장음표시 사용
Lorias, so that without writin the roya ornament of the Omnipotent cannot e made perfeci. Beingdead the ceas notato teach, ho write book of sacred
turn many to righteousnes inal be a the stare sor
Moreover, it has been determined by the doctor of the Churta that the longevit of the ancients besere God destroyed the original,orld by the Deluge, is tobe ascribe to a miracle and notrio nature a thoughGod grantexto them such tengt o Mys a Was required se finding ut the sciences and writin themin boohs amongst hicli the wondersu variet os astronom required according to Josephus, a period offix hundred years, o submit it to ocular observation. Nor, indeed do the den that the fruits of the earth
affair during the Mutinensian War o have read and writte and even declaimed every My. Tiberius wrotea lyri poem and some Gree verses. Claudius lihewisewas hilled in both Greeh and Latin and wrote severat
oti But Titus as hille above ali me in thear of writing, and easit imitated an handine chose; so that he used to a that iste had wished ille mighthave become a most shilsu sorger. At these thinuare noted is Suetonius in his Lives of the XII Caesara.
preparin volumes of ne booti, ut also exercisin an ossice of sacre piet whe we reat booti arefully, and again he we restore them tothei prope places and commend them to inviolaiae custod that the ma retoice in purit while e have them in ur hands, and est securet whenthe are ut bach in thei repositories Andriurelynex to the vestments and vesset dedicate to the Lota' body hol book deserve oae rightly trealed by the clero, to hic great injur is done o ostenas the are ouched by unclean ands. heresore we deem it expedient to wam ou student of various negligences 'hic might tway be asil avoidedand do onderfui harm to boori.
Andri the fidit place a to the opening and closingo books, let there e due moderation, that the beno unciasped in precipitate haste, nor he we have finished our inspectioni put away without being dubclosed For itaehove us to guata a boo muta more carestat than a boot. But the race of scholar is commoni badlyarought up and unles the arearissied in by the reses of theirelder the indulge in infinite puerilities. The be- have it petulance, and are pus Lup wit presumption ju in os verythin ascis the were certain, though the are altogether inexperienCed. Yo may appen to se som headstrong outhlazil loungingive his studies, and when the winter'sfrostris harp, his nos running rom the ni in cold
whic he marhs an passage that plerae him. edistributes a multitude os stram, hic he inserta tostich out in different places, o that the halm ma remina him of whit his memor cannot retain Thesestram, eram in book has no stomach in digest
den to those hamelem Ouths, who a mon a theyhave learne to formeth shapes of letters stratotWay, i the have the opportuni , become uniapo Ommentatore, and whereve the find an extra margina ut the texi, urnis it it monstrous alphabeis, o is an other frivolit strihes their an , at oncethei penaegin t writerit There the Latinis and sophister and ver uniearned writer tries the inesso his en a practice that we have frequently seen injuring the sesuines and value of the mos beautifulbookS. Again there is a classis thieves shamefuit mutilat- in books, who ut way the margins Bom in fidesto se a materis sor letters leavingini in tot oremplo the leaves rom the ends, inserte so the protectionis the book is various uses and abuses
hin os sacrilege hic shouldae prohibited by the
Again, it is par of the decenc of scholars that wheneve the retur fio meat to thei study, washing hould invariata precede reading, and that
no grease-staine finger inould uniasten the cla s, o turn the leaves of a book. Nor letis crying childadmire in pictures in the capital letters test he sollthe partament wit wet fingera m a child instantlytouche whateve he ees. Oreover, the lai , - - at a boo turnexupside down jus asciscit ereopen in the right way, are ulteri unwortis of any communion illi books. et the cler ista care also that the muti scussion reehing rom his te olfdoes notriouch the lily leaves of boohs ali unWashed, but he who walhet without Hemis shali minister tothe rectous volumes And again the leaesines of decent hand would ei great benefit to booti swel a scholara, i it wer no that the ire and pimples are characteristic of the clero. heneve desecis are noticed in books the shouldbe prompti repatred since nothin spread more quichly than a ea an a rent hic is neglected atthe time ill have to e repatre asterward with
mos sacre hands. hic student are most clearly taurat that in the care o books the merest tristes ought no toae neglected.
tha that hos things hic are mos right- coud done, hould e perverte by the clander of malicious men, and that ne hould ear theo proach of sin here he has ather deserved the homo honour. any things are done it singlenessos ye, the right and noweth not ha the est hand doth, the lum is uncorrupte is leaven noris the arment ove of woo and linena and et
by the tricher os perverse me a plous or is mendaciouu transsormed into Some monstrous act. Certes, such is the nhapo conditionis sinsul nature,
that o meret in acts that are morali doubifulcit adopis the worse conclusion ; ut osten it depraves by iniquitous subversio those hic have in appear-ance of rectitude. For although the love o book Domine nature fit obiectaear in aspecti goodness, yet, Wonderfulto say, it has rendered us obnoxious to the censures of many by hos astonishment we were disparagedan censured, no se excessis curiosi , now so the
exhibitionis vani , no se intemperance of delight in literaturea though indeed, wer no more disturbe by thei vituperatio than by the barhin offo many dou satisfied with the testimon o Him towhom it appertainet to tr in hearis an reins. For a the aim an pu ose of our inmost ili is
inscrutable to me and is see o God alone, thesearche of hearis, the deserve to e rebuhed sorthei pernicious temeri , who so ageri se a marho condemnation um human cis, in ultimate spring of whic the cannot see. For the final endi matters of conduci hold the fame positio astarat principies in speculative science or axiom in mathematici, a the hie of philosophors, Aristocle, minis out in the sevent book of the Ethics. And ther sere, jus ac the truth of ur concita rons depends
upo the correcines of our premises, o in mattereo actio the stam os mora rectitude is ove is the honest of aim and purpose, in cases here theac itself,ould themis be hel to e morassyindifferent. Now we have long cherished iniuraear of hearis the fixe resolve, hen rovidence hould grant a famurabie opportunity, o Bund in perpetuat chari amati in the reverendiniversit of ista, the tales nursing mother of ali libera aris, and to endo it
with in necessar revenues, se the maintenance of anumber of scholara an moreove to enrita themallwith the reasures of ou books that ali and ever of them hould e in common a regard thei us and study, nolint to the scholars of the sal Hall, butis thei means to at the student of the besore-nameduniversit se ever in the or an manne whichthe ollowin chapter hali declare. heresore thesincere ovem stud an etea sor the strengthening
of the orthodox faith to the edistingi in Church,
have egoite in us that solicitude so mareellous to the loversi pelf, o collectin books hereve th Nere to e purchased regardies of expense, and of havin thos that could not e bought atri transcribed.