장음표시 사용
uterque plenus, Somn. Scip. i. infra. p. 191). The a Ssage rom St. Augustine pp. 69 70 is seundin his celebratu ireatis De Civitate Dei, written . D. 413 426. Nostri Thu ChriStians. The rem ainder of the Introduction spp. 70-72 is aliens rom the Commenlar of Macrobius, an eminent grammarianos the fourth and sisti, centuries, o hom e re indebted orthe reservation Os the omnium Scipionis. Pages 1 Colotes. in hearer Os Epicurus, an One Osthe most amous of his discipies ....ie held that it is un-worthyis the truthi uines os a philosophe to se abies in his teneliing, - a notion hieli Cister OppOSeS. Page 72. Intersccti tyranni Tiberius Semproniu Grac
I the ourse of the conversation on the Sole nee Os OVerΠ-ment, in the ardens of Scipio, Laelius complained that noestatues h ad been erected by the statu in honor of P. Corneliu SScipio asica, the layer of the tribune Tiberius GracchuS. Scipio, in replJ, remarii that virtuo has reward higher and more enituring than Statues o triumph and to illustrate this en timent, relates hi dream to the assembled Ompany. I. M'. Manilio Manius or, coordin to Som editorS, MarcuS Manilius a consul B. o. 149 with L. Marciu Cen-
186 AD DREAM DF SCIPIO. Sorinus. In that ea the thir Punic War a commen Ced, and Manilius and his colleague ere appotnted o conduci it. Thu dativo Manilio dependes pon tribunus, hieli SpecisseSthe relation in hieli Scipio sto id o Manilius. f. Pro Cluent. XXXVi. 99 qui M. Aemilio .... legati . . . fuerunt. Pro
Muren. X. 20 Murena legatus Lucullo fuit. De ep. II. XI. tibi quum essem legatus. Se MOSer' note On De ep. II. XL, and M. 211, ObS. 4. Masinissam MasiniSSa, hingos the umidiaris. Supported the Carthaginians sor severat ears in ille Soeoud Punic ur; but went verri the Roman up in the arriva o Scipio Africanu Major in Africa B. C. 204, in aecordanee illi a promiSehe had secretly iven the Roman generato O ear bes Ore,
after tho Carthaginians ad been defuste in patri. His
tures on the Histor ofio me ed by elimitet, Vol. II. p. I 46.)At the timo of his interview, hero related, illi Scipio Africanus Minor, Masinissa a in hi nitietieth year. Justis de causis. The et de Africanus estowed on MasiniSSa the possession Os Cirta and the reater par of the territories hicli ad belonge to SyphaX, in addition tollis hereditur dominion S.
Reliqui caelites. d. e. Stellae, planetae inprimis. Cf. Cloede at Deor. II. XXi. 4: lat. Cra L p. 397, Steph. p. 32 Belik CreuZ Symb. u. Myth. III. p. 4. Ser. Ita. MOS grammarian no agre that ita derive iis origin rom the pronomina t. his is compounde Mili ho demonstrative Syllabie a to hiel, tus change into tur in igiturJ, tum ti in uti), an tem in item are Ognate formS.
ε, so theSe Ord are connected notitie in Origin no insignificatios . ut the relation et weon is and facis the Sameas that hicli appear belween ουτος an ουτως. and 'STursellinus III. p. 466. his particle is here sed in actata Se giving the reason os the preceding Staternent and witha signification simila to that os adeo Se Hand 'S I rsel.
