장음표시 사용
ranean, Hos 13 15. Jon. 4 8. Job 14 2. 15 2. Isa 40 T. Gen. 41 6, 23. Egeh. 17 10 19 12. 27 26. s. 48 7. 103 15. Acts 27 14. very in is called by the oriental di et an east in whichilows rom any oint of the compas belWeen the eas and north, and belWeen the eas and 80uth; see haW' Traveis, p. 285, and Prosper Alpinus de Medicina gyptiaea nea the eginning. The reege, hiel blows a se ho ars es ore the setting of the sun in that climate, is calle among the Perstans to this time, as in Gen. 3:7, theireege of the day, i. e. the Oolingi refreshingareege of theday se Chardi Voy T. IV. p. 8. During the solarili par of the ear, hieli is calle l, o seeL
The fertilii os soli, o celebrated by Moses, is confirme by the testim γ Os nil, ho have visited his region Even the unculti-vuled nil deseri iraet inre no destitute os ricli pot8 although
the have comparativelyaut a mali claim to the rais o fertili- . I the tantille and waste places at the presentiay assor no Ver prepOSSeSSin appearanee, it ought O be remembered that the were predicte by Moses, Deiat. 29 22 et seq. and that thecoianir has been laid aste successivel by AAsyrians, Chaldeans,
Syrians, Omans, SaracenS, the Europea erusaders, the TurkS, an Moguis and that it no groans unde the dominio of the Turiis, ho Deither protect in agriculturis from the incursions of the Arabs, nor afford hi an eneOuragement, ut the ContrRI . And et it is the unanimous testimon o travellers in regar tostis country that, here it is cultivaled, it is extremel fertile. It produces ali oris of fruit-trees an Vines are Ot anting H- though the Mahometans o no drin Wine There are abundane os domesticate animais, of Wild east an birds. Josephus, Jereis mar B. III. c. 3. I, praises Perea, Whicli a the preSent time is a deseri, sor iis vine and iis palmorees; and particularly celebrates the region ea the lino Gennesareth, algo the lain ofJericho, hieli are o uninhabited an desolate, B III, c. 10.4 8. B. IV. c. 8. I. Indeed, e re informe by Josephus, that in Galile there ere 204 cities and owns that the larges of the cities had 150,000, and the malles toWns 15,000 inhabitanta Henuem ea aedount for it tha Josephus himself in his mali province, shortis 40 miles long and 30 broad collected an arm O nearly an 100,000 men. . ar. B. II. c. 20. i. As S many peopte erecollected in uel a mali extent of count , it is lear, that the arta
an commerce mus have been patroniged, and consequently the sciences; hie leaves us to conclude that the mira les of Jesus Were performe in a Ount , here the could e examine and
Diri discussed The reproaeli, hicli is castispo Galile in Jolin 7 52, has no reserene to the characteris it soli or climate, but Onlyto the aes that the prophetis Messiali a no expecte from that parti Palestine. NOΤΕ. There is an intimatio in Deut 8 9, that there eremines in Palestine, but e do no any here learn, that the were Wrought y the Hebrows. The author of the book of Job mentions mines, in the commeneement of his 28th hapter, ut it isno certain that he has reserenue o Palestine an a very generalmention is made of them in Ps. 95 4. Isa 51 1. It is a ell-known
by melling them together, as artificiali combine with old and siluer, Ps. 119 119. Prov. 25 4. Isa 1 22, 25. Egeh. 22 18,
I. It is osten amicted illi the pestilence, hiel enter DomEgypt and ther countries, an is frequently spoken o in the Bible. II. Eariliqua hes are common; se Abdollatis. DendWiles. Aegypt p. 335 et seq. The cit Os Jerusalem raret receive any
represented Ps. 60 2, 3. Isa. 29 6. 54 10. Jer. 4 24. Hag. 2 6, 22. Mati. 24 T. III. Thiander, lighining hail, inundatioris, an Severe inds happen in the inter Isa. 11 15. Pliny, Histor Nat. II. 49 Shaw's Traveis, p. 289. From these operations os nature, the prophetaborrOWed an figures, Ps. 18 8 15. 29 1 10 42 7. Isa 5 30. 8 7 8. 1l: 5. 28 2 2: 6 24 18. Mati. 7 25. IV. Vastiodie os migratin locusis, marre, assed by the Orientias the armies of God lay ast the counto. The observe as
