The Tusculanan disputations. Book first. The dream of Scipio ..

발행: 1851년

분량: 240페이지


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ΒΟΟΚ FIRST HΑΡ. XLIV. XLV. 175 Recipiat sor recipiat se, as in Plautus, Mercal. II. v. 30:Ictutum face cum praeda ut recipias for domum redeas. Rud. III. i. 42 Dum recipis for dum redis Bacchid. II. iii. 60 Rursum in portum recipimus. e Sometimes sin tho Same se of this ver in good prose-writers, ut only illi thegerun and in referen ceri militar movemenis, a Caes. Bel Gal. I. lviii. Si quo erat longius procedendum aut celerius recipiendum. Vertere, ' Say Κuliner in like manneruSed for verti, mulare Or mutari, τρε ιν Or στρεφεσθα and a n generat Ule, acti V Veri, containing the idua os motion a re osten Sed ith an intransitive O res' exive signification. N Compare the Se O convertebat Or se convertebat, Cicero' Brutus, XXXViii. 141. - Neque .... habeat And may

Pelopis Pelops, the atheris Thyestes and Atreus. Qui non erudierit . . . . nec docuerit. Se Z. 464. XLV. 108 Aegyptii See Herodotus, II. 86 Sqq. Persae. See Herodotus,cl. 140 III 16 Strabo, XV.

Nisi . . . . sint laniata. Aloi ObServes that tho subjunctive is sed ecause, on account of the wOrd mos est thesentiment A XpreSSed in accordane With the thought of tho Magi AE a generat ille, in hoSe econdary propoSitions whieli aro connected illi the infinitive, the subjunctive is used. ' Milliner. Pro sua quisque facultate suantum cujuSque facultates aut

opes patiuntur.

Chrysippus A Stoic philosopher, Orn B. C. 280. Dis- likin tho Academi sceptici Sm, he ecame ne of the most Strenuou Supporter of the principie, that nowled go is ab tain ubi and may be StabliShed on certa in foundations. Horice, though no the founder of the Stoic school, he wastho irst person horaaSed iis doctrines on a plausibi systemo reas ning, O that it a Sald, d Chrysippus h ad not existed tho Porci, could not have been. NUt est in omni historia curiosus Israe is diligent in very

investigation The signification of historia iere is ho


176 TUSCULAM DISPUTATION S. fame a that in hiel iis Greeli parent, ἱστορια, i osten

In nobis . . . . in noStris In in the case of in regarito. Ita tamen, ut The rites of Aepulture ho ut be attendedio non negligendus), in Such a way, 0wever, that we holive liouldi consutous that bodies of the dea Dare conscio usos nothing. 109. Multa . . . . tempestiva fuerunt multae mihi uerunt opportunitate morienda.

Quae relli, quam. Quae . . . obire ould thata ha been obieci arai mysias of them Potuissem. I. 471 S. 260 Rem. 8. mulata erant i. e. Hadbeen fuit discharged. Cum fortuna bella restabant. Conflictandum adhuc erat

cum fortuna. Virtutem tamquam umbra sequitur. Senesta, D. XXiX. 11: Gloria umbra virtutis est, etiam invitos comitabitur.

XLVI. I 10 Verum Adjective. Quoquo modo hoc accipietur In hateve way this argu mentis mine halibe received i. e. even is me pronounc it unphilosophica l. obbe, an old editors, accipiatur butour read in is found in the est S S., an sanctioned by Orelli, Moser, and illiner. Publicae disciplinae the administratio of the state. Salaminam. Such is the reading of the SS. althoughthis Latinige sor is generali considerei a peculia towriter aster thea Oiden age. Tropaei victoriae, as ep. Them. 5. x Haec se Salaminia altera victoria, quae cum Marathonio possit comparari tropaeo. Sit Ital. iv. 282 Salaminiacum tropaeum Aristoph. Equit 133 : ὁ ἐν Μaραθωνι τροπaῖον. Curium. Curius Dentatus, the conqueror Os PyrrhuS. Fabricium C. Fabricius Luscinus, in of the OS popular heroes of the Roman annales, ho like Cincinnatus and Curius, is the repreSentative of the overt an honest os the good id timeS.


BOOK FIRST CHAP XLVI. XLVII. 1 TCalatinum. Se supra vii. 13. - Duo ScipioneS. Cn. and Publius. Supra XXXVii. 9. - Marimum Q. Fabius Maximia VerrueOSUS, Cunctator. - Marcellum M. Claudius MarcelluS. Supra XXXVii. 9. - Paullum L. Emilius Paullus, who et a Cannae. Catonem M. Porcius Cato, SapienS, Censorius. - Laelium. C. Laelius SapienS. Decessio the decresse diSappearance.

