Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


medica writer attribute the disteas parti to alte provision and pulseri hich, as the are of disse ficuli concoction, furniam the bodymith grossand improper nutriment. But the seem noto hau sussicienti attended to a more nive

sal cause, I mean ad ir, hicli talien into the lungs is ver prejudiciat. his is particulari manis est in long oyages, in hicli thesillor are mos severet amicted mith his distemper. Whereos e

count in the histor of lord -- fon , expedition to the Sotith Mas; in Whichahat great commander ostnea a third partis his en by this crue enemy; and the calamit rose


of broheniones, hicli ad Mencompletet sermedior a long time, vias seund distatved, and the fractures emed a is illa neve been consolidated i). Where re in

these cases there certaint must beatig degre os corruptionis thebodit humors, and even a degre os putrefaction: and theblood ecomes o oui a mixture, that hencesseeve it e dra n, it has nothin os iis natura reucolor, ut resembles a dark muddypuddie No as to the anne in Which the causes abovementioned corrupi and putres the humors, t

are mel acquainted illi the properties an law of motion in the animal machine whicha need noldwel on in his place, ecaris Iliave preti ampi treated of them


are os a coolin nature, a sorrecendive, utruce, sursuis, and othersos this hind. An it ill ostenbe beneficia to eat at these, or meis ach sori, promiscuoustytogether. But the greates service may be expected from subacilliuiis,

count of thei Coolin an subastringent quality. Bu recommend to the reader the perusalis the abovementioned V age, hich is rit te in cle rand elegant style, and besides a rious interestin incidenis, hichmust give plealare torali order of


men, contains many things propersor physicians to kno . Nor millhe perhaps repent his trouble, inturning ver hal P rotein his diseas in the traci, herein Lex-plained the usefulnes of r. Sumton' machine. There he will finda remarhable caseis a Dulci sillor



taken in col&Water a prope intervads, an semetimes thes ite in re taken in the fame manner, a very good medicines sor heckinchemorrhages, hicli are notuncommon in this distase


in an indispositionis the wholebody, and not os an particular pari and et the abdominat viscera, viz. the stomach an intestines, the liver spleen, pancreas and mesenter are chiest assected incit,

according to the peculia natur of

each of them. he stomach sdisordere mitti frequent ructus and flatuleiicies, the sigiis os crudities. Theclive is swelled with thlehvisci bile, obstructiniit ducas. When the spleen is assected thes unctionis hich seem to e toconve a very fluid blood through


it arteries, parti into iis own celis, parti into the spleni velia, sorth uses of the liver; his loc, grows so thich, as almost to stagnate in that velit, hereb this os torgan is tumefie and distended. Is the pancreas e assected theglands, whicli secrete the pancreaticjuice, gro scirrhous in s me de-gree, and persorinthei ossice oo. sparingly henc the bile, hichmixes illi it in the intestines, is no lassicienti dilutest; and thechyle ein to thic passes ith dissiculi through the lacteais, and in ome meassere stagnates in iis passage. When the omentum is disordered in his dis ea , he hin subtilemit, hic is collected in iis cellules, in ordera be conveyedio the liver, and there tole mixed


blood in the vena portarum is notrendere thin an fluid nouo. Infine the consequence of the

mesenter bein assecte is that through the obstructio os iis glands, an subsequent deficien

of the lymph, hic the oughtto secrete so the dilutionis theehyle this liquor ecomes Oothich, and leti properior nutrition. vince it manifestirappears that in

renderedinfit so thei respective motions and the uses of lisse. Tuis disease, o various in ap- Pearance, is hiefly Win t twomuses, est os body, and agitationsos mind by the forme the humorsare rendered to siuggis in theirmotions and by the alter theblood atine time almost stagnates, and at another is rive o Withwm excessive


excessive uehemence: and Matthmust sussis in both cases. THis theor plaint potnis out the cure, ,hic consist in xgin o an correcting the umors. et the diseas does notrequire stron cathartics; it is muchsaser to tru to the milde fori, lach speciali as attenuate the humors, and wor by stoo and urine at the fame time. O this hin are the deobfruent piis, aloetici tende mitti saponac urmedicines, Hubarb Glauberusal and the lihe. ΤΗΕ lentor and thichnes of the

humor are mos convenienti remove by chalybeates, bitters andaromatics, speciali in tinctures. An natural chalybeate atersare the most efficacious o ali steel

medicines. IN FINE