descend froni thei figlit, and sorm a it ere, thei camps. In themorraing, hen the Sunaa riSen considerably the ascend again is the domo find ood, andi in the directior of the wind Prov. 30:27. Nah. 3 16 17. They go in immense numbers, Isa. 46 23, and oecup a pace of 10 oro miles in tength, and 4 ori in brρadth, an are so deep that the sun cannot penetrate through them so that the convertati, da into night, an bring a temporar darknes on
Rev. 9 7. Thei ieeth re har an ure compare to thos ostions Joel 1:5. 2 4. There are different species of them eight ornine occur in the Bible. V. AM1Ν is a consequene O the devmtations of the locusis, and of the des et of tho sit si and luiter ain. Famines have been o Severe, that in besiege cities, the inhabitant have been reducedio the necessit no ont of eatin animal notis to e eaten, buthuman odies, Deut 28 22 49 2 Sam xxi. 2 ings 6 25, 28. 25 3, etc. VI. The evi of the reates magnitude is the wind called by the Arabs Samoom, by the urti Samyel, and by the Hebrews zxbr, Ps. 11 6, der. 4 11, ISa. 4 4, ΣΠ es, Isa. 7:8. Italows in Persia, Babylonia Arabia, and the deseris of Egypt, in the monilis of June, July, and August in Nubia, in Marcii and April, September, October and November. It continues no longerthan minutes; ut it deStroys in a moment Ver perSon, Whom it passes, horaiand erect The sal dead, and li like ne fleeping. I a person ahes hol of their and to arous them, itfalis oss. The Ody oon after turn blach. his in does no extenda igh in the air, o descendieto the altitude of two see stomthe arth. Hene travellers, When the Se it approuehing, commoni sal prone pon the ground place thei seet in the directio of the Wind, and appi their mouilis a firmi a possibi to the arth, breuthin a litti a the can, est the should receive into their lung any of the passin Samoom. The indicatioris of the amyel's approaeli are distant clouds, lighil tinge With red, in appearance Something like the ainbown also a rushing noiseu Os the last circum-
been divide into tWo, hos o Ephraim an Manasseti, ut thetribe os Levi received ni 4 cities sor iis portion, hieli est
twelve tribes, among Whom the main bod of the count was to edivided. The region beyon the ordan was assigne by Moses to the tribses of Reuben an Gad, and the ais tribe of Manasseti Deiat. 3 12-27. Jos. 12 1-6 13 8-33. The solither par of this tract was allotted o Reuben it,us bounde on the eas and fouth by the rive Arnon, o the orders of hich iver ere siluated the Ammonites to the eas and the Moabites to the outh; the wester limit a the Dead ea and the ordan. The trae of counir calle Giload in the more limite sense of the word, extending norit o Reuben to the ah Gennesareth, beeam the poditio of the tribe of Gad. The remainder, hich Was the noritiem portioni the furiher o easter fide of the Jordan, et to the hadtribe o ManaSSeh. The remaining nine an a hal tribes took up thei abod onmis i. e. the western fide of the ordan. The territor asottedis uda was the traei, hici runs rom the outher bounda o Palestine in a Orther direction, a sar a the entrance of the Jordan into the Dead ea, the valleris Hinnom, a d the ortherntimits of the eit Ehron, Os 15 1-15. A this portion, in subsequent division of the country, a to large a rael a Seto on the wester fide of it togard the Mediterranean the outher par of hicli as allotte to the tribe of Simeon, and thonorthern to that o Dan. The limits of these two tribes are noldesned the cities merely, hiel the Obtained are mentioned. Jos. 15 2-12. 19 1-9 40 47. his par o Palestine Was divided, ae ordin to the face of the country, into za; orthe outhern districi, IbzaΣ the lain bordering on in Mediterranean ea, the suntain or the ill-count of Judali, and the Desert fraudati, Jos. 11 16 Luke 1 39. To these in prophetueremisi add the sollowing geographica divisions, viz. the tandos Benjamin, and the Gunis round bout Ierusalem, ut he has reserene to a perio aster the separationis Israel, Jer. 32 44. 33: 13. The canton allotte to the tribe o Benjamin, lay between the tribes fraudati and Joseph, contiguous to Samaria o the Orth, to Juda O the ouili, an to Damon the west, hic last parted it Domine Mediterranean. Horae' Introduc Vol. III. p. 12.3.
