The Tusculanan disputations. Book first. The dream of Scipio ..

발행: 1851년

분량: 240페이지


분류: 미분류


Intervallis .... distinctis Compose of intervati nequat, butyet proportionalty divided by rule, etc. Tanti motus incitari possunt. EXquiSite dictum pro, tanta corpora tam celeriter moveri possunt Hottinger. trema The Xtremes the ighest spheres and the

passage in thi Dream, Macrobius say Haec eo dicta Sunt, Ut aperta ratione eon Staret, neque planitiem in tribuS, neque Soliditatem Sine quattuor OSSe inciri. Ergo Septenariu numeru geminam vim obtinet vinciendi, quia ambae parte ejus vincula prima Sortitae Sunt, ternariu cum una medietate, quaternariu eum duabuS.

Nilus f. Senec. Nat. Quaest. IV. . Ad illo. Scit loca. Id, t. Identidem fro time to time. This ord is accordingtomand forme by doublin idem, d si buin interpo sed

so the salie os eaSe in pro nuneiation. VI. Eaepetendam. Quae digna Sit, quae Xpetatur. VinetUS. Spectato, contemnito. The imperative future is properly used in precept an rules Os conduci, that is, O XpreS ae-tions that are tot repente La Osten a the cca Sion ariSeS.

Z.*584. Habitari. Moser notices the Same impersonalisse of this mord, in Cic. Icadd. II. XXXix. 123 habitari, ait Xenophanes, in una. Quasi stand besorem ordino signis that it is sed toexpres a thin figurativel and by way of approximation. M. 444. , Obs 2 Quidam is osten inployed in conjunc-


tam .... CinguliS.

Obliquos. . . Periaeci Περιοικοι peopleolio live unde the fame parallel o latitude, ut in opposite meridian S.

Aversos. . e. Antinci Aντοικοι thos unde the fame meridian, ut opposite parallelS. Adversos. . . Antipodes 'Aντιποδες thOSe ho rein opposite parallel and meridians, diametricali Opposite. Caeli verticibus Cic. de Nat. Deor. II. li. 105 tremusque adeo duplici de cardine verte dicitur esse polus. Nihil ad vestrum genus. Scit pertinet. Ha n Connec-tion ith our race. In certain Xpression the ellipsis of the ver has ecum a generat Sage, e . g. in the phra SeS

Angusta Derticibus, lateribus latior Narrow at the potes, wide in a latera direction. Quem Oceanum appellatis. For the ender of quem See Beck' Syntax, n. 2, in med. Quantis in angustiis vestra se gloria dilatari velit. Cf. Senec. Epist. Xui. 17 Alexander Macedonum re discere Geometriam, infelici coeperat, SciturUS, quam puSilla terraeSSet, e qua minimum occupaverat. Ita dico, infelix, ob hoc, quod intelligere debebat, salSum Se gerere nomen. Qui enim esse magnus in pusillo potest NAutem again, - item eae altera parte. Iutem is the weal est adverSative partiole, ein rather a partici os distinctio thaum oppOSition.

VII. Quin cis durived rom the ablative qui and ne. Qui bein both interrogative and relative, o also is quin . V Inour paSSage the qui in quin is interrogativeri literalty re noth no say Quinis frequently used with etiam,


Non modo .... sed ne quidem. In Orde to denote an ascendin to a negative dea that even omething hieli is more probabie, and of es moment, Oe no tali place), non modo Or non solum is combined with sed ne suidem or sed et ir) Is both clauses have a common predicate, O hichthe negative elongs, and the predicate stand in the lustelata Se the negation hicli ies in ne quirim o vir may beres erred to the whole so that instead Os non modo non or non solum non we have in therars clauSe ni non modo or non solum)V M. 461. b. ergog - On CaeS. B. G. II. vii. quo non modo intrari, sed ne perspici quidem OSSet mayS, h logica ground on hicli non cari e omitted here aster non modo is that by the Coalescingis ne - quidem mitti posSe,

the .rmatio of the ver becomes negation, and thus thenegative ne belong conjointlyn both clauses. So B. G. III.

iv non modo defesso, sed ne saucio quidem dabatur, here, alSO, ne- quidem, attracted O dabatur, give a negatiVe mean-

in os impediebatur, prohibebatur. Se Z 724. .

