장음표시 사용
and genue purgatives, lach a thediuretis sali, manna illi Gla leris sali, and the lita, are to e deria and repratia a prope distances of time. or uot e tobe hast in iving the bari, sorsea i s uid e rein the inflammationi adding to the obstructiones the ycera, and bring on allectic. I mill e much aser, sest, to orde the saline draughis, Willi uice of temons, saltus ---
ood, and simple cinnamommater, tot tam frequently.sECTION IX. Os e demis evers. EPIDEMIC severa are caused bysome favit in o. ambient ala and that is chiae owin to the excesso heat, old, drouot, o moistum, ora the nreasonable vicissitude os
1 Grece aia Assa, here thesinsons are generali unis m, and the witas preti regula fio Ce tala ut different quartem in thedisserent monilis of the eis, it was eas se menis sagacit to observe the changes of the weather,
in thei mo and ad essem. Aia on a long se of this methodos observation was uili in artis prognosti in distalesn herein Hippocrates the ather of physicsin excellia.
Bu iniur climates, such is hosnconstancy of the weather, and soman are the causes that salse disso
fiidden that i siems impossibi to e many solid superstrii re ominat undation. An accordis y Θ-denham ho in imitatio Muppocrates, attempte to describe thesevers of eac respective ear ana
W a demis semen. 9to account for thei disserences stomine disserence of the weather indsinsons, ound at lemth that he 'ad mademo progressi in discover- in the causes of epidemicat disinses by observing the manifest qualities of the air as havrig remarhed that in disserent eam,
' the visibi temperatur of the M air, in re ning distases eres ver disserent, and si in the Con- uar and like se that there are various constitutions of eari,
i med. Cap. ii. De morbis epidemicis.
have a considerable stare in producing epide classeases, is a piant that admits of no doues; ut thereare oster Conjunc causes, hichalter in force of thiae qualities,
mmeruis se the watera, specialbo latas an morasses, hichamethei planis an animais, in thesime manne frequently exhale pestilentia vapora, hicli insect thecircumambient in In his classma be angia, tho rares h penire in ur limes, inundations,
siem, notrio e the fame, ut disserent diseases of ali his tribeth most pernicious are those, Whicharis Domin ulcer in an principalpar of theiody the lungs specialty by the purulent matre mi
ing wit the Nood, and disturbingit natural motion.
Νo it is to e observed that the person most liable to these exulcerations of the lures, are suci ashad been afflicted Min scrophul sdisorder in thes infanc or ovili. To hic purpos I remember theexperie ed Dr mississe Was Wontio say that pulmonar Consumption tu his and the olde Cou tries are generali strophulous.
And indred, in the dissectio Abodies, ead os consumptions, ever osten find the lures beset illi tubercle or indurated glands, which
lectio evers. 33had suppurated and throw ossi
rulent matter. MEDICA L writers have CC
rates deseribed the various stages of this distase, a the succeed eachother; ut the have in aliensessicient notice, that ome of iisset causes have thei period orretums. Aia et it is of great consequencerio observe indirerent these periodica retums, a muChas pos te. Thus erue severat persens at certain or Med timesseiged with a spitiing filood, ora defluxionis hin serositi in thelungs, an semetimes illi bilious vomit P. In est these cases thebar is o service, i Jo ed illi pectorais, and gi venae re the expecte retur of the di der: which rule holds equali mo in
other haemorrhages. But, henthe lungs are actuali ulcerated,
am tural aversion to milli. Mor over, in ea aclis, acute severa,
and excessive his occasione is them and like se in flatule ira, in bilious kose ues, an very Nood Mias, missi ought alWaysto be Meme a misen si). -- generali grue in presere e toasses milli, though les nutritis ;
W lectis severi. 55 may be substituita in iis mom, L peciali is the Dat have been sedon fragrant herbs r ut cows milhitself, although dilared, as umes, with barlay-water, is ver frequently inconvenient. And the whe maybe rendere more suit te to thediseas by infusing stomachi and carminative est in it But it happens uni uchil semetimes, that when ii is extremes necessarysor heiody such is the laxit ostia intestines that the cannot bearit. In his case, the miti man medicated in his manner Tata Ared roses drita es bala ins, pome- granate in and cinnamon, inchone drachm; est them in allat os mire hen the decoctionbegris to est, our a litile coldwater into it to mali it subside: repeat his proces severa times, tilliso have used a in os Warer, and ill the missi and water toge ther
ther are reducta to a pint Thens res in the liquor Meeten it Minfugis, divide it into convenient draughis, o that the patient Viae the whole quantity very dV. This diet wil answer the do te intention, o inordin nourishment, an restruining the oosentis; ithout utling the least obstacle to the use of other Mod ormedicines. ΝοW, it is of the ulmost cons Den a attemptrihe cur of this dreadfui distas early and ascit rises rom inflammation, it requires nolint one, ut severat bleedires.
Is thesia die hic and blach, orsigy, it is called ad hod, andis thought to indicate surtherilaed-ings ut is e re an florid, itis esteemed good, and the lance isno more sed But his notion is apta laad into mistahes for it is