negareth, and the plain s Jegroel. It is in the orth o Palestine, and wn divide rint lowe or Outhern, undis therii or Uppe Gali-lee. The alter section a denominat mutilae of the Gentiles, Γαυλαια τῶν ἐθν- ba dos. 12 23. 20 7. Mait 4 IS II SAMARIA ; it a situ uted early in the contre of Palestine, but though it an ueros the colant , it id not extend own to the Mediterranean. It reached fro Gine and Scythopolisin ne Side, to Acrabatene and Annuath on tho Other, John iv. III. J LDΕΛ, hieli comprehende Idumea a sar a the o n os Jardan in Arabia Petrea, and also the hore of the Mediterranea assar a Ptolomais, a surrounde by Samaria, the Jordari, the Dead Sea, Arabia Petrea, and the Mediterranean. Josephus, Jew. War, Bh. III. h. 3. In Peream the colant 'eyond the Jordan that is, o the e tem
I. PEREA in the more limite signifieation O the word, viet thegouther par of the hole districi, extendinis rom the rive Arnon to the rive Jabboli. II GILEAD, siluated norit of the Jabboli. III. DE CAPOLIS, O the districtis teri cities, hich Wore inhabited chies by the heathen or gentiles Their ames ere a sollOWA: Scythopolis, hieli lies est of the Jordari, Hippos and Gadara, Pella, Philadelphia, Dion Canath Gerasa, Raphana, an perhap Damascusu in the enumeration of the te cities of this districi ho ever, ancient historians are not agreed se Plin II. N. Lib. V. c. 18. Mar 5 1. Luke 8 26. Mati. 8 28. IV. GAULONITIS, aurae extending on the eastern hore of theloe Gennesareth and the Jordari a fari Hermon. V. BATANEA, the ancient Baslian, though omeWhat diminished in iis limita It lies to the east o Gaulonitis and the nori ofGilead. VI AURANITIA, Ormeri Chauran or Chavran. 7 m, Egeh. 47:16-18, ulso alled Iturea, as siluatexto the orth o Batane and to tho eas of Gaulonitis, Luke 3 1. VII. TRACHONITIA, to the norit of Auranitis an to the east of Panea Otherwis called Cesarea Philippi, by hieli it Was separated stom Galilee it was celebrate sor iis caves, hieli ere inhabited in the time of Herod. VIII. BILENE, o the norther limita of this territo , Situaled
A me in the primitive condition O societ Were unaequain, e Wit the aris, the Weremo O courae in a condition to erecthouges the lived consequently unde the pen Shy. In unpleasunt eather, hether o or ainy the fough sor a helter under had trees, in the tests of Ochs, and suci caves a theyhappene to discover. Nor are eo suppose, that helter Ofthis hiad ore altogother inadequate. The inhabitant os mount Taurus even to this V, in a climate muc more severe tha thato Palestine, live in caves, as also do the andering hepherd a Arabia Petrea, either in caves and the es t of roelis, o beneati theshade of treeS. 27. HE MORE RECEN TRO GLODYTES OR WELLERS IN CAVES.CuVe are nolint numerous in the East,aut many of them areboth large nn d . The sorme convenient Wellings, eingWarm in the inter an coo in the summer Hene in a comparatiVel recent age, hen wellings os a different Lindisere commoni resorte to the caves ere stili res erred by manne rei uti by those, ho ad emigrate to distant regions Thed ollers in caves homoe in mentioned, a quite a late period, Were Obbere, ho ad abundonei the restriant O society, and wero tu lases O eupant of these ab es. The inhabitant of cavesnn motanta in commoni occur in the old Testamen unde thedesignationis Horites in rogar in homo are ins Orme more particularly,