Nec paucioreS, et . . . . meliores. The combination os a

negative an assirmative member is denote by neque - et, both not anil los frequently neque - que). f 458. c. Unius anni Cicero is Speakin O an annu magnuS, Whicli, accordin to the old philosophers, is completed Whenal the planet return to the fame relative OSition Orincein 1 fifteen thousando ears. Se De Nat Deor. II. XX. 51 anda fragmenti Cicero' Hortensius, preserve by Servius in I. et II. Aeneid. where it is state that a great ear is completeil post XII millia nongentos quinquaginta quattuor annOS. Ad idem Ad eandem partem locum, SignUm. Caeli descriptionem - descriptionem siderum in caelo De- Scriptionem, in marhing ut delineation, hence, arran gement, relative distribution. Habeto. The imperative future ut the command inconnection illi Some ther action, ian expresse that Somethin is tot dono in future, hen, o as Oon S, Omething


198 AD DREAM DF SCIPIO. good illustration os this ut quandoque .... defecerit, tum

.... habeto.

Igitur. Derived like ita, rom the pronomina roo i when cerare is and hicin and the demonstrative sussicitus r). Itur, ' saysmand is indred to ita, hether by the commutation Os the letters mandis, O a to e the Sameracitus, o by the additionis, final, as in ther adverbSQ sor eXample, a luculente becomes luculenter. The prefixe ignis a changed formis the syllabi ic a vigesimus as ritiei in Stead ofvicesimus, negligo sor neclego), and thi ic, in accordarice with the ancient sage in ritin and Speahing, is hic. Igitur ahes the sirs place in a sentence hen it modi fies the whole clauSe, and not meret Some particula notiOmincit. Dederis. Subjunctive in an Xhortation. With th elevated sentiment Cicer ascribes to Africanus in the si Xth and Seventit hapters, e ma compare the linea

in Milton's Lycidas TS-84

Fam is no plant that grow on morta soli,dior in the glisteriri soli Sol orto tho orid, nor in broad rumor lies; But livos an spread alos by thoSe Ure yes, An persect witnes of all-judging Iove; Asa pronounces lasti onmach deed, of o much fume in heaven expect thyme ed. VIII. Non esse te mortalem, sed corpus hoc. s. Tusc. I. XXii. 52 Neque nos corpora sumus neque ego tibi haec dicens, corpori tuo dico, et Seqq. Nam quod Semper movetur, aeternum est, te. Thi Sentenc is the introductionis a quotation rom the Phaedrus of Plato 51 53 extendin to the word et aeterna est , hichis also inserted, illi Some Alight Variations os reading, in the Tusc. Disp. I. xxiii. I p. 28, 29). See noteS, Supra, p. 147. Habeat necesse est V. 625 B. 202. n. IX. Si . . . . eminebit foras it hali ake t way beyond. On thi use of the future consul the note on Si minus id obti-


CHAP. IX. 199

nebis, p. 130. Foras is an accusative sor from an obsolete adjective forus, a, -- allied, Ille foriS, forum, fors,f0rma,to fero. Nam eorum animi . . . . revertuntur. See the note nTusc. I. ii 27 in ceteris humi retineretur et permanereta

men, p. 13 - 133. In rogard to the theor of the purgationos uili fovis, of Virgil, Aen. I. 735-751. On the Sentiment of the passage Idque ocius faciet. . . . revertuntur, CLI SC. Div. I. XXX. 72, Supra, p. 38, and a fragmen frum the De Consolatione, preserve la Lactantiu eo enim omnibus iidem illi sapientes arbitrati Sunt eundem curSum in caelum patere. Nam vitiis et Sceleribus contaminatos deprimi in tenebras atque in coeno acere docuerunt caSto autem animOS, UrOS, integrOS incorruptoS, boni etiam studiis atque artibus X politos, levi quodam et acili lapsu ad deos, id est, ad naturam sui similem pervolare. V Compare, utSO, the extrae from the Horten3iuS, Supra, p. Viii.

