장음표시 사용
more recent age, but the illustrate hat oecur in the Bible, relative to the edisces of Herod, and the temple of Jerusalem in the timeo cur a 'iour. III. Ancient Greeli Phenician, Egyptian, an Roman coinS. Jowish eoins illi inseription in the old Samarita charaeter, and thos of a se other nationS.
IV. The work of Philo the de and of Josephus, the forme ofwhom resided in Egypt the alter at rs in Jude an subsequently
a Rome both Were contemporaries illi the Apostles. V. Ancient Gree an Latin authors, ho Ometime give a more fulliseeount of evenis an customs, hieli are merely mentioned orallude to in the Bible, particularib Herodotus, uls Xenophon, Arrian, Strabo, Plutarch, Diodorus Siculus, and almost ali the thers. But it is the dictate of sound criticism, that the authorit of the Bib
VI. Themistinam the ex of the almud, hieli is a collectiono traditions made very nearly betWeen the ear 190 and 220, and was accompanted after a time by the explanations of the two Gema ras the one of hieli, callei the Jerusalem, as ritie abolit theyear 280 the ther, calle the Babylonian was egit in 427 and completed abolit the ear 500. In mahing se of the insormation, Whicli his or supplies, there is nee o much caution, a there reman modern interpolations incit. . Certain ecclesiastica writers, hociive in Syria or ther oriental eountries, partieulari Jerome an Ephrae Syrus also som Syria and Arabian book8, speciali the mos ancient. Final ly the ournal of modern travellers, Wh have visite the East, macted the appearances of the country, and ive an account of themanners and custom Of the inhabitanis. In mal in iis of the ast mentione Works there is needi caution, est, assign to antiquityWhat belong to a more recent period although Dought at the fame time tot k0pt in ind that the inhabitant of the ast a re not nd of innovations and retain to this da customs, hicli throw lirato many things mentione in the Bible. The eopleolio averetatne With the mos constane and Xactnes their nolent habiis, e the wandering Arabs, hoclive in the Arabian deseris; ex to
these are the itinerant hepherd o Palestine, Syria, MeSopotamia, Babylonia oririn, Egypt and the norit par of Africa Other nation come into the account, o the subjectis biblica antiquities, proportion to the nearnes of thei situation to the Hebrews. Fia thermore,, should si a distinctio belWeen hat these riters have Seen and heard, and thei conjectures an opinions sor in theone case the are Witnesses, and in the ther the assume the sun tions of a judge a part hicli a be SuStaine by an person, prin
easter directio beyond the Tigris into Assyria. Disserent paris ofit are cassedi different numeS. I. Aram belli Rechob, di,' 'a 'N otherWi8e calle Assyria; in the mos limite meaning of the term it, in mali province orpeninsula fur unde by the Tigris, and the es an greater Zab. It extent Was increased in the progress of time by the additionis Seven other provinces, and in the age of Isaiah and Ahag, taedame, by the accession of the territorie stili, hic extended into Syriam Palestine, the ver large empire O ASSyria It metropolis, Nineveh, as siluatexo the eastern Shore of the Tigris, ne lymp- posite the sit o Mosul at the presentiay It was laid Waste in theyear 877 bessere Christ y Arbaces and elegis, ut a rebulli; it Was laid, te again by Cyaxares I. and Nabopolassar in the year 625aesore Christ, and eve asterward remesned desolate. II. Aram Naharaim Mesopotamia, no calle by the Arabic nam Al-Gegimor thesisland forcit is almos surrounded by the Tigris and Euphrates. The provinces into hicli it Was divide were 1 the Mesopotamian plains, z 'i' γ, Or es, and . the province of Nesibene, ' Sm et III. Aram ithout an epithet attache t it, is Syria, no cassedi the Arabic name, Al-Sham o the count to the est, be- cause, hen the Ar 's face a turne toWard the east Aram orSyria laympo the lest, i. e. to the north. It most celebrate cities, the ruin o whicli stili remain, ere Baalbe or Baal-Gad, 'a bra, otherwis calle Heliopolis Tadmor, i urin, o Palmyra Neppo, no calle Haleb, a zhri, an Antioch. Ita minor divisions ere,1 the ingdomo Damascus, p*m 2 the ingdomo Maacha, zma; . the Lingdomi Tob, ΘΣ; 4. the Lingdomis Hamath, muri;
one celebrated sor it aris an iis commerce.
