장음표시 사용
35. The remainder of the animal substane and of the ahes a converte by the person, ho made the offering into an entertuitament, in hieli idoWs, Orphans the Oor laveS, and Levites ere
THE SACRIFICES, by means of hieli covenanis ere confirmed, Were noto Separate clas os offerings, but elonge rathe to thepeae O than offerings. The custo O confirming Ovenant inthi Way, whieli is the round of Our giving the subjecti Separate ΠSideration, ac derive from a praetice mong the Chaldeans.
484 D383. GF COVENANT SACRIFICES. The practice, to hich e allude, as his Those, WhO ereabout to confirm an agreement, te an divide the victims, and place the paris opposite tomach other. The then passe throughthe paris thus divided suying ut the fame time, Let it no thus bedone to us ' Ephrem Syrus, T. I. p. 161. Such a consi malion of his ovenant, God inorded in a vision to Abraham, by causing a fame and a molieri passietween the paris
Thero an hardi be a dolabi therei ore that ther Ovenant onother occasioris ere confirmed in like manner, Exod. 24 4-8. Josti.
24 25. I Sam. 11 15. 1 ing 1 9 et seq. 2 Chron. 29 10 34 31, 32. Ps. 50 5. his hypothesis, viz. iis bella a customary thin to
An it a b observe sui thermore, that this a the praeticeno orit in Judea, but likewis in imos ali the ther nations ofantiquit , of hicli, have a proo in the ord and phrases, sedon Such subjectS. For instance r z a covenant, is si om to dissectis cui up, and literati means a dissectioni cultis up Vig. of the victinis that were Sacrisced, hen the covenant a confirmed. The Latin foedus co venant, in the manner, aecordin to the etymolog giveni, Servius, Aen. viii. 64 I. is derived a foedis vulneribus sacria soli, froni the epithet, hich was Sed to XpreS the appearanceos the ound of the victim then lain. his state1nent of Servius
accounts o certain expressions, hicli,ere in common Se among
the Romans, uel a the solio ing, foedus icere, percutire, ferire,
Theso victim Were symbol os the punishment, hicli as Osali pon the violatoris the covenant, and whicholiose, WhO RSSed through in vicitas, imprecated on theiri nauails in case of Sucti violation.
384. ΟΝ ΥΠΕ ΜΕΑΝΙΝ Ο SACRIFICES. From ha has been aid it is sufficienti clear, hat significanc O meaning e ought O attacho sacrifices. For, i it wereth case that the Hebrews, Subsequently to the time o Abraham, were accustome t indicate in an emblemati manne the punishment due to the violator os a covenant by the sacrifices of sai covenant, there ea be no doubi that the likewis attache a symbolica or emblematio meaning O aerifices On ther occuSions. ForinStanee, Such a Symboli meaning a conveyed by the wholeburni offering o holocausis, hieli ero understood bothi Noah and Abraham, rom hut God imself ad communicate to them, Gen. 8 20. 15 9-18, to e a confirmation, o the par o God, of his promises. In regar to holocausis, it a b remarhed, that an additiona significanc Was attache to thema Moses, hointrodueed the ceremon o imposition os ands, hieli as a symbolica indication, that punishment a diae t the person, Wh Os fere the sacrifice, in caseae falle in the fulsiment of his prom
The circumstance, that holocausis ere symbol in confirmationo divine promises, a the reason, that the were burni hola,
and that the were et in uel particular estimation, in a muchas promises ere at the oundation of the whol Jewisti polity. The reason algo that aerisces of this in might o Tered by Gentiles, ho ad soriar est their old systems, a to achnowledgethe rue God, a the faci, that in offering such sacrifices, theyWere UnderStood O mahe correspondent promises of hicli thesaurifice Were a confirmation. The possessed likewis an inpia
gam time, that God wouldio sat of hat he had sat in resereticeto them.
