장음표시 사용
ΒΟΟΚ FIRST CHAP XXXVII. XXXu111. 166 the ancients hemselves. Cicero id not scrupte to rite in his manner : Acad. L 7 quoniam quibu8nam qui8quam enuntiare nil D. I. 29 quam tibi illam nostram Sospitam, quam tu nunquam, Cett. XXXVIII. 91. In omne tempus Forti time. Licet. .. judicantem .... moliri. ' De Structura verbi licet CUm CC. f. 2 3c. V. v. 44 quibus Mundantem licet esse miserum De Fato XV. superior repetentem regredi. . . . licet. ccusativus semper ponitur, ubi licet non ad certam perSOnam refertur, sed ad indefinitam, quae latet in participio. Κilliner. Iudicantem ne ho belleveS. Eliam si tu id non agasu ven Cyomare nonaimingit t. Α Ver natural se Os the secon person, although the ther veri, in the Sentence are in the third.
Quam . . . . SenSuru Sit, .... quam .... conSequatur. Ub-junctive of the eas n. Consequi una equi. Alteri, the alter referring to mortuos); altero3, the former vivos). A simila sentiment to the ne here expressed Ssound in a wor salsely attributexto the Athenian philosopher
Attinget. So L, Tr. , illin. TiSch. 1 rom SS. Reg., Gud L, II. Oret. Mos. and ob. attingit. illine Say :' Futurum cum ironia aliqua mihi videtur positum SSe, ut hae sere vis insit alteros credo non affinget mors. 92. Somni simillimam. Homer R. XI. 242, os adea perSon κοιμ γηο aτο χάλκεον πνον XIV. 231, Yπνω .... κaσιγνητου Θανατοιο. Cf. Ρlat Apol SocrV ischer Mosercite thoclines of Ovid Stulte, quid est somnus, gelidae nisi mortis imago ΘLonga quiescendi tempora fata dabunt. Sues. eil proposes sui, hich ischo adopis. ThiSemendation, besides destroying the wholeioint of the paSSage, is altogether uncalled Or.
Non modo ipse me les he himself Ipse reser to
Qiri est mons Cariae. his sentence, like Severat thersi this book has been considered by Some editor a a gloSS, introduce by a transcribe so the purp0S O explanation. But the est editor receive it,ithou hesitation. rellius monuit ejusmodi explicationes addi a Cicerone partim doctri-nne Stentandae auSa, partim ut minus doctis aliquid explicet qualia hodie in Annotationibu addere Solemus, quibuSVetere Scriptore abStinebant.
Quid curet Seu note ori quid loquar i. 2, and Z. 430. XXXIX. 93. Quod tandem tempus c. ante. The preposition is Supplied from the preceding clause LaS in Tusc.
III. xvii. TQ Traducis cogitationes meas ad voluptate3. Quas Corporis, credo. In Pison. XXXuii. Arsinoen, Stratum, Naupactum . . . . fateria ab ho3tibu3 8Se captas.
u ibis autem hora tibi D Nempe lix, qu03, etc. De Rep. I. xxxvi. 56 Iove incipiendum putat. Quo Iove' ' Milliner. Querare. V. 462 B. 157 n. 1. Inquit Seil adversarius vel aliquis. ' obbe reades inquiunt. At id quidem ipsum Moserimit ip3um. Troilum. Son o Priam, ho fel by thu and of Achilles. Virg. Aen. I. 475 Infeliae puer atque impar congre83us Achilli.
alectio. - Modo just Nois a lillle hil ago. - Adolescentes. Adolescentia complectitur h. l. virilem quoque aetatem, quae de Sen. XX constans et media dicitur. Sic de Sen. i. x Citius adolescenitae senectus, quam pueriliae adole3centia obrepit. Scilicet Romani dicebantur pueri usque ad SeXtum decimum vel septimum decimum annum, quo depoSita toga praeteXta, induebant togam Virilem adolescentes Sque ad annum quadrageSimum viri uSque ad annum SeXageSimum tum senes. ' Milliner. Decrepita. The wor decrepitus in his passage is aetra λεγομενον in Cicero. Moser. In eadem . . . . brevitate. an elegant se of the ablative
with in instoad of the genitive or ablative os qualis.' SOTusc. III. viii. 42 Quae sequuntur, in eadem sententia sunt h. e. ejusdem Sententiae). De Finn. II. iv. 47 quartum genus honestorum et in eadem pulchritudine, etc. Qiua illae bestiolae. For in qua The reposition is usuali omitte bes Ore a relative pronoun, heri it has been placed e re the demonstrative pronoun neX preeeding. Nep. Cimon. iii 1 incidit in eandem invidiam, quam pater uus. Infra, tui. ΙΙΙ in iis malis, quibus vulgo opinantur But when the relationis tho reposition in the two member is dii ferent, it must e repea ted a infra, lii. 102 de qua Socrates quidem quid senserit, apparet in eo libro, in quo moritur. ' Mithner. XL. 95. Levius .... levitali A lay pono Ord ; SLael. xiii. 7: Quis tam esset ferreus, qui eam vitam ferre posset Cat. f. i. 38 Sensim sine en8 aetas senescit relli, lenius.
