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ς 14. FACE OF Π COUNTRY, MOUNTAIN8. 13sea. The wester summit is denominate Libanus by the Greelis, and the easterii, Antilibanus; ut the Hebrews o no mulae his distinctio os ames, denominatin both summits by the commonnam os Lebanon or Libanus Libanus runs norit Do the molitho the Leontes; bendin a litile to the east, it leaves o the or-der of the se a plain os different degrees of readth. Some pr montories, nomithStanding tW at least, projec into the ea, the onenea the mouth of the Lycus, no called ali et halb lat. 33 16 , the ther, lat. 34 50 , calle θεο ποοσωπον. Ancienti O thesem iantain thereare cedars of Whicli here remain to this da fromissent to orty though accordin to Aryda ni fourteen, of great sige an antiquity together illi many malle ones Antilibanus runs Do the mout O the Leontes, at si si in an easter direction, but oon alter it course an runs Orth, parallel With Libanus. Itis much hirae than Libanus, and is crowned With perpetua snows, Jer. 8 13. In the summer, no is also ound n Libanus in thocles is and fissures Whicli are exposed to the Orth; it is osten brought down into the eighboriri cities, and mingled with the rin of the inhabitanis, in orde to rende it more coo and res reshing, Prov. 25:12. The ighest ea of Antilibanus a called by the HebreWs, Hermon; by the Sidonians, Sirion; and by the morites, Senis,
Deut 3 9. In later times these three ames ere iven O three separate Summiis, 1 Chron. 5 23. The par toward Damascus ascalle Amana, ri 3Ν from hich so the two river Aman and
nus The height of these molantain is about 9000 seel. They exhibit a grand an imposin appe arance many f the mages, hichoceu in the Scriptures, are drawn from them Isa. 10 34 29 17. 35:2. II. Carmel. his is a molintainous ridge, hicli egitis to rise out hirteen miles solith o Ptolemais, in the vicinit os a large ba forme by the ea. I stretches solith 11 miles, an is 40
miles in circumferenee, accordin to 'Aoieux early 60. Thenorther an e ter summit are igher than the outhern and western The orther summi or ridge projeet into the ea, theSOuther recedes, and leaves a plain o the hore in the formo a
IV. The Mountatas of Israel also called the ountainsis Ephraim,
strictor ense. In the outher pari ere the mountains Abarim, π, . Among these in the region o dericho, rose me mountain
Pheor o Phegor, also Nebo, rom the Summi of hicli, calle Pis-gali, the whole land of Canaan is visibie. Deut 3 27 32 48 50.34 1, 2. comp. Mait 4 8. 15. PLAINS. mxpa, natas, sex, 'T. The mos celebrate are, I. The hore of the Mediterraneanfrom me river of Egypt to mount Carmel. The trae from agato Joppacis impi calle Maazir, the lain. In his lain ere thesivo principat ities of the Philistines, in Gaga AShelon, potus, Gath, and kron o Accaron. The region reachin fro Joppato Carmel, hie is omeWhat hilly, a called Maron. his is obe distinguished rom a place likeWis calle Sharon, siluate be--een abor an line Gennesareth and fro a third place also of the fame name, east of the Jorda in the tribe of Gad, celebrated sor
srom est to east through themiddie O Palestine, beginning at the Mediterranean, and the mountain Carmel, and terminatin at theegress of the Ordan rom ah Gennesareth. It tengili is romtWenty-three o tWenty-eight an iis brea dili rom in to thirteen miles. The easteri par is called haron; the western the lain Of
Neh. 7 29. I. The fores Charet mn, and the forest mors hu
Is at the present perio forest ni o raret to e et illi in Palestine, emus remember that Ot Ialy many filum ore ut down by the Hebro sili selves biit that the were osten destroyed also by the enem ies, fio at disserent times luid ast Judea. e bould o be suri rised therosore, fwood hould he wantin for uel though not much is requiret in that arm limate, and that the drie excrements of quadruped should e sed in iis
