장음표시 사용
ine stammering of oses, risit Ieremiah illconses that he is but a bo an cannot speah, orwil imitate Echo re undin Domine mountains. Foris How that the love o booricis the samethingos the love of wisdom, as a prove in thesecon chapter No this love is calle by the Gree wor phil ophy, the whole virtve of whichno create intelligenoe an comprehendum in is
domuit in a a heavent de extinguishes theheat o fimia vices, in intense activit of themental forces relaxing the vimur of the animal semes,
is manifes in his that he dissevera the wes romcommunion it the oh. says Ierome, the knowledge of the scriptures, and thou sit notiove in vices of the fiesh. The mesthe Xenocrates s wed his by the firmnes of his reason, Who Wasdeclared by the amous heiaera Phryne to e
statue an no a man when ali her blandishments could not hahe his resolve, a Valerius Maximus relates a tength. Our Wn Origen howed his also, who hos rathe to beransexed by the mutilation os himself, than to e made etaminate by the omnip tence of woman-though it a chast remedy, repugnant altherio nature an in Viriue, hos place itis nota mahe me insensitae to passion, but o laywit the agger of reason the passion that pringsrom instinct. Again all,lio re mitte with the love o books
say to Vigilantius : The me a cannot loves inges an booti. An thus it has Men mi in
The hideousnes of vice is greatly reprobate in books, o that he who oves to commune ita booksis texto detest est manne of vice. The demon, derive his nam Bomanowledge, is mos effectuallydestate by the knowledge of books, and throuis oti his multitudinous decetis and the endles labyrinths of his guile are lai bare to thos Who reia, testineae transformed into an ange of liis and circumvent the innocent is his iles. The reverenceo God is reveale to ori, the virium bywhichine is orshippe are more expressi manifested, and the rewarti are describe that repromised by the truth, hic deceives not, netineris deceived. The ruest lihenes of the beatitude to come is the contemplationis the sacred writings, in
which e ehol in turn in Creator and thecreature, and dra stom stream o perpetua glad-nem. ait is established by the wwer o boohsahope is strengthene by thei solace insomuta thatis patience and the consolationis scripture e re
tinguis the properties of stream an spring and of variora lanci fiom books e di out gem and
metal and the materials of very hin o minerat, an learn the viriues of herbs and trees an planis, and furve at ill the whole progen o Neptune, Ceres, and luto. But is, pleas to visit the heavent inhabitanis, Taurus, Caucasus, an Olympus are at hand Domwhich, passa ond the reaim o Iuno an marhout the territories of the me planet is line and circles And finalty we traverse the osties firmament of ali adorned wit signs, degrees, and figures in the ulmos variety. There e inspect the ant- arcti pote, hic Veaath no seen nor ea heard
we admire the luminous ilo Way and the Zodiac, mareellousi an delightfuit pictured wit celestial
letters is deat an in sepulture of the living, so
contrari se e conclude that occupation ialetters o book is the sise of man. Main is means o booti e communi te tomenctos et a Bes tat e cannot satist intrustis messengerari since in boo is generali allowed accesso the chamber of princes, from hic thevoice of it author ouldae rigidi excludia, as Te tussian observes at the e nning of his polomaeeios. When hutis in prison an in bonds, an ulterjdeprived of dii liberin e me booti as ambasa
dors to ursienti, an enuus them it the conductis our cause, and wn the where to mourselves Would incur the penalty flamin. theaid o booti, remember ining that are past, and even prophes a to the futurea an ining present, whita his and low, we perpetuat is committinginem to writing. The felicitous studiousnes and the studiora felici of the all-powerful eunuch, of whom e re tot in
the Acts who ha been o mightit Endled by the love of the prophetic riting that he cerae not m his readin is reason of his oum , adbanished si thought of the populous palace of Queen
Candace, and ad formiten even the reas es of
whic he was in heeper, an had neglected althe his
Brmed of a combinationi contrar elemenis, undergo a continua dissolutio of thei structure so by
the rethought of the clero a remed should besound is means of Whic the sacre book paying the debl o nature ma obtain a natura hei and mayrais u like ee to iis dea brother, and thus maybe verified that sayin o Ecclesiasticus misciatheris dead, and he is asci he were notraeax sor he
ilius the transcription o ancient book is ascit erethe egetling of res sons, on hom the ossice of the sether mandevolve les it suffer detriment. Nowsuta transcribera are calle antiquarii, hos occupations Cassiodorus consesses pleas him bove ait the
formed of a combinationis contrar elemenis, undergo a continua dissolutio of thei structure so by
the forethought of the clem a remed should besound is means of Whic the sacre book paying the debl o nature ma obtain a natura hei and mayrais uillhe ee to iis dea brother, and thus maybe verified that sayin o Ecclesiasticus mis sether
ilius the transcription o ancient book is ascit erethe egetling of res sons, on hom the ossice of the sether mandevolve les it suffer detriment. Nowsuch transcribera are calle antiquarii, hos occupations Cassiodorus consesses pleas him bove ali thetasti dil la ur, adding Mappy essori,' hesays, claudabie industry, o preach tomen it theliand to lectoose longues it the fingere, silenti togive salvation to mortals an to Ot wit pen and in against the illicit iles of the Evilone.' Sociar Cassiodorus. Oreover, our aviour exercise theossice of the scribe whenme stooped down and with His finger rote o the round Joh viii.), thalno ne howeve exalted may thin it unworth of
Lorias, o that without writin the rora ornaments of the omnipotent cannot e made perfeci. Beingdead the ceas notato leata, ho write booti os sacred
Moreover, it has been determined by the doctor of the Churta that the longevit of the ancients besere God destroyed the original World by the Deluge, is tobe scribed to a miracle and notrio nature a thoughGod granted to them such tengt o Mys a Was required se finding ut the sciences and writin themin books amongst hicli the wondersu variet os astronom required accordinxto Josephus, a period offix hundred years, o submit it to ocular observation. Nor, indeed do the den that the fruits of the earin