Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


222. Bu . . . . moxinua, sinether mala moria a. a G. 45M. - Maoximino vorto, bis 'latin sescaas. n. lui a ken Mith amm, ascisci satu, Mahat' his idea os a testis truth. 227. unisu, here impi a The Latin no uncommoni used unus, a veil a quidam, as an indefinite article, of whic the wantis osten et In the fame Way the demonstrative Pronouns areused so the definite article. 228. Ita. i. e. ust ache was Wit his inmat cui. - Partim, not

gested perhapa by the nam Lycaon Gree λυκος, It correspondsint the wild superstitionis the re most, hic mahes the sum jecti many old popula tales. The name I aue in is ove to particular sor of Mnesa connecte Wit this superstition. In I6cio, multitudes ere attached Mith the diseas in the Jura. emulate the destructive habit of the wolf murdered and devoured children, hoMed mathe on alI4ours a that the palms of the hanes hecam hard and homy and admitted that the congregated in the mountain sor a sortis cannibal o devir Sabbath. ix

hundred person Mere executed on theirim consession. Chambera, En clopiae M. an notice of this superstition are found in ancient riters of many nations, especiali in connectio mith Arcadia a pastora an sores country, here the inhabitanta suffere greatly srom Wolves. 233 - 1Pa , i. e. rom his natural character, needingio transformation The allusion is to soam a the mouis.


26. Horas, usuali in mytholog Me Masona, but here in the


Io I. E cludit 4 17 7, b G. 267. -- a, apparently directobjectis iuravimua is a Gree construction in Latin it ould

regulari tali Pen Io3. HB, themther, a very common us es me prono n.

Im in notitia, opas 4 early transparent preci a tone, osten os a right maden color the or is Greeli, an signifies