It principat cities ere the celebrate Sidon an Tyre, the lastos hiet was the mos recent in poliat of Orion, but eventuali roset the greates distinction. I Was VerthroWn by Nebuchadneggar, and usterward rebuit On a eighboriniisland It was again overthrown by Alexander the reat, and was rebulli, ut neve recoveredit ancient greatneSS.
bounde on the est y Assyria an Armenia, on the norin by the Caspian ea, o the eas by Hyrcania an Parthia, and o the fouinb Persia The metropolis a Ecbatana, Tu S, o called
8. PERSIA, SUSI A. ELYMAIS. Persia, 'n is a tractis country, hiel extend from Media, lat. 34', to the Persian guis lat. 27', and embraces Susiana and Elymais. In a more restricte sense, it had Susiana O the est an Caramaniam the east. In the alter Sense Susiana, hos metropolis WasShushan, 'U , a Siluate betWeen Persia an Babylonia, and was bounde on the out by the Persian guis It is no called Chugistan. Elymais es' ἔ, occurs in ancient book so the whole os Persia, but in a more limite signification it is that distriet, hie is siluate to the northis Susiana and the north-easti Babylonia, andis bounde in other directionsa Media It limiis howeVer, cannot be ery accuratet defined.
9. BABYLONIA, CHALDEA. Babylonia a s denominate fro iis celebrate capital Babylon. In iis greates extent, it a bounde on the ortha Armenia and was the ancienti called hinar Or Singar but hen thelimited meantia Was attaehe to the word, it designate the tractbounde on the noriti by Mesopotamia, b Arabia Deserta n the west and by the Persian Guli in the solatii. A sectio of the outher division of this ovi try siluate O the estern hore of the Euphrates, a ceded by the Lings of Assyria o certain tribes of habdeans. Their origina residenee a not a Michaelis supposes, the outh asterii hore of the Euxine bul a We earn rom Xenophon, the outherii an easter par of Armenia Cyropaed Bh. II. III.
Jer 3 2. The Arabs ancienti denominate themselves, and do tothis day by ither of these ames, illi his pestilliari ty, hoWever, in regari to the alter ord that the cal the Bedouin Arabs o thedw0llers in tent collectivelo but tho inhabitant O cities. χ ο com p. Jer. 25 24. The division into Arabia the happy the tony, and the deserte d. Whieli as udo by 0gasthenes an Ptolemy, Wa unknown to the inhabitant of the East, an is no Observet inino nil le.
