Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


.hie must be osten repeated a cordiu to the patient inrength. An in the intermediate V of purging the proper medicines aresuin a are iureti an laxative at the iam time. of this lassagive the presere e to the volarilari ure flum guaiacum, o tho


IS, A Lassa nothingrat present of thos eruptions, hich happen in evers; nor of the biotches and spois, hic appear o the hin in scorbuti habiis: ecause at theseare reate os in thei proper

one is name the lepros of the Greeis, the other that os the Arabians riui I have considered them both in another book, With regard


that et out matter ora star ichor; and the exulceration is attendedwith itching, an spread by con

animaled dis eas rasi innit originto sinali animais. Forahere are ce

lain infecis, se very malicis hisdlyto bessee Without the assistane of microscope, hicli deposit heixeggs in the surrows os the cuticle asin proper nests Where by the warmili os the place theyare halchedin a mort time; and the youngines comin to fuit gromth penetrate tuto the ver cutis With their stup


th par is torn, and emit a thin humor, hic concretes into hard seabs. While the litile orm constanti burro ingrander the cnticle, and laying their eras in disserent places, spread the disea .HENc the reason manifestly appears, Why the diseas is communicated by the liniten, earingapparet, gloVes m. hic were

stances of this ind, are rubbedinto the surro sis the cuticle, andare ther halched an nourimed. Nom ha is of greate momen in his theor is that theknowlege of the true cause of the



phica Transactions 1 . For in the


Om a sever, and neVer maturate


thorax, an on the reast in momen Moreove the humor ostensalis o the lungs, an bring ona pulmonar consumption and indeed that diseas is generallyowing to a scrophulous cause in his and ther orther countries atteast. Andri is a readsul circumstance of the evia, that it is transimitte from parent to their

cines as are most proper se correcti


ΤΗ medicines, hie eorrectthis pravit1 of the loo and humors, are so the most part of the diuretic hilid, lach a burni sponge, the diurati sit, an vitriolatia artar; hic are the more prinper, ecause the are semewhat laxative. To thes may be added he les compound time-t pater For


Andris the patient appen to semacialed equa paris of milh maybe mixt Wit the water Miltipedes .ill also e os ome service ponaccount of thei diureti quali , especialty the expressed uice thus prepared. Tahe live millepedes, ound them illi a litti powderos nutmeg; insus the massio mali ine thenstrainoff the liquori expression, and