Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


I is supposeditat mos classes h read Ovid at est, ill readori besore an other Latin poet an a it is destrable that a

poetical composition Ahould alwaysi read a verse, - that is, witha Howledge of iis rhythmica structure, in se directions illhere beatve so scanning at Sight oris eis; hich, with a lirile practice, millie found an easy, almost mechanica process. It is necessar' irat for therae ne to underetand the natureos the verse, as depending on precisely the fame principies a the

rhythmical division os a plece of music also, tote familiarWith the generat rules of Quantit an Accent φῆ Besides

this, the eacher hould explain and illustrate, o far as may benecessary the structure of the hexameter Ba a), reamn stomst teri of the poem iiself, untii iis peculia movement has hecomelamilia to the learner' ear It will now be observes r. That the dissiculties in canninclis almos entiret in Me si assis Me verse Wit ver rare exceptions the las Moseet, and generalty the last three, re accente in verse exacti asthe mout be in prose that is, the Arsis fidit syllabie of theseo corresponda missi the natural or prose accent of the word.

a. That in hexameter verse Me hirae fot rares the ourthinsteis merulari hemincinctis Me Iast uuabis of a morae. Thus, whil me last hias os a verse is almost always accented as in proSe, the fimi hia very seldom s. he alight ause interruptin thelao at the en of the or is calle a caesura Hus G s, sy; and is the mos important potat stat distinguishes the movementes verse rom stat os prose. he paus in the thir Mot lesscommonly the ourth usuali corresponda vit a pause in thesense, and is caned the principat caesura. 3. That Wheneve a hor syllabis occurs in the verse, heremus M a Medi Thiaiecomes a mos convenient rute, as Oonas the pronunciationis even the commoneat moros is nown in

To these 1 may his mentio ad the quantit os fines syllabies si S a . Thaleamo in id iam ha hahit tectio an accurate pronunciationi votas accordiunt thin


186 Nores Ovid. METAM.

at cases here there are mord os more stan two syllabies sorthus a shor syllabie ill osten serve asinae to the entire structure of the verse. For examples, me ili ake the firs four lines of the poem. I. In nova fert unimus muraias aescere formas. Here themast three wotas are canne exacti a the read: mu tatas i dicereri sermas. Os the thera, unimus hows h ita accent that the 1 of the penult is hori; and a ita las syllabiemust helong to the solio ing Word, nothing more is nee d to o that the verse,ill sca as fossoWSQ

and the quantit of the ther syllabies is hown at once by theirposition in the verSe. a. Corpora emi, caesiis - nam vos muIasus et Hus Theirst gore tarpora, heinna dactyl Mince gives a correctistari tothe verse. The secone laol, Di es is equali plain, Ma Spondee; and aster thisieginning the restis theaerae scans DitSelf Corpora Di, coepitis it nam i vos multastIs et Lillas. 3. Adspirare meis primaque ab ors in mundi. The Mst Word, a spirau is early a clear, as Whe we remembereither in pronunciatienis arisse or the quantit of the a of the firs conjugation, e se that it contain three long syllabies, a sponde and the eginning os a dactyl. The last three eet are Pronounced exacti as in prose observire the elision):

. Ad mea persctuum educiae Impora carmen. Here the three last worda forma perfeci metrica seriesu and theoni dissiculi in the verse is caused by the ictus coming on thefiret syllabi offerseruum, hile the accent is o the second.

These directions Mouldi suffcient sor ad oriearly ali cases, is it Meremo so the frequent elisionis the las syllabi os,orda :Vig. in generat, Aeneis a morae enaeing in a vome o in m as uomedis a morae M inning wst a vo- - ωis h. Thismahes the commones an mos ann in os the obstaclecto emet, and requires the beginne to e constans o the watch. fhe illiso caresuli compare the sono in lines a metricallydivided, with the rules hich have been give above, it is hopeclinat he wil have litti dissiculi hereaster.