The Same spiritis literar scepticism hicli ave riserioth great controvers in the ast alscentur on the author- Shi of the poem os Homer has attached the genuinenes of the omnium Scipionis. utin hardi, a German Scholar, published somo articles in 1820, in hichae maintaine that this ream is no tho composition Os Cicero etther a a hole or in an considerable pari, ut a Writte by Somerhetorician Osi great talent. The arguments of this heretio, however, have been abi an triumphanti resuted by Moserin his editior of the De Re Publica, p. 510 511.


Tu treatis bearing the ille Cato Major, sive De Senectu

B. C. 44, i ad dresse to T. Pomponius Atticus, thon in his Sixty-eighth ear, hile Cicero hirnset was in his ixty- secondis si xty-third. In the hori introductor dialogue, Scipio Emilianus Africanus Minor an C. Laelius Sapiensare suppoSed to have alii a visit to Cato the Censor, at that time eighty-s Our ear old. Beholding illi admiratio the activit os bod and clipersulnes of ind whichae dispJayed, the requeSt imo potnt out by ha mean the weight os increaSin year may be mos ea Sil burne. Cato illingly


whielicis isol contracted rom cui sold sorm quoi rei. Ab ea proprius. Thi peculiar Se os prope, pr0priuS, prorime, combined illi ab is no infrequent.

Sed credo .... conStantia. O the Sentiment, s. Cic. de Nat Deor. II. iv. Ipse autem homo natus est ad mundum contemplandum et imitandum. Ibid. vi. 140: DiiJ

primum homines humo eicitatos celSos et erectos conStituerunt, ut deorum cognitionem caelum intuentes capere possent. Sunt enim e terra homines, non ut incolae atque habitatores, sed quasi spectatores Superarum rerum atque CaeleStium, quarum

spectaculum ad nullum aliud genus animantium pertinet. De Legg. I. X. 26 Nam quum ceteras animantes natura abjecisset ad pastum, solum hominum reaeit, ad caelique quasi cognationis domiciliique pristini conspectum eicitavit. Acad.

De Sen. ix. 66 67 miserum senem, qui mortem Contemnendam esse in tam longa aetate non viderit quae aut plane negligenda est, si omnino exstinguit animum, aut etiam Optanda, si aliquo sum deducit, ubi sit futurus aeternus. Atqui tertium certe nihil inveniri potest. Quid igitur timoam, si aut non miser post mortem aut beatus etiam futurus sum Z V


II. xli. 12 Est enim animorum ingeniorumque naturale quoddam quasi pabulum consideratio contemplatioque naturae. Erigimur, elatiores feri idemur, humana despicimus, cogitantes Supera atque caelestia haec nostra ut effigua et minima contemnimus Senec. Cons. ad Heli . iii. Animum contemplatorem admiratoremque mundi. Plutarch. S. N. V. V. The Pythag-Oreans Irioined the contemplatior of the heavens at the be-

ginning os ach ay, as an incitemen to the imitationis the Order, OnStaney, and purit of the celeStiat odies. M. Antonin Lib. I. Anaxagoras a Diogene Laertius relatus bein asked for hat endrae a born, replied Εἰς

oras, after travelliri in Egypt and the East, utiled a Crotona, a cit in that par of tal called Magna Graecia. Hereti gaine mari distinguished adherentes, an establishod thecelebrate Pythagorean tu or brotherhood of the Three

