Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


263. Quo relates in m nisu.


quem relates to unus.


This interestin myth requires no explanation heyon thesimplest ane mos obvious analogies os natura phenomena, an intenselfhot summer trees bearing a Vague resemblance to flender

836. genitor Iupiter. - o nam amoris Iove as his motiis. 838. . Illo oornu, s. e. the air, his accustomediath.


844. Ila Europa, the broadim V dau ter of themasternking, is ne of the numerous ames given to the a. in the Gree mythology. The da n o civiligation rises pon the western wori sto Asia. For the significatio of this fabie see

introductor note to the nexi section. 846. non en o nveniunt, me no ver consistent. --Tam tur, resitae.

among the Grecian istanda Severes of the divinities orshippedis the Greelis ere probabi introduce by them. The able of Europa may perhaps potntrio suo a setilement in Crete, it theintroductionis catile stom Asia The heiser Which guide Cadmus Mould thus have me fame signification in the stor Wit the bull


77. in clo . . . IntBrctum, nom . . . nom.


Ia . Tritonis: ruonis is an epithe of inerva, probathly


ACRISIUS, vin o Argos, ad been warne that he hould edethrone an flain by the chil os his auoter Danae, homtherelare, to eliide the oracle, he confineri a clungeon it bragen malis. ut Iupiter gaine admission in the sormo a hoWer os Mid, and Danaeiecam the mollieris Perseus. Bein aliut Miththe child ethen Muraear os age in a Chest, or offer, an CaStinto the ea, he riste to the istand of Seriphus, here the oygre up and was sent crastily by the tyrant of the istan sor thehea of the Gorgon Medusa. In his enterpris he was helpedan delivered by the riendi care of the divinities Mercur and Minerva, ho armediim sortis infli gavelim the power offight, and made him invulnerable and invincibie. See, sor an admirabie

aster thei rebellion to bear the weight of heaven pon his


663. Hippotaclea, Eolus, sonis Hippotas, god of the winos.

AEgyptus and Danaus. 67o maternas unguos Cassiopeia mother of Andromeda was ahat starre Ethiop queen that AtroveΤ set her beauty' presse above Therae nymphs, and thei powers offended.' Cepheus, Cassiopeia Andromeda, and Perseus are among the mos strihin constellations in the orther heavens.

67I. Ammon the hie divinit of Egypt identifie wit me Gree Zeus Uupiter represented wit the head os a ram. ehad an oracle in the Libyan deserti

672. raoohia, acc o specification. 673. Abantiacton Abas, in o Argos, descende stomDanaus, a fallier os Acrisius. 673. ignea, the flames of love.

683. BIlgata, i. e. herianda bound behino. 684. quo Potuit, i. e. the oni ining sh could iis antecedentis the sentenc Iumin isto. 683. natanti Ioraim uriens. - ua emphatic ahe would notaeem to consessauiit.