ultro et citro ultro citroque, ultro ac citro and with theomission Os the copula, ultro citro The inverte Dorde citro ultroque is neve soland Thi sormula Oe no denote Ops O-
sit directions os som01hin in the id ille, ut disserent places and distinc paris, o that it is the Same a huc illuc and ab utraque parte. It is both used of motion, and of things hieliare done bymach pari or illi resereric t eaeli party. The Greeli Sa δευρο Ωκεῖ, aκεiσι H ὁ δευρο, the reneli parci par a sis et a the Germans hin uni her In the Seos the copula there is no subtile elegance, ut greater orceand Significa nee For heu thing opposed a re by collocationequipoised an unite ascit ero in ne idea, there S O needos a copula; ut hen regarit is to ea ad to acti Sido Separalely, and a thiniis aid orae done in turris O mutuatly notby ne part alone, ut alSo by the ther, the copula S at ways
ted the Sentene has a disjunctive appearanee Sive ultro sive citro a Plin Sald ultra citra De although there is noth in to prevent the additior of the copula even in a disjunctive Sentenue, a i in the formula ultro citroque commeare. Iulem, Say Hand has the Same Origin a aut, an bothureaindred io tho Greel ab No that tho are derive fronitio, or in these Ord rite O no have a form transferre d
In multam noctem Deo into the night. In noci mdicunt de rebus ultra diurnam lucem protractis : in die Nachthinein, Sque in noctem Suset Tib. arsit prima vespera atque in multam noctem urit. ' and s ursellinus, III p. 339. On the US of multam, clisne cite De Sen. iv. 46 Quod coit vivium ad multam noctem pro dumimuS. Ad sit XIII. X. Multus sermo ad multum diem. Cubitum discessimus dicit, quia in diversa cubilia abierunt; quod si non eSSet factum, dixiSSet cubilum ivimus, ut Orat. pro Seae. osc. XXiii. 64. Moser. De via propter viam. Hottinger. Qui .... vigilassem. Subjunetive of the reaSon. Equidem. Se the note post his Ord, supra, p. 13 Sq. o ne has et Xplained, ' pysma nil hou equidem could e formed rom ego quidem. In desed the Syllabi gocould not e thrown aside ithou deStroying the character Ofthe whOle Ord. Among the pason state by Hari sorrejecting the commoni reueived derivation rom ego and qui
Terenee, ne frOm Varro, and Severat rom Cicero : in omecuses equidem is ound in his construction in MSS., ut editor have change the reading. Harid' argumentS, O QVer, have no received the fuit assent os ali soliolars Ritschi, in his critical edition os the Trinummus of Plautus, publiShed at Bonn in 1848, in hicha give the OS elaborate recen Sicinos the ex as et made, annotinoe his intention to adopi quidem for equidem in very passage in lautus here it is notres errexto the firSt perSon and aster an examination filithe example si om his author adduced by Hand rejecis his readin in ea uti instance, adding non recurret Opinor furcaeX pulsum equidem Prosegomena, p. 76-79. Adhuc sub judice lis est; ut Haiad' Opinion Seem S OS Sati Ssaetor and e Si Supported, and S gaining round Freundis amon his sol lower and ritZ who, Ora Sallu Si Cat. 51, had defendod tho derivation rom ego and quidem, retractSthis opinion in hi note ori jug. p. 3, and give hi aSSent, alSO, O the vie Ofiand. The peculia resereno of this adverti in signification to thesrest perSon muSt be ncknowledged, hateve derivation ead Opt. Ancient sage, ' Say Uand employed the demonstrative fore of the prefixed e chi ei ly in uel a manner, that by it the spuaker hould mari: ith a certain firmative force hos things hichae av0wed concerning himselfundhi Own opinion, O in regar to his Own assairs. enco thappened that equidem a Joined a a generat rute, illi thei ires person of the eis. The Latin S, then, ad an appropriato ord by hicli the Speaher might turn the attentionos his earer to his own 1 Iair orii Own opinion, and addweight to his declaration in rogard O himself. ' his explanation account also so the peculia fore os equidem henused with the secondis third person, hiuli rit considere las qui valent to that Of the phraSe mea quidem sententia. With the fame peculia referen cera the minit of the Speaker must, underStand the intensive demonstrative force of the syllabi e in the varicius other compound mentioned by
Fere. Mand derive fere nil ferme rom ferinus fr-mUS SO fiat fere, ferme frme, firmiter, an have so theirsirSi meaning perquam valde, penitus. V Andrems and id- diu solio Varro L. L. G. 5. 98, in derivini re rom fero. For the signification os his ad veri, in Ur paSSage, Se ΑΠ-
Quale de Homero scribit Ennius A line os Ennius, romth be inning of his Annales, is thusalvena an id ScholiaSton Horaue Epist. II. i. 52
In omnis mihi visus Homerus a risS poeta.