ed by the Red ea more properi callei tho Arabian Guls by the
Thai region, hicli is bounde on the eas by Arabia Deserta,
o the ouilii Ethiopia r ather Nubia, o the es by the deseris of Afrie or Libya, and o the norin by the editerranem. It has besin divide into two paris, the loWer Or Orthern, whielicis alle the Delta, and the uppe or Outhern, hicli in Ara
or nn unle88, hicli a be the case, by the Hebre Pathros meret a districti canto is meant to e designated. It is ome- times divide into three paris, in hiel eas the lower part OfUpper gypt receives the nam o Hepta nomis, beeaus it Onsiste of sevon districis. The celebrated Nile, hic is commonlydenominate in the Bible, by way os eminenee, ' r the riser, pa88e through gypt Every year, in the monili of Augus and September it inundates the adjacent colant , fertiliges ita a deposition filae mud, and empties a las into the Mediterranean. Or- meri it ad even mouilis, tw of the principat os hicli remain. The mos celebrate cities in his count tu O 'PUS i. e. Thebes o Diospolis magna the metropolis of Upper gypt longago celebrate by Homer sor iis undred gates, an stili memor bl sor iis ruitis; i, or a Memphis almos ori the division linebetWeen Lowe and Upper gypt o the western hore of the Nile adi or Tanis, hieli et rema in in an fland of Lahe ennis o Mensale an Alexandria, bulli by Alexander on the hore
The region os ostion. I , in the Vulgate essen, is called Gen. 47 6, 11,a X o the and of pasture, and Wari heres ore, no a cultivaled partis Egypt Froni 1 Chron. 7 2l, it is elea that the boundar line of this rael a no fur rom the cit of Gaga. Herae it mus have been the easter par of LoWer Egypt Whicli extended along the hore of the Mediterranean, a saris Arabia Petrem his accounts so the circumstanee, that the Alexandrine interpreter, homus have been aequainted vitii the geograph of this region render Gen. 45 10 Γεσε δεραβίας. From these particular it appears that Goshen as early O atriangula forni, bella boundodi a line drawn rom Heroopolis toste river of Egypt by the Mediterranean, and by the Pelusian branchos tho Nilo But an inquir arises here in respeet to the position Ofthe riveris Egypt Whieli oecur so osten in the Bible. Most probabi it is the torrent, hieli is Wollen during the inter Se Son empties into tho se a Rhinocolura, no v alled Al-Aristi sortii Septuagint rendor : ruet , di by the ori Ῥινοκ0λουρα; and Epiphanius, ho was not os aequainteit With these regioris hanthe AleXandrino interpretor, asseris, Haer. 66 p. 703 inti Rhinoe iura a eo sed by the inhabitant νεελ hieli is evidenti the ord, uti Prod illi dissorsent voweis. The travelle Helseriel also, p. 385 sayclio eam in I 565 o Al-Aristi, situ alsed in a colanti malled Nechile, hielicis illo ord regula istis illi nil erali Ora. Om- par Broeliaris Book of ravols, p. 466 and Wansleb, in the col-
the Canaanites, in posteribis Canaan ille son fiam, parit is
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and promised by God to the posterit of these patriaretis, is enclosed by the rive Jordan the Dead ea, Arabia Petrea, the Mediterranean, and Syria The divine promise how
12 D14. FAC O TH COUNTRΥ, Ο ΤΑINS.math, and enclosed the cit os Baal-Gad, lat. 34' near hieli appears o have been sit ualed the eityi Dan, O Osten mentioned asbein On the orther extremit of the Lingdom. There the linera solith-east o Arabia Deserta, o as O exclude the Lingdomos Damascus ohe whole of hieli, illi the cities of etae an Bai-ruth, asint tengili occupied by the armies O David. I reeovered, hoWeVer iis freedom unde his successors, and created much troubleto the Lingdom o Israel. On the east the Euphrates a the Oundar assigned Deiat. 11:24. I cannot hoWever, b accuratet determined O aeeount of the extensive deseris, hieli exist in that direction. The mountains of Giload, hieli,ere subjected by Moses, approach the arre W te, Whieli gird the hore of the Euphrates, and as e learn 1 Chron. 5:9 I6, supplied pasture to the tribes of Gad and Reuben. The tribes beyon Jordan, unde Saul, subdiae a large extent of count , Chron. 5 19. The Ammonites possesse the territor to the east of the rive Arnon, and the Moabites inhabite the region to the solithof the fame river So that the Arnon a the bound y Which sep rate the Hebrew o the east Do the Ammonites, and o the outhfrom tho Moabites, tanti the were subdued by David, ho extendediti lines of his dominion in far orth as 35 15 of lat. Where the ityThipsae or apsaeus a siluated. From these saet it is clear, that th hingdoni o David an Solomon a Ver large, extending