goblet a certain quantityi pure ine, at a certain diStanee, int a metat baSin, endeavoring to perform this eXploit in Sucha manne a notri Spill any of the wine. Whil he was do- in this, hemither thoughtis, o prono unced the nam OfliSmiStreSS, and rom the more or es pure so und with, hichthe wine Structi against the meta basin the lover re his conclUSion respecting the attachment of the object of his
lovo. milli' Dies of Antiq. p. 366. Critiae, qui in eum fuerat taeterrimus CritiaS, ne O the Thiri Tyranis, took the ea in the prosecutionis Thera
Praebibera propinaret aetra λεγο αενον in Cicero. Quae brevi consecuta est. In tes than a ea aster thecondemnationis Theramenes, Critias a statu a the batileos Munychin. 97. Vadit enim in eundem carcerem atque in eundem . . . .
XLI. 98. Tene .... venire . . . . convenireque Nonne
quum, te MOSer, Te quum .... viserint haec .... poteS 'On the conStruction, se Z. 609 I95. Triptolemum Plato, in the pasSage here translate by Cicero, probabi represent Socrate a Speahin in accord- ance illi a belles of the common eople of Attica, in amin gTriptolemus in connectiori illi the three ell-known jud gesos the hades, Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Lacu S. Triptole- mu Wa thought, O Oni t have aught the Athenian agriculture, ut also' have nacte the wiSeS laws. notherreason hiel le Socrates to place him among the ud ge is, it is suid, tho ac that he was a Lin distinguisliud sor his juStice a appear froni the wOrd os Plato: Μίνως τε cu
Orpheo Accordin to the legendS Orpheus a Son Ofth Mus Calliope and inagru S, a Thracian rive god O SOme Other equult mySterious ather, and disputes illi Amphion the meritis sirs instructiti his countrymen in the se of the
times, however, rom his fame an influenee ein chiossyconnected illi Attica, as an Athenian His mythical dignit receive an important acceSSion rom the honor paldhim by Virgil, ho represent him in the hades Surrounded by a crowd of discipies, his authorit over hom is indica ted by the superior height os his staturo sen. I. 667). Thisseem to impi that the Latin poet attributed a greater eXtentor realit to his influenee, probabi O in t his connectionwith A thens, than to that of the ther Sages o civiliger os primitive Greece. Muru's Hist. Gr. Lit. I. 159, 160. Palamedem. alamedes the On of auplius, in os Euboea, oine tho Greelis in thei expedition against Troy but Agamemnon Diomedes, and lySSes, enutous Os his fame brought again Si him a falSe accuSation Os reachery, and thereupon caused him tot stonexio death. Whun hewas led tu execution, he Xulaimed Truth lament thee, for thou has di sed even et Ore me. Ajacem Aster the death of Achilles, Ulysses contendedsor his armor illi the Telamonian ax, an gaine theprige. The isappotniment of ja brought On a violent madness, in hicli e ut an en to his life As lysses obtained the armor through an unjus decision of the udges, Cicero include Ajacamon those judicio niguo circumventos. Summi regis Agamemnon. Ultri On this genitivo in i sue Z. 61. siphi. lingis Corinth, hos punishment in the Ower orid is ellanown He was notorious orat cunning. Ne .... timueritis. V. 429. 99. Negligentur Obbe, negliguntur. XLII. Suum illud: That et known principi of hiS.
ΒΟΟΚ FΙRST CHAΡ XLII. 171 100. Ut nihil censeamus esse malum, quod sit a natura δε- tum omnibus. Α Simila Sentiment is conveyed in the remarho Schiller, commende by the author os Friends in Guncilas very nobi an fuit os salth, Death cannot be nevit,aecauseit S univerSal. Possem. FO the ense See note On auderemuS, v. . Qui . . . fuerit. Subjunctive of the reason. 101. Cato. In his Origines. f. De Seneci. XX. In quos Simonides Simonides of eos. Dic .... Obsequimur. The Origina epigram is thus cited by Herodotus, VII. 28 ΤΩ Ἀ-εῖν, ἀγγελλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις, τι τῆ δε
Κείριεθα τοῖς κείνων πειθομενοι νομιιμοις.
