Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


terminates sor hen the strengthlias been exhaustia by evacuationsto ard the latre eia, the eruditioncivilis in and the patient dies.

the morbitic matrer throuo the shinare to e assiste is moderatebcordia medicines of this trita

contramma, and the cordia comfectio additi nitre, in case of an inflammation and this saltma be ver Uvantage si joiniam cordia medicines in almo est malignant severa, at least in them ginning Toward the decline, armbathiniis semetimes serviciniae, inorde to bring sortii in remalas of the pustules. Ex Bur


on the decline of the sever, the n-l appearunce of an eruption is avast number os pellucid vesicles, sosmalbas harae to it is noti e to persi to long in the in os interna medicines of this tabe ;untes the temth of the distemper

has se far ea ned the patient, asto tende me more powersul co

dias necessa suta tuler inesses of the hin remo ablato bring on a good risis, ut onthe contrary, generali denote a dis ficuli and tedious linesi: here-sore ithout discontinuin thealiastera, in cause of the di se is tobe carrita in by the Ways, speciali throuo the intestina canalis gens purges o Hubar manna and G uber sal It is to e observed that this diueas is no a V terminate by


semetimes one fori, semetimes an thera and in me cases severat sorditogether have atready seid frequently happens in ther malignant severa Thus at the fame timethat there are ther dista ges of the morbific matrer, a thruin sem times reas ut, an spretas allore them in and thmat. his

commoni Mons illi chlac Qid istitie initissi and very moist, and occasio a plantiful spitiing, itis seriar fio porte in an great danger, that it is a signis the dis temper endin happib: ut is itia os the bl kaiud, and dry, and the pituit in and lirile in qua tity, it is es fates omen, ascit indicates the mouin and throa choaked


I ma posites seem strange tofome that S enham prescribed thehari in his seve and the apti attendis it an says, he alWaysfound it to ans er his expectations si). ut his Was notis ras practice in that sagacisus physiciam sorthis severitan intermiti, he thea thae domo appea ; ut it more fi uently enti upon inela Ming oss. In both cases this excellent antidoteis os ver great servise And in jusitice to the memor of that great man who had accustomed himself, aster the example os Hippocrates, toobserve in rerum os epide caldisinses, and Aund that the varied in the sime seasons os the year a


na pereelial ever. 31minther I must observe, that hemas the sest amore in Who describestinis serer; hicli, M says, ruiniis fise here in the mont of E

Mum MDCLXXXIV, after ine long



gangrenes. and theres e the more numerous the axe, in more theis conseque eris in bestieaded. ΤΗΕ Common practice of iring ho medicines in the eginning of this distemper, in orde a mises eata, is quire Wrong. It is muta the si e way, to hec the angrenous dispositio of the humors by the moardi pomis atherine communis de os contra mva, illi nitre, ascis a v me lionia pira assist nature Min thecordia confectio disitave in m eiameterita mater: and ais to acudulate the patient' drin with ALesed spiritus nitres no repair his strengin wit Arinys imp and in fine, a very properta in Willaebaris mater illi uice of emons. An ali theses liquor rure to edrankilentifuli' It will like sebeis use semetimes, o administer seme


Horon, and the like. An infusion os thesi in ater illae armore Convenient than their --


al et is erasipelas With an er Upelas. For in his, fides the ain, hirst, and rem hesis, hic the patient suffers;

the pustules in various parta fine bod somelimes uncinis gan



s inlici nolint in acute disinses, but in severat chronicat, hicli areattende Min pustules that suppurate, it is afer an betaer, Hesithe stan is the siae stat of the ait

ment, to emo age the eruption



A to interna medicines, host icho have recommende in ruptis severa are the mos imperin this. I Los this essa in malignant severs, with a se rem k on three ther celebrate medicines, viZ. camphise, spiritus indereri, an must. Andrit is orti re marking that the are est powersulsudorifiCf. CAMPHIR is vasti extolled by