subjecte totis influendo. Horace here intro at hera uniwis the thread, and loos him rom the power of her enchantinent, by turning

8. Nepotem . . . Nereium Achilles. Seo Telephus in the

Class. Dict. 11. UnTere . . . Hectorem i. e. the Trojan matron Obtainod

permission to anuin the od o Hector, hicli ad beendoomed toto the pro of dog and vultures. 13. Procidit prostrate himself. Priam ent ut stomTroy to the tent of Achilles, and intruate him to restore thebod of his son Hector; hichie id. 15. Sel08 . . . membra the companion os lysses, wh badbeen changedi Circe into Nine, ore permitte byter to

tiis Marsi.)35. Cale . . . Colchicis: bou tiro hoated against me, a livinglaborator of Colchic polsons. 36. Stipendium: expiator puniSliment.'39. Mendaci lyrὰ qua nempe mulier impudica et improba, ut pudica et proba, laudatur.' Doer. 41. Perambulabis astra: i. e. ou halli represente in myverses a Walliin amidSt the tars. 42. Vice at the reatinent of thei sister. 44. Vati: i. e. to the poet Stesichorus, wholad been punished by blindnes for satiri ging Helen, and whos Sight a reStore don his recantation of what he had written. 47. Prudens si illo d. 48. Novendiales . . . pulteres in Scaltering their Warm ashes,' i. e. Shes o the ninth da after death. Bodies ere episeVen days, burne o the eighth, and thei ashes burie onthuminth. 53. Inultus . . . Cupidinis shall,o unpunished 0Xpos andridicule the mysteries of Cotytto thuuites of unbridlud ove 3 Cotytto a the god des of impurit and sensual indulgenee. 55. t. . . venesci: i. e. and a iiDyo were the high priestis Our enchantinent on the Esquilin hili. 57. md proderat . . . anus hat advantago hould Pgain by havin enrichod the orceresses of Pelignum i. e. y pay- in exorbitanti sor thei instructions in magic.



number of each, is considere One of tho mos sinished per- formances of antiquity. These games ero celebrate one in an age, or about aiundred years The were institute in con- Sequene of certai prophecie contained in tho Sibyllino Boolis. This colubration was originali distinguished by thre solemn festivais, hicli,sere asterWard unite in Ono festivat, hicli continue three nys and three night succos ivsely. The firEt colebration of tho ocula Samos as in tho ear of Romo 245;

737. t was thuros oro a hundred and thirty-two years sine thelast celebration. The present solemnities ore announeod With great pommand preparation. The heraliis ero sent ut into the province to invito ali the worid tot sestival suci a theyneVer ad Aeen, an neve again Ouid seo. The Quindecemviri, somu nysie re diStributed amon tholeopte certainlustrat, o purisyin Substanees, Sueli a bitumen, Sulphur, and certa in hind of grain Sacrifices ere made to the god and thei benedictions ero implored pon the interest o Rome, Whicli a tho groat object of this fustiva l.

5. Quo Sibyllini tho Book of th Sibyls ore rition in

heXameter verse, and contained among the religious matterS, the fornis of tho ceromontes at the Secutur amee.

14. Ilithyia i. o. Diana, holad the care of Womon in hild hirth, and was involiud unde three tities, Ilithyia, Lucina, and Genitulis. 17. Diva Diana.-Patrum M of tho Senate. 20. Lege marisci tho Iulian law, passust aratior timete rethi Was ritien, Was designed so the encouragementis matri-


mony, Gring reWard to those ho married, and subjectingitioso ho id notri Some privatio S. 21. Certus . . . Orbis that the regula circle of a hundred

43. Datur u . . . relictis . i. e. bout to leavem empire more

49. Quaeque . . . albis Se gens undia the nation hichvenerales ou by the sacrifice of White Xen. Man manuscript have quique ani imperet, instea os quaeque an impetret. 51. Impetret ac complisi iis Objeci.' Bellante prior superior ocit Opponent.'54. Albanas secures 'he axes of the lictores, ut so the powur of th RomnnS.

63. Salutari levat artes Apollo was considere Das th god of medicin and of the eulin art.

67. Alterum . . . a uum: in may continuali advance tho Roman commonwealth and Latium to anotheriappy lustrum, and alway to a belle age.'69. Quinque . . . aures e the OnStruetion S, Dianaque, quin tenet Arentinum Algidumque, curet preces Quindecimvirorum, et applicet amica aure votis puerorum. 73. Jue . . . laudes the constructio is, Ego chorus, doctus dicere laudes et Phoebi et Dianoe, repori domum bonam certumque spem, iovem deo8que cunctos sentire haec Both th choir j0iti


Tu obj ct of this satire is to expos tho soli os discontonian avarice, by hichio allow thomsolves tot deprived of the enjoymenis hicli thei condition and fortuno M thum. 1. Quam sibi . . . objecerit: ,hicli reason has hosen, orchanc thrown in his Way.