Mr. Hodgson, in Meri vale' Collections rom he Gree In- thologo, gives a beautis ut translation of this epitaphipoli the
Dum .... ObSequimur. The conjunctio dum even is the predicate of the main proposition is expresse in ast time, is usualty oine by the poets, o in oblique narration, illi thepresent indicative, O malle the narration more lively, hen it
Oret. MOS. mortem. Elther constructionis occumbere, illithe ablative, Oroith the accusative, is ound in classicalprose Morti occumbere is ound in the poets. Spartiatae . his forin, an Lacedaemonii, ut o Spartani are Sed in good prOSe. Theodorum. Theodoru os Cyrene, the atheiSt. s. Nat. Deor. I. i. 2, xiii. 63, lii. 117. Lysimachus. Min O Thracia and Macedonia, B. C. 286. Humine an sublime ParonomaSia. In the Greeli, περγῆς θ πο γῆς.
Putescat. So MSS. Reg. Gud. I. II., and relli, Κuhner, Tiselier thers, putreSCal. In eo libro The Phaedo filato. 103. Ut tibi videbitur Mutine and ischer, videtur. Sepelito. The secon serui of the imperative calle the
placu. Z. 583. The imperative future is ery appropri-ately used in his passage, the idea ling, hen o have
found me, bur me. Vestrum. The Orm nostrum and vestrum os the genitivesos nos and os are uSed a partitive genitives V. 431. Qui .... permiSerit, et ....isStenderit. Subjunctive of the
104. Diogenes. The celebrate Cynic philoSopher, holived in the time os Alexander the reat.
thin by a Wor of milde Signification. Henoe, readirigilio ord mori, in place of it they a id vita eaecedere, decedere, o Simpi decedere, vita fungi, defungi, and the lilio ThoeXpreSSion S, si qui, mihi acciderit, or si quid humani mihi evenerit, si quid mihi humanum contigerit, or si quid mihi
εἰς δου aτaβaσις. Diog. Laert. ΙΙ.4 11.)Totaque V Particula a TX que Saepe vim colligendi habet, ut idem sere valeat, quod ut paucis complectar in Short). Sic supra XXVi. 64 eademque ab animo. See the note On eademque p. 152. XLIV. 105. Trahit Hectorem . . . . Achilles Iliad XXII. 395 Sqq. Illa. Hecubam Andromache. Vidi . . . . raptarier. From Ome id traged os Ennius orPacuvius. The verse is iambie trimeter. - Passa. Supplysum. Hectorem. The econd Syllabie sciens thon edaecauseth arsis salis iapon it, sor hicli reason the liquid, is dolabitidin pronunciation. Accius An early Roman tragedian particulari pratsed so the strengili an vigor of hi language, and the sublimityos his thoughtS. Aliquando nunc tandem, a supra, . . O be construe with SapieNS.
174 TUSCULA DISPUTATION S. Immo .... abstuli. The verSe is trochai tetrameer catta- lectio. The quantityi enimvero is enimvero a in Terenee, Inis. I. i. 4: Quicquam aditi ne ire: enimve tro specitatum satis. Hec. IV. v. 51 Enimvel ro pro sus jam l tacet re non queo. Hectorem raristi his readiri is givon by Wolf, elisitet, Moser, and lotg. ther editor read Hectora traxisti. 106. Ecce alius Probabi Deiphilus, the sonis Iliona.
Mater . . . . OlucreSque The Verse is trochai tetrametercatalectio Mei S to e prono unce as ne Syllabie. Tocomplete the econ verSe, Some ordiust se inserte be- tween natum and prius MOSer read natum, Oro Pressis et sebilibus modis In toto an mour ut meaSures. Qui .... inferant. Qui tales qui . Theatris. Theatrum Significat spectatores. De Orat. III. l. 195 theatra tota reclamGnt. Neu . . . . diveXarier. The VerS i troeliato tetrameter catalectio Cistero, infra, cali theSe line septenariOS, a consistin of Seven complete eet Meani here a monosyllabie. Siris contracte for siveris. The triae reading of these Verse Wa restored by the great entley. Besore hini editor gave his abSurd reading Η0u relliquias semiasSi regis, denudatis ossibus, Per terram sanie delibutas foede divexarier. Sagacioris indolis adoleSuente Vulgatam lectionem cum fgregia Lentiet emendatione iterum iterumque comparent et exemplum inde Sumant, qua Via ingrediendum Sit in veterum Scriptorum loci corrupti ad sanitatem restituendis. N ilh-
107. pSe .... atro. The VerS i trochai tetrameter acatalecti . Quam essent dura relli, quae e. d. Nulla sine sensu. relli R. S. S. Sunt. Neque . . . . malis The VerS i trochai tetrameter, as in the two precedin lineS.