originum particula et alii in litteris verbi Graeci τε
tranSpOSiti quaeSiVerunt, alii in is con Spicuam ESSe XiStimarunt. Vid. OSSi Dymol. S. h. v. Lenne p. Elymol. r. 1, p. 297. At cognatio horum vocabulorum non ad nam Stirpem Graecam reserenda St, Sed cernitur ea in univerSRCopularum Consormatione, quae multis vel omnibus gentibus communis est. Si veteres Gothi dixerunt it, Graeci τε quod sin tum Si γε, et rurSu και atque et Veluti litterae locum mutant in has et meus. Haec igitur magis comparari pOS-
sunt quam deduci. Hand 's ursel. II. 467. II. Ea elso .... loco. The milli way. Paene miles. Quia in militia primus honoris gradu erat tribunatus militum. ManutiuS. Hoc biennio. must particulari remari the ablative of the timo illi tho additior of the prono vn hic O ille, to signisy, in the lapse os o longin time rom noto or then His annis quadringentis omae reae fuit Cic. de Rep. I. T), it isno more than four undred ear Sinue there a nain at Romeri sola hundred ear Orci ess. In te hos quadringentos annos and abhinc annos quadringentos is a more eXa et deSeription. Respondit, se paucis illis diebus argentum misisse Lilybaeum Id. Verr. IV. 18). Hanc hoc biennio evertes, es retW year are paSi more desinitely, intra biennium. M.
CHAP ΙΙ. 191 k276, Obs. 5. Moser SayS hoc biennio promimo biennio N an cite De Dii in I xxxiii. 77 itaque tribus his i. e. prorimis hori concisus eaeercitus, atque ipse interfectus
Absens. Somn. Scip. i. absens St, non peten magistratum. Nam Africanus, de quo ibi sermo, intersuit comitiis istis, Sed non petiit. Vid. Pigh ad a. DCXIX. et Draherib ad Liv. v. 42 1 X. 22. . ' ErneSti, Claυ Cic. - AbSenS, non petens. Valerius enim Lib. VIII cap. X. praeSentem eum
facit, et Laelius apud Cic. de Amic. Scipionem nunquam petiisse confirmat. Manutius See Moser' note ad h. l. Nepotis mei. Tib. Sempronius GracchuS, the tribune. Ostendas oportebit B. 402 note G25. Septenos octies. The distributive numerales a re applied in multiplication with advorbia numerals), the Same numberbein talien severa times. V. 119.
Solis anfractus reditusque. . . anu9S. Infractus O-lis nominatur propter Obliquitatem orbi Zodiaci, per quem Sol modo ad Septentrionem ni lectitur, modo relabitur ad meridiem sinuosas enim et ea u0Sa viaS anfractu appellamuS, ut 1 'uminum, ut littorum Solent SSe. ' a muS. Solis anfractum et reditum annum Oeat . . . . reditum, ait MacrobiuS. quia eadem Signa per anno Singulo certa lege sol metitur γVinet US. Quorum uter uriplenus. SeVen an eight were considerodby the ancient a numeri plani, O perseet numbers, o vari-
Ou reaSonS, OSil sanciful See Macrobius ad h. l. Asfisty-sicis the produc O theSe Complete numbers that age, summa fatalis, a regarde a one of the elimacteries of human isse Romulus, Juliu CaeSar,morace, and the Oungor tinnare aid o have ted in the Same climacterical earas Scipio. Impia propinquorum manuS. Sempronia, the wis of Scipio nil sister os the Gracchi, and her mollier Cornelia, were Suspected fit murder. But See mitti s Classical Dictionary.
192 AD DREAM MF SCIPIO. Et rumpatis visum. A conjecture o Heinricli adopted by Mose and obbe, although MoSer aulinowledges it is no a Satissaetor rea ling. Mai read par sit rebus: relli, after the olde MSS. et parum rebus. Ouhie and iebuli pro
Se et parumper audite cetera GraeViUS paet verum audite cetera an OchSner, az audite cetera The alter, SaySOrelli, inter Omne praeStare videtur, niSi malis et paetparumper audite cetera. In thi confusion of the texi, thereadin pu parumper QS perhapS, he happieS conjecture. III. Quidem For the Signification o quidem, and themood of sal, Se the note On quae quidem digna statuiSSent, p. 103. Arbitraremur. For his se of the imperfeci Subjunctive,
Se the note On pertinerent an contineretur p. 103, and auderemu3, p. 11l, II 2. Immo The peculia fore of this advor is here seon init correcting the doub implied in the question o Scipio.
