장음표시 사용
Nood eum hen the patient ismueli ined in his flessi, and very
wea. ut it is euer o tr ado Uul remed than non and a temporaryclesienis os the strennii is ot service, hen attended with a removes of par of the cause, hichwould, ken the od more and mox Gery V. Where re, fine lungs e ulcerared, and theseve run high, it ili te proper
almos desperate, here this method of practice succeede weli: bucis it happen other se the physician is nota, ira ed Min thedeath of the patient, hos viscera Were se corrupted that it, scimpos testo fave him. B si post I quit his article, must observe, that fumigations withbalsamlas, suta asstantincense, sorax, amber, and tinnian, in orde to Correct and weeten the acri and
throwing the ingredient on redcoals and receiving the fumes thro' prope iube directi into the winhipe and lutas si) Pam ery sensibie, stat his method of ad ministering balsamici is almost entiret neglacu ed, ac Melesi t
W lectis evers. 59whoseeve considera the lint of the way, hicli the must mahe by the bl Luesseis besere tho. Ieach the lures, and what a mali par of them comes to the place of thei destination, ill Mir see, that thicis the est Way of Communicatin their virtve, i the have
mi A signa benefit, specialbin spitiing of blood. Τ these litue suppurations it ma noto imprope to subjo Κε
large abscess, hicli is semetimessorme in the iam pari, an isnamed a vomica This disetae thesbia in iiself and osten terminates in a consumption Pyet is not attend-ed with se muta danger, as . I a lesser
lasser exulcerations Foro aveste cases, herein the patienis, in sit of coughing thre pini O tw of purulent matter of iuchis excessive ench, that peopte could in ea the mom, miXed with blaod and et the were perfecti cured by a milli diei and bal samics, With anodynes properi interspersed.
monar Consumption. But there area ither species o consumption, hich waste a perseridisserent ways. In one, the bod is Minouriined and ac me particlesare alWays naturali hing in and notthim comis to suppi thesepime, an excessive astingi flemensues, hicli is called an atro di. I his is ver frequently Win to adesse ' in the nervous fluid ; and itesther acco anted With a caches,
atly bring itin. In both species, the ood is corrupted by rea nos the ad habit of Ody, and
the pares are no recruited and
there reo et regulate cou eo living, and re medicines to strengthen the stomach, Min laXatives at prope distances, are particulari indicared. Lastly in ali decays exerci and frictions according to the patient's strenuth, ought to e constantly used change of ab is generali ofservice, an semetimes a long se myage. Patient labourin underdi Mers of the lures, in this cou i , re ver iusti sent to Liseon orππω But riding on horsebach, is practic len is not in a coacti, o a litterint least me thermanne of moring theiody, is au
each other, and commoni prooedfrom repletion os these in rincipat is the poplexn hicli is semetimes ining to an ore riseidblood circulatin is sio ly, andat nos stagnatim in the arteries of the ead and this viscid lood, bein perpetuali urge se ard alie fore os the heare, uincita vesseis and lodging on the brain,
an compresing the nerves subsese vient to the motions of theiody, obstruct thei ducts, and preventa the influx of thei native uice Butit is moresequently caused, illi tan considerable rupture of the vesseis, very and red hum tranmding rom the lood, o by the juice, ougingiui of the Circum Jacent glands, hich laad the membranes of the brain, filis iis ventricles, andinops the cqurse of the animal spiriis. The forme ofines may be calle the sanguine ous apoplexy the i iter the pitu use Io that Hippocrates oves theepithetis strong, and pronou es istin rabie an to this, he oves
that os light o meat, and et Vsit is dissiculi to e cured 1). Agreat number of histories of both
thema ec se the indicate no peculiar reaiment, ut What d petas on surgery.
The sanguineotis in requires plantiful an frequent laediun
in om the arm and jugularveius; ut purgin is more requis ste in the pituitose. Opening tho occipita veius, proposed by -
digni a , is like se of considerable
benefit, a I have experience inseverat ver tangemus cases. Foras these vetas have a communication
si Observ. analom ex cadaveribus eorum, quos susulis amplaria, Amsiel. 17si. a te morbis capitis, 3 Adversam anat vi animasi 83.
inthiniae brain istin both the lat rat Gusma by opining these mina, par of the Mood, hic in Would have conveyed into the sin ses, is tam in and the quantit os biso in the sinuses tanginus semewhat diministeri it m tion throuo them is more injper med. An theres e cuppingimine nape and sides of the nech, in preti dee scarifications togive a re passage to the blata, iasWay usefui. Uro the fame account also it is, that Mawing Nood rom in tempora arteries, hicli seme auctora recommeta, is es service, is it cania of any to the s et of this operation, Gaden indeta asseris, that
ci Method. maiana, Lib. V. Cap. 7.
Uood, taen Way by opening the tempora artery, is se inconsiderable that much benesit cannot be e pected stomahat practice. Wher fore it ould e belle to sellain the advice, hici Aretaeus oves in an inveterat head-ach, of operingile iis arteries Min the ars si); ec se the wil disichargemore biood, that ould have runinto in head than the temporal