Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


or fugar.

stagnating mater never, and leastos ali hom mater. For We observe, that the inhabitant of mountainous places, the A respecialin are naturali afflicted With s ellings of the gland of the throat: quis umidum guttur miratur inalpibus i)st De are like is beneficiat, todraimo the victous humor; and

a change


a change os climate is osten attendeg

thereae rea n to apprehen thes humor salting on the lungsi ut the patient stould e sent to a moderate climate, o subject togreat vicissitudos of heat an coldi LAsTLV it is to be noted that this disestse, notWithstandin iis ivbbornnesi semetimes entiret ywears R in younis ollis especially, without an medicina assistance, by alterations in se habit of thobody Whicli time and rowth occasion anda amis opinion, that this circumstance first gave birth to thacustom of the rva iovcl. ForWhen crast mei observe that thori si vias of this nature, they aclyimagine that the would pleasethei hings, in persWadingahem tomahe this experiment of their PQWer, an to introduc it illi solemu


the poet: --Nihil es, quod eredere so Non si cum laudam dis aqua potestas i

i a great meas e to the orce of

imagination, Whicli acts ver po e suli in the cureis distases Henceour hings utiles inhen a prince os more than ordinar missio filledihe throne have sor a long timci


conserre this favor o the re dulous multitude illi great humani . ut the rem boast, haethei hings ad received this heavenly is long besere ur


- - medica writers to a dis- eas se various and disserent in appearance, that it oes no siemto be ne and the same distemper. In the orther countries it has al-Ways been common, and themearer the are to the sea, the more severei proves accordingly the Danes, Norwegiam, and other inhabitants

of the coasis of the Balii are vastly amicted illicit no do the Gem

i. See Eugacinus o corbulo, and Senne' tui, Lib. iii part v.


place is notorious sor movi hich


ον ne scurum et ues

mand of Gaudius, tanded in Bria in and the troops ere stationea in the a v mentioned istin and places adjacent, the there o tram this distin ista it is noe improbabis that seme of the n lives s .ed them the hein, whichPIA says was os service to the and that the Romam gave is the me of herba Britannis a rometheeount . For it is et unown, that that empero embaria his arm for that expeditio a Bouisens, hic is directi opposite omni I). Strabo relates a fimilarstor of the Roman ar , hi in Augusus sent into Arabia undertiae command of AElius Gaiam. M M says that While the wereat uvis Parus, the stadiere ere


Eaed init disertar of the mouinand legs, callia stima cerandi sce-ώ9rbe, hich are indemi in thalmum , and are a sortis relaxation pro edinifromethe water indvegetabies ij. - to me it a Ver plain that the nwholsemesecessi ad diei, and Worse water, rendere that climate subjec tothose disorder for Ptolem in his Geograph places Albus rigus onthe coast of the Sinus Arabicus OrRed Ma. Buta retur from his digression theloor patient a vementione had an irregula inter

βοτανων. Geograph. Lib. xvi pag. 781. M. Paris. 162O.


Fa ou the abo--mentioneditieres the reain comes ostensive, the gum are corruptes, and tum

tisti, and these are semetimes sotiose, that the may be ali pulledout it great east. In the mean time gremio an lividumis lita the remain os eceb fer a earon vario saris of the body, asinthe a s, uti ks th hs, eg and frequently est ove the hin, as to mahe it have in appeam eo Lyundice. The patient is alta torturia Wisi severe inpings Andfrom his sympto it is, stat thediseas has obtained iis name, Ming derivaedromethe SaxonMota suo