Immo vero. Nay trui are the living, etc. See Supra, p. 18, note On immo. Quin tu adspicis An Xhortation is osten Xpressed in
Id te venientem. Quo paeto venientem l Proetu cum Porphyrio lucem ait SSe vehiculum animarum. Vim lacrimarum. On the Signification Os vis, cf. De Nat. Deor. II. XXXiX. Adde etiam reconditas auri argentique venas, i nitamque vim marmoris. b. I. XX. 54 Unitavis innumerabilium volitat atomorum. Tusc. V. XXXii. 91 Magna vis auri argentisve Epist. ad O. Frat. III. vii.
Itque Compotanded, accordin to Hand of at an que id que, at and ad belli Originalty the Same Ord. Proprie Significat et ad eandemque habet formam, qua Plinius
novum Verbum prasterque consecit. Sanctissime mos vfnerabie. Deu . . . . conviciS MOSer cite De Legg. II. X. 26 deos, . . . . quorum hic mundia omni templum esset et domus.
The imperfect is Sed Say MOSer, o denote the desigri osilio Creator a the time in hic he ad man. Divinis animatae mentibus Cic. de Nat Deor. II. v. Injussu ejus With thi argument againSt Seli murder of Cic. de Sen. XX. Vetatque Pythagoras injuSSu imperatoris, id est dei, de praesidio et statione vitae decederes and Tusc. I. XXX. Vetat enim dominans ille in nobis deus, injussu suo nos hinc demigrare.
Defugisse. e sin a Similar Se of this ord in Epist. ad Iti. VIII. iii. non quo munus illud defugerem Moser.
Quum it . . . . tum . . . . St. On hi ConStructio se Pro
Lineolu's note in his editionis LiVy, p. 10, 21 I. Fucile. See AndrewS' LeX. S. h. V. 1. 3. Jam. Haud derive jam from the pronominat i suo notuon ita, p. 186) to'hicli the adverbia termination am is addod,
a in clam, tam quam perperam, palam. Ut me imperii nostri .... poeniteret Thata reas ashamedos ou empire HO SenSU, ut Sit i. q. puderet, Sus Si hoc virbo noster Philippic. I. iii 33: Num hujuSCE . . . . te .... gloriae poenitebat V MOSer. Poenitere nos ejus rei diei-mus eleganter, quae parVa St, quaeUm fontenti non Sumus, quae nobis non placet, cui parum tribuimuS. Ernesti, Clan.
Cic. q. V. Thi meantia os dissatisfaction is Seen in tho sol-lowin passage rom the Heautontimorumeno O Terenue Ι. i. 20 me, quantum hic operis fui, poenitet Iim dissatis sed reis the amount of reor that is done here. O in the Eunuchus, . vii. 2, 3 An poenitebat fugiti, te auctore quod fecisset Adolescens, ni miserum insuper etiam patri indicares Were o no content it the disgracmul deed, etc. f. Horat Sat. I. i. Nil me poeniteat sanum patris hujus,
quamdiu certe Sanu ero, nunquam parum mihi fellet Oideri potero, quod tali natu Sim patre.
IV. Tibi. The dativus ethicus. See B. 40 n. Z. 408. By the se of thi pronoun therapeaker calis the attention of
Unum, qui ex omnibu SideribuS, quae infiX caelo Sunt, X dispersis quasi membris simple Sit putandus deus. ' s. ib. xiv. 3T II XXii. XXV. l. Obtinet. Mose consideres his Verbo intransitive, and equivalent to locum habet. I preser reund' explanation, who malle regionem the objectis obtinet, and alie subter as
Temperatio. Temperatio O temperator the abstraci or
Medi in the centre a in hoc templo medium, . iii. V. In this chapte themide Africanus describe the natureo the music of the SphereS by hos melody the curiosityand admiratio of his adopted grandeson ad been excited. Inregard to this celebrated doctrine of the harmon of the heav- enly Odies, consul the authorities cited in milli' Diction-ary, artici Pythagoras, Vol. III p. 624. The reader ill
Look how th floor of heaven Isthicli in laid illi patinos of bright gold. Thore ' notrilis mallest orb whicli thoibo hold 'st, But in his motion like an anget Sings, Stili quiring to the oung-eyed cherubims; Such harmon is in immorta sola Is;