111. Diagoras. Ver celebratei sor his victorie in the Grecian games See Pindar Olymp. VII. Duo suos filos of his sons no his tiro Sons).

Non enim in caelum adscensuruS S. m. e. Summam

hominis felicitatem nactus es, nec majore poteri potiri. CL ind. Pyth. X. 27 ' χάλκεος ουρανος ουποτ μβατὸς

Et nimium fortasse. Scit magna, i. e. majora, qUam revera Sunt. Milliner. Inutile dangerous. De O . II. xiv. 49 seditiosum et inutilem civem. litoteS. Nosmet ipsos amare Scit magi quam eo quo amiSimus. ' Lael. iii 10 Nihil mali accidisse Scipioni, puto mihi accidit, si quid accidit Sui autem incommodi graviter ungi, non amicum, Sed Se pSum amanti eSt. Brut i Illius Horton sii vero mortis opportunitatem benevolentia potiu quam miSericordia proSequamur, Ut, quotieScunque declarissimo et beatiSSimo 1r cogitemUS illum potius quam nosmet ipsos diligere videamur. Nam Si id dolemus, quod eo jam frui nobis non licet, nostrum S id malum, quod modice feramus, ne id non ad amicitiam Sed ad domesticam utilitatem

referre Videamur.

fuse, tedioUS. XLVII. 112. Perfectum e3t ut .... ducerem. See SUPra, p. 11 note On auderemUS. Rhetorum epilogum per breviloquentiam dictum est pro, epilogum, quale rhetore componere Solent in declamationi


17 ΤυScULA DISPUTATION S. 113. In scholis in disputationibus de philosophia. Argiae sacerdotis Cydippe For the stor of Cleobis and

Praemium. illiner praemii. II 4. Trophonius et Agamedes Brothers, and distinguished

Post ejus diei diem tertium. The genitive ejus diei dopendsu poni po8 diem tertium, S upon postridie in Caesar' favorite EXpreSSion postridie ejus diei.


tus celebrantes Frequenter convenientes Virg. Aen. I. 739 Et vos o coetum Tyrii celebrate frequenteS. --ETSequi tofollois to the grave liene the notan T8eqNiae. Consolatione Crantoris Crantor, an Academi philoSOphe wh flourished B C. 300, rotem Ori Περὶ Πενθους, swhieli Cicero made great usu in the hird book of the Tusculantisputations and in his own Consolatio. Terina eum. Os Tyrina, a town on the weS coastis Bruttium.

Fatorum numine. Some editor read tinere.

Finiri f. Plin. Epist. I. Iri qui morbo filiuntur.

116. Causam rebus ... judicatam That the case has been decide by facts. Causam the queStion hether death is an ovilis a good Rebus by actua deed S, autS. Aleidamas. Α Greel rhetorician, the pupil os Gorgias. me a th Has of that sophisticat school, illi hiel thuonly Objec Os eloquence a to leaSe the ea rers by the pum and brilliano Of,Ords. Quidem. adverbium quidem a Cicerone addi solet nominibus propriiS, Ut Saepe Xplicari OSSit per ut velut tit in etemplum asseram, ita quidem, ut Vim habeat argumentativam inservi atque Sententiae prolatae Xempli illustrandae confirmandaeve pra XXii 5l: Dicaearchus quidem et Aristoxe-


nus .... Nullum Omnino animum 88 diaeerunt. xxiii. 80

Aristotelas quidem ait. xxxiv. V Callimachi quidem epigramma. V. D. I. i. 16 Chlysippus quidem .... ea dicit. 1 illiner. Erechtheo. Erechtheus II., in os thens. In the warietween the Eleusinians and thenians, Eumolpus, theSOn f OSeidon, a Stain hereiapon OSeidon demanded the sacrisce of ne of the nughters of Erechtheus. Whenone a drawn by tot her three sister resolve to die illi her and Erechtheus himself was hilled by Zeus ith a flastio lighining at the eques of POSeidon. Codrum Codrus, the ast in os Athens. The oraclealluded to a salven uring th in vastos of Attica by the orians froni Peloponnesus. The Athenian in entere thecam of the enem in diSguise, eg an a quarret,ith the sol- dieres, and was Ja in in the diSpute. Uictrices. heri tho subStantive in apposition has twogendors that i eliosen hicli correspond with the enderos the substantive orae Xpla ined. B. S. Menoeceus. A Theban ovili, the Sonis Creon. Whenili Severi Argive heroe marched againSt Thebes, the prophet Tiresias de lared that the cit wouldiu preserve Dis tho lasto tho deseendunt of Cadmus hould devote himself, a sacrifice to the manes of that great ounderis the Theban State.