It extend through Arabia Deserta a sar a tho Persian uis, and north along the Euphrates beyond the est of Bir. his large tractis calle in tho ibi the Desert of Iudah, ecaus it commences Within the limits of that tribe Josti. 19 34. s. 63 1. 2 Chron. 20:20. Misit 3 1. Marti 1 4. Jolin 10 40. The Desert of Engedi is
The Jordan empties iis ater into the Dead ea, ometimes albed the Eastern ea, omelime the se of Siddim, Ometimes the ea of the laim; ecauserit occupies the lain o Siddim, in hiel thecities of Sodom Gomorrat, Admah, Zeboim, and ZOar, ere Silualed, Deut 3 17. Gen. 18 20. 19 24 et seq. 00 2 20. Zech. 14 8. A the Jordan bes ore the celebrate destruetio of this plain, dis-charge itfel in the fame place that it no does the Onclusion is a necessa ine, that the ahe whicli then existed, a Subterranean, comp. Gen. 14 3. It was overed with a crust of earlli, hicli Wassustaine by the sphaltus, a pitchy, bituminous substance, hichemerge stom the otio of the alio, and collecte during a long
it greates breadth from est to east. It water are a litit -- pregnate With alum, and very much so illi sali hende it is assed the est ea, Gen. 14 4, andraecause it preserves nothin alive init, it is also calle the Dead ea maleve is immersed in iis ater an taen ut again is overe With a crus os sest; hichseem to have been the destin of Lot' Wise, unies indeo the discourse e meret of a monumen heapedis of incruste sali,
tainous On the orth-West is a plain, impregnate Willi est, barren Seorched, and overe With inders. his ad explain tous the origi of the custo of sprinklin sali pon desert places,untes referen eae had in the custom to the sal valleys, of hichthere are number in the East, eui. 29 23. Judg. 9 45. In this pluin rows the solanum melangenae HS calle thevinem Sodom, hiel bears liat have been denominate the inples an also the rupes an cluster os Sodom, ther is called the bitte an polsonous rapes an clusters. They ure sal tolebeautii ut umide, ut illiin, corruption and Shes, Deut 32 32. In the pring, he tho Jordan rises, the luke isel is Wollen. The inhabitanis, heres ore, di piis o the hore, hici receiVethe wnter of the alio the water in the piis Stagnates aster the
in noulle iis cili sanie a me etween Jerusalem an ille motant of
Olives ita channe is dry, excepi in the winter Ita directio is
divides into two branches. The maller hare of the waters that deseen from these mountains, flows east through the valle o JeZreel into line Gennesareth. The remainder, hicli sorm the largerbod of the wo runs est through the valle o Jegreel, and after bella inere ed by the accession O many mali streams, enterStheraeamea Carmel. The last mentione branch of the river as
The state of the atmosphere in his climate is different in different places, but it is notas changeable, as in sume paris of Europe. eshali state iis variations during the si division of the Orientaloear, mentione Gen. 8 22, Which have been perpetuate to this Vamong the Arabians, se Golii Lex Arab. p. 934. During therars par of the ear, hieli is called vir m o the har-vest, and whicli extend fro the iddie of April to the iddie of June, the k is Serene, the atmosphere in the lalter par of Apri is
Warm, Ometime oppreSSivel So, eXcepting in the valleys and o thestiores of the ea, here it is temperate. The heat continues o increme, an to beeOme more unple an toWard the lalter part of this divisionis theraeaSonS.
During the secondiar of the ear, hieli is called 'TI, the timeos ruits o summer, extendinis rom themiddie of June to themiddie of August, he heatris o severe, that the effect oscit is et throughthemight, and the inhabitant flee unde the pen hy. The thir season, extendinifro the iddie of Augusto themidille os october, is calle in or the ho season; ecause in the commendement of it theaea continues ver severe, although it Soon ins Ombate. Froin the time os harvestis themidille os April to th middie os September, there is either alii nor thunder Prov. 26 1. 1 Sam. 12 17. Jerom on Amos 4 7. Sometimes in the beii in os theharvestir in hilt rauis of April, a clou is perceived in the Orn-