Finalty thos sacrifices, hicli are denominated eaee-Osserings, an eueharistical offerings,ia a symboli meaning as eli as Other ;being indications of the punishment, hiel threatene the Hebrews,
is ilio fhould neglectato ath in that religious way, hicli the had
promised. In the words, the meaning of the was a much asi the had said: It hali not e so ith us as it these sacrifices, for e ili adhere o ou promises V Henee bein confirmed anemon these oceasioris, in thei resolutions the fel themselves a liber to indulge in conviviality. The sacrisices, heres ore, in hicli animal were Stain, ere ali symbolica oraad a meaning. The divine promise were confirme by them, and the HebreWs, o the ther and imparted in thi Way, ne Sacrednes to the en-gagemenis, hieli the had made, to continue true to thei religion; and were thus excitet to ne destres after piet of seelin and rectitude of conduci. Is ver many of the HebreWs ere disposedo go fui ther hanthis, an to attribute an inherent meae to the sacrifices in them-Aelves considered, an to trus in the multitude of victims withwhatuve min they might be offered, this is nothin against thetruth of ur statement, speciali as his error is ver frequently condemned, and in very decidei terins Ps. 50 8-13. 40 5 6. Isa. l: 11-15. comp. 1 Sam. 15:22. Hos 6 6. te. 6 6 8. Mai. 2:
That these symboli substitutions however, o victim in place of transgressors, presgure a triae substitution in the persono Jesus Christ, spem to have been linown ut o ver se of the propheis, Isa liii. Stili his obscurit in respecto the prospective impori os sacrifices is no more proos against the actua existen re os suci an impori, than a Lindi ei obscurity in another caSeis agnitas the existene os prophecies, Some of hicli ille prophet themselves consess the di no understand But although
the sacrifices the were prepare to perceive it a last. Hene the deathis violenue, hicli Iesus suffered, is every herΘterme in the e Testamen a SACRIFICE sor eXpression of this hin are o mere illusions Such as Occur in Roman 12 1. 15 16.
cate a rea sacrifice in the person o Christ, hieli ho sacrifices of the old Testamen prefigured, ascis expressi state in Hebrews 9 3 28 10 10 14, 18. comp. Mati. 26 28. Mar 14 24. Luk0 22:20. 1 Cor. 11 24, 25 Heb. 12 24 1 Peter 1 2 comp. Exod. 24 8. Joli 1 29, 36 19 36, 37. 1 Cor. 5 7. 1 et 2 24. comp. s. 53:5-I2 2 Cor. 5 21. oh. 5 2. Rom. 3 23 25 7 25 1 Joh 2 2. 4 10. 385. O BLOODLES SACRIFICES.
Hone an leaven ere not sed Lev. 2 10, 2, Xeepting, however in the two leavene calie On the east os Penteeost, and the ahes of the eueharistica and eaee-Offerings, and indeed thesemere O to e placed pon the altar, Lev. 7 13. 23 17. 2 11. The aerifices, of hich e have been Speahing, accomparate theblood Auerifiees, and were in addition to them To his remurk, there are the solio in exceptionS. I. The welne Daves of hewJrea in the sanctuary, hicli erechange ever Sabbath, Whicli ere esteeme peculiari holy, and were tot eaten by the riests, ei ther in the tabernacle or the temple Lev. 24 5-9. 1 Sam 21 3 6 comp. Mar 2 26.
rites ure contaminated from homini Sueli desilements ero to eremoved, ere not accounte SINSG ut the neglect os puri scation, when uncleannes had appened, a an error, technicali a RΕSPAS O a SIN, Whieli resulted in exclusion rom intercourse illi theres of the eople. The mos of the instances of uncleannes ceased of themselves after the expiration os a certain period o time, provide that heuraclea person, at the expiration os sal time, Washed his Ody and his lothes. ut in ther instances, unclean persons ere nubtein re themselves rom the stain of thei defilement, uriti the hadfirstagone through certain ceremontes os purification, rescribed in the
Wood, the earlet, an hyssop; prinkle the orice leprous manseven times an let the livin bir go fre0, as a symbol of his liberation rom the leprosy, Lev. 14 1-7. This eremon WaSobserve lihewis in the purification os a leprous ouge, Lev. 14:48-53. The subject of these ceremonios, avin then aShed his od an his lothes, and have himself, was accounte Clean, but Wa no permitte to enter the encampmen or the io, until
The si st-bor os utile, o goat an Ahoep, si om eight days to ayeur id, ere t be offeret in sacrifice, and the paris designated bein buriit, the re mainder a lest to the riesis Num. 18 17, 18 Lov. 27 26. ven in case there as an desect in thegoata, heep, or bullocks, O that the could not e legali offered
TYTHES are very ancient, and were exacte in the earlies times, amon ulmost ali natioris, Herod. I. 5 77 Pausan Eliac. I. c. 10.
Phocie. 11. Diod Sic. XX. 14. Abraham offere the tythos of his spolis o Melchisedec, pries of the most igh God Gon. 14 20. Jaeobbowed unt Godolio tentho nil his incomm a vow, hiel Was observe both by himself and his posterity, Gen. 28 22. Tythin is mentioned, as a praetice et known and of ancient standing. in Deut 12 1l 17-l9. 14:22, 23 and the precepta,