Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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leadinis rom tho ali into the loWer par of the ity. hicli stretchedalon through the valle toWard the ast in Such a way that thewallis the cit joined iiset to the easter Wal of the Temple Antiquities XV. 11, 5.

On the est fide two Gate ted by numerous Steps, into the valle below, hieli an in a Solithern direction, and was illud ithhouses There ere WO Other Gates On the estern id of the temple beside these; ne of hicli connecte the temple by meanso a bridge ver the valley, With Mount Zion, and the ther conducted tuto the lower par of the ity, Josephus, Antiquities XV. 11, 5. Jewis War, V. 5, 3. On the orth, there a nomate, but the Ower ANTONI Wasconnected illi the temple by means of a covere passage ThistoWer a SO Siluated a to command it, and was aecordingi madethe statio sor a cohor o Roman Soldiers. Compare Aet 21 3134. Josephus, Antiquities XV. 11 4. JeWish War, V. 5, 3. Onoli North and ouili sides of the inner ali, there eremiae Gates three o eaeli side, hicli face eaeli ther. On the Easternside there a amate, hicli corresponde to the ne calle the auti fui in the firS Wall, and wo Gates Hready mentioned dedinto the COUR of the omen. The estern Sidem the innex ali, whiel was contiguous to the sanctuary hadiso Gate Josephus, Anti

6, 3.


434 D342. PORCHES IN THE TEMPLE O HEROD. Each doubie porcii reste on a triple, an eaeli triple porchis aquadruple ro O columns the last o bella contiguous to the wall. TAR COLUMNA, Whieli,ere Corinthian in respectato architecture,)were hewn ut of hi te arbie, and wereo venty-sve cubit in height but the whole altitude, includ in pedeStais, capitals cornice,

I may be insorrod rom the nitare of the case, no es thans molio facta os dosephus' incidentali mentioning subterranean


436 ς 344. ORIGIN GR SYNAGOGUES. above eae o tWent cubiis. In the Sanctuary, a the goiden can-dlestich, the olde table, and the altaris incense, but in the most Hol place there a nothin deposited. The walis illiin and Without, e re unde the necessit of supposing, ere covered Withgoly an it a separate fro the Sanctuar by an embroideredueit, Josephus, JeWis War, V. 5 5. 344. ORIGIN OF SYNAGOGUES. Although the aerifices could not be offered, excepi in the Tabernacle or the Temple, ut the ther exercises of religion ererestricte to no particula place Accordingly e find that thepraises O GOd were ung, at a very andient period in the Schoolso the propheis, and those, Wh fel an particular interest in religion, ere assembled by the eers, on the Sabbath, and the Newm ns, sor prayers an religious instruction, 1 Sam. 10 5 11 19:

prive of thei customary religious privileges, ere Ont to collecta und Ome prophet orither plous mari, ho aught them and theirchildren in religion exhorte to good conduci, and rea out of the sacre Boohs Egeh. 14 l. 20 1. Dan 6 11. compar Neh. 8 18. These assemblies o meetings ecame, in progressi time, fixe incertain places, and a regula Orde Was observed in them Sueli, the originis SynagogiaeS. 345. O TII STRUCTURE, ETC. OF S AGOGUES. In speah in of Synagogues, it is orthyrio be noticed that thereis nothing aid in respectat the existene os sueti bulldings in adestine, during the re ignis Antiochus Epiphanes. The were, there- re, stis Ore ted unde the Maccabem princes, an no long asterwere uel multiplied but in fore0n countries, the were muchmore ancient, Josephus de Wisti 'Var VII. 3, 3. Whether his statument e tria beyoni a question, or hether


with the Synagogues in the East at the present day. In the centreos the ouri, is a chapel, supporte by Our columns in hicli, o an elevation repare so it is place the Book of the law, olled p. This ora the appotnte days, is publici read. In addition to the Chapel there is erecte Within the ouri, a large, covered halli vestry, into'hiel the eopte retire, hen the weatherhappens orae cold and stormy, and acti sumit has it particular Seat, Delia Valle' Traveis P. IV. Episve 5. p. 195. Omp. almud Succoth, b I, 2. The et permost sems in the Synagogue, i. e. thOS Whic Were ea est the Chapet, here the acre Boohs ere epi, ere Steemed peculiari honorabie, Mati. 23 6. James 2 3.

cises. ut osephus, in his aecount of his own Lise, 54. alis the PROSEUCH o Tiberius, a large ouse, hic hel very many

We inser, there fore, stat προσευχη is the Same illi τοπος Orolao τῆς προσευχῆς, Vig. any place of Orsh, anSWering to the Aramean phrase, 'Phz a Whicli is sed sor Synagogiae. Theywere distinguished rom Synagogues O the round mei ely that the were o bulldings speciali se apar sor divine Orship Acts 16 13, 16. Philo de Legat ad Caium p. 1011. Juvenal, Satire III.