MenoeceUS, UnderStanding the oracleo reser o himself, at Once ut an endri his life .

Qui item Orsili qui oracu o. Some MSS. qui idem. Iphigenia The aughter of Agamemnon and ClytemneStra Agamemnon a Vin Stain naWare a Sta in the grove


Morte cum gloria morte gloriOS IS.

117. Qiuae quum ita sint. Quum is here orae translated although. Velut superiore e loco. . . a is rom a plats Orm O tribunal OSer. Melior Ennii, quam Solonis oratio. Theclines of Ennius aro froni his Epitaph, the whole os,hicli S giVen Supra XV. 34. h lines of Solon are thusalven by Plutarch -

betior illi Cicero' version f. De Senecf. XX. 3. Hic no8ter . . . . ille sapiens. Hic is tot res errexto Ennius, ulterio Solon. O in OppOSilion hic Osten relateS, O toth nearer, but to the more importanti preferable hin g, i. e. that concorning hieli the discussion chiosi tronis, that whi licis ea res to tho spephor in dea ille to ath in g, o more remote, ut inferior Or of les importanee rvaliau. Mithrior. II 8. Us vero ... pareamus Est hoc Pythagoreorum


182 Tuscus AN DISPUTATION S. decretum, ad quod respicit Socrates in Phaedone . 66 di-

119. Ego vero. The partici vero, adde particulari to


ΒΟΟΚ FIRST. CHAP XLIX. 183 prono unS has a Strongly amrmative O declarator 1 Orce. s. Supra, i. 24 Me vero delectat. i. x M. Dasne aut manere animo poSt mortem, aut morte ipsa interire A. Dovero. XXiii. 55 : Ego vero ficile sum passuS, ete. XXXii. 78 Numquid igitur est causae, quin amicos nostro3 Stoico dimittamus 2 . . . . A. Istos vero, etc. iiii. 103 Multam vero operam fru8ira consumpsi. V illiner. - Ego

vero Ia wohil Tiso hor. Et quot dies erimus Anii atly While e remnin ete. Et quotidie, quoad erimus in Tusculano V lotZ, quoted

ner, lotZ, and ischer Mose and regder, Ollo in Severat of tho bus and oldost S S., a the Regius, Gudianu L, II , read quos dies Biat, as tot remarkS Kdhner, p. I73ὶ, quot convey a more appropria te dea, Sine Cicero SayS, supra iv Itaque dierum quinque Seholas, ut Graeci appellant, in totidem libros contuli '' and evon in tho est ΜSS. quot an aliquot a re osten oris unded illi quos and aliquos. Agamus haec Let iis git e ur attention to these subject3.

Cf. Hyra XX. 46, note On id agat. Quae .... habeant. MOSer rem arti upon this elegantis se

of the veri, habere in the signification of Secum ferre, a erre; and compares De Divin. II. lvi. 9M Quid dissimilitudo locorum nonne dissimiles hominum procreationes habet 'Thu subjunctive illi the relative, in his passage completes th ido of tho qualit V denoted by the demonstrative ea, and expreSSe the wn in hicli it Operates.


Tu Somnium Scipionis is introducei as an pisode in thesixth and las book of tho admirabie reatis De Re Publica, written B. C. 54, and ne os thes earlies of Cicero' philosophical mortis. The forni of this troatis is that os a dialogiae the interlocutor bein Scipio Africanus Minor, his nephew Q. Elius Tubero, and his frientis C. Laelius the Wise, L. FuriuSPhilus, M'. Manilius, Sp. Mummius, P. Rutilius RufuS, Q.

Mucius cp2vola, and C. Fannius. The cene Os the con Versation is laid in a sun ny lawn in tho gardens of Scipio, during the Latin holidays, . c. 129 De Rep. I. X. -Xii.).Th firs extrae in the Introduction p. 9 is froin the Commentaryin the omnium Scipionis os Favonius Eulogius, a rhetorician O Carthage, and a contemporar an pupil of St. AuguStine. The entire Commentary ill e found in Graevius' odition os Cicero de Ossciis, p. 438- 447 Am- Sterdam 1688). The impuro Latinit of the period in hich