Ante mair et teri ras Let quod tegit' omnia i caelum, Uniis eirat tollo' nalturae vultus in i orbe, Quem dixi ere Chalos l rudis Lindisgestaque t moles, Nec quic squam nisi i pondus inters, si conigestaqu' elodem Νon benes juncta trum' disicordia' seminari rerum. Nullus adi huc muni do si praeibebat i lumina' Titan, io Nec nova crescent do Drepatrabat' cornua Phoebe, Nec ciricumfulso liens debat in aere Tellus Ponderit bus lilbrata sulis,' nec brachia i longo Μargines terras rum lior rexerat' Amphiltriten Quaque fulit tellius, Lilllic et i pontus et Ἀεr. Is Sic erat Instabillis tellius, i ininabilis Lunda, Lucis e gens ater; l nulli sua Psorma a nebat, obstat baim alii is villud, i quia i corpor in i uno Frigida iugna ibant callidis, Phul mentia i siccis, Μollia' cum duiris, sine i ponder halbentia' pone o


Didat thou neve ae Titan his a dis of hinter λ


Τhe varietros names of the ancient divinulos comes hos the cictiliat ne iseis of god springing uino introduceo stom abroad were identifie .ith the old ones.

place of the old. I 2. 1roumfuso aBm:. later philosopher inuo that the Earthis a Spherei globe, surrounded by air, in Whic it hanc balancedbmits wn weight -- nvioribus librae aeris. - Tinua, Min arma contraste Mith the heavens : aerea eonnecteri Wit torreo istae V lanae, a contrasted uit the ea. I 3. Iongo margino, Montiae longiuuine 3 - G. 387 . I4. Amphitruo Am irrise, sh that ensobis,' the wis of Neptune, is poeticali theraea here conisunded .it the ocean, Whicli in Homer embraces the hole eari lino a vast river. observe that this is a spondat verse Amphursu. I 6. Si uo, i. e. in his conditio of things. - inat uia, lan Mna - the earth that could notia rod the waveribat could notbe swum,' the opposite of thei mos structog properties.

numentia, mollia.

a I. ano utam, Mis urisse of Whicli a case at mur semed themost natural imam to a Romam etymologicalty the fame Word, iis .


I. ut σε. --α Idnisu mira and in in reserence to thecelestiat equator. The division intorave ones Was orat made bat Eudoxus, a pupilla Aristolle. o. quinta eo uaere is a M in the utate .

iving the reasonis separati ribe is implaing the consequence of thei bellu together.


the coruu Was cui Ved . .


III mona: . i. e. in the olde Age hone Moppe spont neouslydrom the leaves; hile that gathered by bee is purious and inserior.

sourceis civiligation, mas aneienti hel in disesteem by the poets.

is douiae. hendan disson the waves, and with contemptis the




ID. I.--, no native in s m, a bring the simple name, amere Mord, in no grammatical relation. his orae ho ever is in appositis Wit nomen.

I 6. Palatia inis ordinad notoet acquire ita modern mean-ingis lace, hut meant thes elling of Augustus o the Palatine Ull. Augustus is thus h a darinissaltern au cia . compared With the in os goda. alasaam the persect cloea no differ stomste present in sense I seems tot an imitation, common in the poets of the Greewaorist.

177. Eo.anu, an interior apariment, sor secret session.'

178. - by a common usage Meraing, chlas, as in ipse dixi .


I93. STt. at Dari. - .inamvis hortator subjunctive. I96. - Ver commoni used in argumentative queations acthere, here the thin aske is obviousi absurd. -- uisa opposectio mihi.

2 . tuorum, Mine omn. B a pleasant fiction, in subjecta os Augustus' empire are spolien os as his inere or frienda. plotan filial affection. 2OS P Etquam o m Baali, Amrae Aad Ausheae. Io7. EgEntia. he se of the participi in the singularis a nou is poetic though the language is Ver capricious in iis se of participies a nouns. - 1ΔΘm concessive), is is erue, i. e. there is no need of ou hein alarme to e aure, butri mill teli in storyto gratis your curiosi ty.