14. The postles reache the Gospe in Synagogues an PROSEUCHΑΕ, and with thei adherent performe in themill the religious services. When excluded the imitate the Jews in hos places, Where the were too oor to erect these bulldings, and hel thei religious meetings in the houses of individuals Herace, nolint he


I may be remarhed that the Gree and Hebre WOrds, here mentioned are applied in Some instaneeS, in ther period o time, sol Mart so the purposes of religion or recreation, but are generally, and more specially used in reserene to the event dis of the

Whether the praeticem consecratin the Sabbath originaled Dom, at is stated in Gen. 2 1 , is a question, hicli, hile it has been defende by ome, has been disputed by there, on the ground that thor is no expres mentionis it previous to the time o Moses Buti rogar to this mini, vig the origi and antiquit of the Sabbath, Ip--d O stat', I. A e n by an examination os the Mosaic a s that thes pari os the ordinanem hicli are sanctione by that Le-


ς 346 THE ANTIQUITY OF 'ΠΕ SABBΑΤΗ. 439gislator, existe in previous times, e have a right to Say the probabilis is that this a the case in respectato the Sabbath also. II. What e liould theres ore, naturailne ec in his case, is rendere more probabie by the Xpressioris, sed in Exod. 20 8 11, where the command ruta thus Remember the Sabbath day, to keepit holy. For these expression arei Sueli a natur as evidently Olmply that the consecratior of the eventii day although it might have been omitte sor a time during thei re8idene in gypt wa not ane thin to the Israelites, and that the understood, ho the Vshouldae Lepti sancti sed, and were ablerio desit, is the had a disposition O.J III. This te in respecto the Sabbath is surther confirmed by

the circumstances that e re noWhere told, hat things are to edone and what are tot omitted o that V hieli implies that theduties connected with it ere known from custom.

IV. There is mentio made of the sanctificatio of the Sabbath, besor the forma promulgationis thema concerniniit fro Mount Sinai, Exod 16 22 30.

as Gen. 29 27, and we further find that a definite periodis smen diss cur in Gen. 7 4, 10 8 10 12; hieli implies that one da of theseven a marhed by Ome distinction. VI A the ver natur of the case compei us to belleve, that thedoctrines of the Creator and the creation could no have existe a soearly a period, a the did, ithout a revelation so there is far frombeing an improbabilit o inconsistene in considering Gen. 1 1. 2:2, 3 98 a Simultaneous revelation in regar to the Sabbath. VII. inalty that this a the case, is hinte in Exod. 20 8-11; and fui thermore, it is o this ground only vig. that the Sabbath was consecrate previous to the time o Moses, Or, in the wOrds, existed Om creation that, ure ablerio account so the aci that very many nations, ho it is certain, didio tali the praetice froin the Mosaic LaWS, have, in Some Way or ther, distinguisbe stat ay, Josephus

against Apion, II. 39.


440 g 347. ON THE DESIGUM THE S BATH. 347. O THE DESIGN F THE SABBATH. The design of the Sabbath, as mentione in Exod. 20 8 11 and in i 12 17, here there is a repetition O the statement, made in Gen. 2 1-3, as to exhibit a symboli acknowledginent, that God was the Creator of the universe, und that Herulone is o thyrio be and ought toae, orshipped. Herace the fame punishment was attache to a violatio of this Institution that here a to anopen desectio from theoriae God, viz. eath, Exod 35 2. Num. 16:32 36. In addition to this generat laeet, there M another os a sub- ordinat hirid, vig. that men, speciali Slaves, might est, an beres res led, and might be edo rejoice in the goodnes of God, hogaue them his eason o Suspension rom thei totis, Exod. 23:12. That the Sabbath, as Ome maintain, a consecrate in coinmemoratio of the deliverane si om Egyptia servitude, is no hereasserte i and the most that an e contende so On his potnt, is, that the Jews are exhorte to remember the sufferings, the enduredin that land in orde that, prompted by reminiscelices of this Lind, the might the more illingi allow the res of the Sabbath to their seroant an to thei catile Deut 5 14, 15. The staternent, hicli is made in Exod 31 13-17, an Egeh. 20:20, 21 vig. that the Sabbath is the sign o a COVENAN between God and the Israelites, means meret this that God a creator, hada cluim on the worshi of the eius that he was dispose to exactsuch Worship and that he had promise to render t. NΟΤΕ. The more receni JeWs distinguished certain abbaths by partieular ames. The Sabbath, O instance, immediatet preceding the Passover, a denominatet ille great abbath, doli 19 31. mp. Orach. haesim, p. 430, an Schulchan Aruch, p. 33, 2; be- cause the Israelitus, hil in gypt had itnesse on that da agrent miracle. Indeed an Sabbath, hich was immediatet sollowed by one of the principat festivitis, as denominated great. Anothor in os Sabbath is calle the secon frat, σάπατον, δευrεροπρωτον. It is Orth Os remal k, that the Sabbath, hichis thus ame in Luke 6 1 the secondbirst, is calle in Matthew


The nam of the Sabbath lself, zar , hicli signisses est, is an intimation that the labors, in hicli me ordinarii engaged, hallbe intermitte o that ay and we frequently meet illi expresscommand to that effect Exod. 20 10. 31 14 17 35 1 3 Deut. 5 12 14. A urticula specification, OWeVer, o enumeration Ofwhat might, and What might o b done is no here 1 urid, and weca orat SV, that, es ore the promulgation of the la o Mount Sinai, the athering o Manna a one of thos things, ponwhicli, e re aSSured labor could O be expended, and that, subsequently to iis promulgation the mahin O arare, asinother, Exod 16 22-30. 35 3. Num. 15 32, 36. What ther hingsthere ere, hic Were expreSSi prohibited, e have O means fascertaining. W are a liberi in say, nevertheless, O the ther hand, I. That the se of arm Was no interdicted a the more recent JeWs supposed i Mace 2 31 et seq. II. Theaealing of the sic also a no sorbidden, nor the ahingos medicines, a Was ream by ome of the Jewishoeacher in thesim o Christ, and by ome of the writer in the almud, nor, in truth a oui ne or at o more than a thousan geometrica paces, nor the luchin O a se ear of Orno appeas One' hunger,nor the performance of any acts of necessity, a seedin catile, or