6. Mercator Se ait.


one ho hirilis o perversely.-Libenter . . . facit. So long ashe voluntarii conducis himself thias.'86. Post omnia ponas Tmesis, O postponas omnia. 87. Si nemo . . . amorem no ne horus a regard for Ou, whic libo no a de Servo.'88. An si . . amicos the constructio is, An si velis retiuere servareque amico nullo labore, cognatos quos natur dat

95. Dives . . . nummos: Se ita; 4 ricli that he measured his money.'99. Libertae sitam roris Deo habuisse idetur Ummidius 100. Tyndaridarum this ord includes the child re of Tyndarus o both sexes, and although of the masculine gender,ma expres the aughters Helen and Clytemnestra, ho illo thei hiisbands, Deiphobus and Agamemnon the lalter,ith

miSer, congratulato himsol 3 114. Ungula: i. e. ungulati equi. 115. Suos vincentibus that ouistri his own horsos. 120. Ne me . . . putes lest ou may thini Phau bus rob-bing the porti otio fitear-eyed Crispinus. He Was a uin loquacious philosophe and poet.


The objectis his satire is to expos the me annes and solly

3. Tigelli this Tigellius asino of the most amous musicians of his time. He is callud alio singur rathe by way of


14. Quinas . . . raeces: me deducis sue times the interest fro the sum. The lawsul interest bein at the rate of twelve Per cent per annum, Fufidius a no satissed, illi vo times this ut doducte o discounte besoreliand at the rate os stat per cent. 15. Quanto perditior tho more distresso d.' 16. Nomina sectatur 'he caresuli finiis ut the ames of youn heir unde ageri . e. that he manloan them money at

Xorbitant interest.

18. in in se . . . facit: tu syo Will say he expenda upon himself in proportion to his inconae. 20. Ulpater: Torunce, in his play allud Tlis Sol tormentor, represent a fallier a mal in himself miserable be- causu his soni ad sorsalien him and gone into the army, and blam in his own Severit a the cauSe. 25. Pastillos perfumeS.'


29. Minus aptus . . . hominum not weli suile to the wittyraillerno these genue men. Horum hominum probabi refers to the person allude to in the precedin verse. t has uenthought that the character here describe was intende sor Virgil, horis sal to have been the subjecti some ridicule at


tho our of Augustus, sor his timidii and consequent awh-Wardnes and that Horace rote his satire in his deflance. These gentiemen, then, are the ourtier of AuguStus. 35. Num qua . . . natura hether natur has originalty Sowed an vices myou.' M. Illuc . . . praevertamur: det u turn to the common re-

these elevated characterS. 56. Incrustare desective esset were varnished over illipitch or acto conceat thei desecis To do his to a persectvesset would create a suspicio acto iis OundneSS. 58. Turdo cool, reflecting.)-Pingui stupid.' 65. Impellas . . . sermone: may interruptine with any tristing

70. Pluribus hisce ... inclinet: thould incline to those vir- tu esJ, the more numerous, i the virtves do but preponderate. The metaphor is ahen Dona eighin in a balance, hen, lictsays, e liould malle the scale turn in favour of a Diund. 76. Denique . . . ira in Shori, sino the vice Os ange cannotae holi eradicate d.' 78. Ponderibus . . . suis 'her eight and mensures. 82. Labeone 'than Labeo, who sed in contradici Augus


85. Concedas overtook.Τ86. Drusonem se fugit; Druso as a usurer, an is his deblors could not pay him ut tho prope time, he compelle dthem to come and liston to him hi leae repented his histories. This a nodight penalty ache wrote retchedly. 87. Qui nominutive to audit.-Kalendo this a the timeos paymen sor borrowed money.


100. Propter in account Os.' 110. Viribus editior the Stronger. 112. Fastos annals.' Mundi of the worid.)115. Nec vincet. . . idemque nor ill re ason eve convinceus of this that he in equali and the Same.'Ι20. Nam non vereor, ut ferulci 4 c. 122. Furiau c. paria.-Magnis with great crimes. 123. Si tibi . . . homines f ou ad the rein Of4OVern-

a hinga to the furthinibath, illi no attendant but sis Cris

cenSur is the OEt Ahor uia ready ano correcting them. 2. Atque alii . . . est and thers hos comed is of the ancient school. Τ7. Mutatis tantum the comi pocis rote in iambic verseribu Lucilius roto his satires in heXameterS. 8. Emuncta maris: isto en alitery.'10. lans pede in no standing on one oot. This X- pression is sed to signis a very hortatime.)13. Uam ut . . . moror 'sor, a to ritin much, I considertha a nothing. 14. Crispinus . . . provocat Crispinus hallenges me sor a very mali et, agninSt a large One. 19. At tu . . . imitare the constructio is, At tu, ut mavis, Crispinu, imitare auras conclusas in hircinis follibus, laborantes usque dum ignis mollia ferrum. 20. Usque constantly.'21. Ut mavis as much RSIO pleaSe.

22. Delatis capsis the ighest honour an rem ard to hicha poet aspired was to have his ritings an his statue placedin the librar of AuguStus, o Mount Palatine This honour, the poet says, Fannius h ad obtainei unsought. his is oensati re as it asin distinctiori holly undeserve by Fannius, and obtainoda in direct an Dunsai means. 23. Timentis e c. mei; sor hich, have mea. 25. Quemvis . . . turbii take any one at rando sto the