Hundred. Qui esset ... judicatus The word of the oracle are these Σοφὸς Σοφοκλης, σοφωτερος υριπίδης, Πάντων δε σοφωτaτος Σωκρατης. Tot artes tantae scientiae. Tantae scientiae St genitivus SingulariS; SenSUS Si tot artes quae magnam doctrinam et

scientiam postulant. Sehittg. Haec Platonis fere e These are the principat arguments of Plato. Haec fere sormula eSt, qua utitur is, qui plurima et potiora dixisse vel exposuisse se declarat. V and S urset. ΙΙ. p. 700. Some editor re ad Haec Plato noster sed qui Sic reSeripSerunt, minime meminerunt, Catonem hic, non Ciceronem, loqui. relli. XXII. Apud Xenophontem Cyrop. VIII. Vii. Apud, in. Dicitur se domo et domicilio et de locis in quibus aliquis VerSari Solet. . . . . Hi deSumpta Si formula, qua auctor alicujus libri vel dicti nominatur. Nam ScriptoreSin libris suis quasi in domicilio habitant. Harad' Tur-sel. I. p. 409.


CHAP XXII. XXIII. 203Dum eram. Dum in the ense os quamdiu a long as)When reserrinito paSt time, is regularly oinod with the imperfeci. U Z. 407. a in fin See Supra, p. 171, 172, Oleon dum obsequimur. - Dum formatum esse mihi videtur ita, ut indesiniti temporis Signo um praefigeretur de unde notio eXstitit tempori ex aliquo puncto decurrentis. and ST ursel. II. p. 291. Sed Sed, e se factum, propriam vim habet secludendi. . . . . Sed non opponit, Sed secernit et apponit id quod distinguendum videtur. mand' Tursel. Ι. p. 25. Quo diutius memoriam sui teneremus. and suus in Subordinate propOSition refer, nolint to the subject in the Same proposition, ut also to the subject of the earing proposition, hen the dependent proposition is latexas the Sentiment of the subject This is alway the case illi the accusativo and the infinitive, it propositions hic denote theobjec os an action, illi final propositions and dependent interrogative propOSition S, and with Such relative and ther SubOrdinate propoSition a are deSignate by the subjunctiveas the sentiment of another party. ' M. 490. c. Se Z.

tho old orni of the ablative quo It proper Signification, then, i contra quo modo, quodam modo, and Sine thi relative dea correspondS O the demonstrative, early the Sameas contra hoc modo. Hand ' Tursel. I. p. 13. XXIII. An censes, eic common Ormis direct queStion illi an is hen, in an argument, the peniter ShS

cio usi deceived the Peliades, and their fallier die&; but


Ad carceres a calce revocari. The carceres literalty in-elo Sures, barriers were the starting-places in the circus orraee-COurSe a Romeri a Lind of talis, here the chariot aridhorses sto Dunti the signat, a given. Calae, the goal See note On calcem p. 21. Sed habeat sane futurant, in ieed that it has ad vantages. The concessive subjunctive. Sane i here Sed in a conceS- Sive Sentenue t reStriet the meaning it force a be given

Habet .... nodum : Sill, it has certaini either satiet orlimitation. Neque me vitisse poenitet Nor do I regre that Phane ii De HS e the note ni me imperii nostri poeniteret, p. 193.

Commorandi. . . . dedit. Graevius cites the wOrd of Seneca, Peregrinatio est vita multum quum deambulaveris, δε- mum redeundum est. Andis Democrnte ' κοσμος σκηνη, ὁ βιος πάροδος ' ῆλθες, ιδυς, π)ῆλθες. Catonem meum. M. Oretu Cato Licinianus, the son fCato the Censor, distinguished a a soldier, and after ard asa urist He ted heri praetor designatus, bout B. C. 152, and a se yearsae re his ather. Non quo . . . ferrem No that Iiore it sith indisserεnce. Modum prope limit. Cujus in qua .