장음표시 사용
NΟΤΕ. The caves, of Which e have spolien, When the hadbeeome es frequently selecte so the abodes of the living, ereemployed a sepulchre so the dead Gen. xxiii. In times of perse
beeam a refuge to the oppressed and the vanquished, Mos. 10:16. Judg 15 8. 20 45. 1 Sam. 13 6 22 1 et seq. In these
ari oblang. The Nomades of Arabia Petrea have two Linds, theone larger, the ollier mulier Gen. 33 17.
blac eloth made of goat' hair. The pol in the midiae is asserthan any of the est though it rarely exeeed eight osten stet. The Arabians tali a plensure in pitchin thei tent on ills in sueti a Way, a to Ormin or o circular encampment. When thus pitched, being of a dar hue, the exhibit a beautis ut appearance tolli distanti approachin travellers, Cant. 1 5. The oas and catile during the night are rive into the pace in the centreo the encampment calle 'n: , and guarde by Ogs, Job 30 1. Some ne of the heph d Leeps alch also uring the nicti, aduty, hicli is e Orme alternately Isa. 56 9-11. The tentos the Emi is pitched in tho centre of the thera, hieli are bout thiri paees distant, an is both large an higher. The Emi has numberi tent in addition to the ne appropriate to imself;vig one or the emales of his family one or his servanis, anda third, covere With reen loth so the reception of those, ho fh to Se him nausines o come in rende him thei homage. O the fame principi are arrange the tent of the subordinate Emir When in the company of a superior Emi Or chies, at Somedistance, it is triae, ut as 'Arvieu testises, no exceeding fi
The large hin os tents are dividedi curtains into three paris,
a Wa done also in the oly tabernacle. In the externa divi- Sion Or pariment the servant lodge, an during the night theyOun animal alSO, O prevent their uehing the dam. In the secondispariment are the males, but f the tent e malle than Sual, ad the males of the tent, together illi the animal just mentioned are lodge together. The thir or interior pariment, calle. zp, is allotted to the women Num. 25 8 The more
80 32. HOUSEA. wealth assign the externat aparimento the SerVant alone, excludin animais and the mirs, as ulready Stated have separate tent both so the servant and the emales, Gen. 24 67. The Nomades, ho re les jealous, than the inhabitant of the cities, Walch the ther sex es scrupulously, Gen. 12 15 18 6-9. 34:1, 2.
The bottom of the tent is ither overe With mat or illi carpeis accordin to the wealth of the possessor, and upo thes the are in the habit of sitting. The more ealthy of the Nomades, speciallythe Emirs, posses in addition, Overtet S pilloWS, te made of Valua-ble materials these are pile u in ne corner of the tenta danandarought upon the otio oscit a night. The utensiis of the Nomades are seW; the have esset of shel an braSS, Vig. Ois, Letiles, an cups o bras covere eleganti With in also eathernbags. Theiraearili is o the ground It consist of three toneS, placed foras to formi triangle. In the mides of them is a mallexcavation of the arth, here the ire is indled the esset areplaeed ove it pon the tones. The table is socii a b called, from hiel the eat, is nothing more than a round shin prendisponthe bottom of the tent Clothin and militar arm are ung ponnatis in the potes of the tent. 32. HOUSES. In the progressi time, a tabernacles ecam large and W0re defende against the injuries of the weatheri broad stones and earthheaped p against them, it was ound that dwellings couldae made
eXtensive cities the capital os empires The ari os multiplying
Babylon, a cordin to Herod. Lib. I, g 180, er 3 and 4 stories high, and thos in Thobesi Diospolis in Egypt 4 Orra stories consul Diod. Sic Lib. I. c. 45. The appea to have been to in Palestine in the time O JOstiua an uppe story although it ma have
existed is not mentioned, ill a more recent age. Jeremiali pruises hcuses of good formini architecture, and calis them mc , v a Jer.
22 14. The houses of the rich and powerfui in the time of Christwere splendid, and were busit accordin to the rules of Grecian ar
The at o duor, pening to the streeis, is in themides of the
ten around the hole of the ope colari or area Theloors of the chamberS, ro, Ope in therars stor into the cloisters, in thesecon into the galle . The celliniis at Some a arched, ut arches o no appear o have been known ut a Ver early period. We searet in vati sor arches among the ruin os ancient edisces;
The lower stories ere frequently under round The frontos thes bulldings face the orth, o as O secure the adVantage of the reeges, hie in summe bio froin that direction. Theymere paved With marbie, and when it could e dono liud a solantain in the centre Of the colari, in orde to rende them stili more cool.
The were supplied illi a current of resti atri means o veniblators, hieli consisted of perforations made through ih uppe parto the ortherii all, of considerable diu motor externalty but dimin-iShing, in Sige, a the approach ohe inside of the wall. There Was another init of ventilo mi , hieti ni Oso vom the centre of the
are callud in Scripture, en v r εἴ an 'ετ, Judg. 3 20, 24.
Jer. 22 14. One apariment Orthy of Otie extentis froin the interior of the front side into the colari, somelimes a considerable distanee beyonditio alteries and cloisters. t roof is supportet by two columnsonly, and the front f it has no ali in Orde to leave the prospectmore reo. In his apartinent princes receive ambiaSSadors, tranSaetbi iness, and dispense justice. The temple o Dagon, hich Was destroyed by Samson, a similar a sar a concerne the columns, in iis construction. It was here that the aviola seem to have had
7 17. Sol Son 2 9. Over the windows are nati s tene into the walis. The are adorne With beautis ut eads, an no OnlySustain curta in by the aidis a rod extende fromine to the ther, butore of themselves considere a reat ornament. Henc the propriet of thos illustrations drawn from natis, Isa. 22 23. Zech. 10 4. Eccles 12 11. 39. MATERIAL FOR UILDING. Although the materiat so the constructio os disces ereoriginali stone and mud the inhabitant of the East at a very earlyperio made se of tiles, an do to this duy. The are called in Seripture tono, rarn, fro the white ela of hiel the were made. The were os different siges, omeWhat large than thoseamong S. Commoni the were ardened by the eat os thesian merely but hen intende so splendi edis 'es, us in Gen. 11:3, the were buriat by ire 'tet, a rich- ila, occurs 2 Sam. 12:31. Nahum 3 14. Jor. 43 3. The Walis of the common wellii in ses ex erected of tiles di te in the sun pon a s unda
pediunx injure them ver much. Mati. 7 25. Egeh. 12 5-7.13 11 14.