장음표시 사용
T HE texi sed in his edition is that os D Gow with se
and uni inportant modifications. an greatly indebledo in assistant lecturer M D. H. Hollid e M.A., ho read through the whole os the in manuscript an made many valvabie suggestions My than ksalso re due t my aughter. ho helped me in the tiresonae or Osir Drea ling. ut so her and the reade os the niversit Pres the number os errors ould have been great. H. D. N.
I Aster the work lone by GON. I 'age and wic kliam sto Cn-tion Enni isti commentator Only the illa an ings are carcei rthpublication excepi in sugitive artici CS. What has been writ tela heroaster is a the ille intimates, astud in poetic ordor illi illustrations rona theides C. S., and Epod. sis Horace. Unies the orde scenae esto suggest that accepted version might e reconsidere l. I have. ith very rareeXcCPtions. Orborne to comment a longili Thus his book is
intended tote sed fidei fide illi any editionis ou i et itis ei ther a se ausi os previ ous edition nor I hope a collectionos notes spolit in the horrori ing. Tho se ho old that almos an orde may Pas in P trywil read y notes illi impatience or Something or C. I askthem to suspend jud gement and to wait the cumulative effectos the eviden ce. The rules os the gamerare simple Cnough. I alieno a Pologies sor repeatinisonae os them They were ires clearlystaled by Prosessor . . Postgate. Attention to them, O rat herto the breach os them in hances in a sui Pristia meastare the esseC-tivene sis Latin a a vehicle so the e pression os ideas Hereare therave mos important rutes os norauat order: I Adjectives, except thoseos number and quantity immediately sol low the nouia Οr, to se a bries terminology, are postpositive: a Genitivesare postpositive; 3 Demonstrative Pronouia are res Sitive: Ad veri, immediatet precede the verti .e are reIM Sitive 3 'Subjeci . . . object . . . veri, is the norma orde r. AS Ueryone knows departur DOm these norma position gives interest tothe word abnormalty lac ecl. I may asked hy the Roma iace langu ages clo not ho Survivat os his 3 stem They O ho fur xivais, but O many. One must remember that the introductionis Christiani ty caused
neglectis the classica modet atra very early date. Muring the
or metaphorical, are ut ii in and the two objecta last Thus hil prose might write
.is tu rureus stat in lance rontea. Oct ry illi reser the Orde turpureus aron eas assos in lance, O chiastic Orders, suchis a cutea purpureus star sos in ance. a. his mu ping have aid, is in pro se, ver rare. I know one os in Cicer via. De O . . . a reliquorum similes exitus Franno m and cases in Lio vir. 6. 3 parvis Mita rebus animo, and a. a. 3 omne Deterani rosur exercitusi here. Owever, the S sho variationsi arad. Oubile , ther parallel instancesilui y lae Mund. ut in P try the deviceris a common Place. The eates type is seen in the formula adj. , adj. B. verti, noui A noui L. Page On tota. 6. 5 has ira n attention to this particular grouping. Cona Pare Lucretius . suspensis teneras mirantur densit is harotus Vergi Aen. 7. io proxima Circa e a murtati ra terrae Ovid Heri exietio lexos miror si orbe eis seu Durum a Motoryties asti e Iacerto Mel. l. in mea Vrseturim ei it te ora carmen, amipassim Les common is the formula adj. , adj. , veri, nou B, Oun , as in Horace oris 3. 7. 5 niet eum doloso rediri tauro latus These two tyi, . illi the
3. Butuo return to Horace the importance of bearin in in these types issee clearly when e face suci a derangement of epitaphs ascis provide by the com
tulet Caniiuia cupressos funebris
I9 et uncta turris ova ranae Sanguine plumamque nocturna rari S ...
ammis a rixo hicis. Here the editor osse a hewilderin variet os interpretations The mos lavoureddogma appears to e that ova an plumam elongo strigis, and that e liould translate by an wl' eggs and Dathers meare With blood of hideous toad. Some commentator have thei doubis, and weli the may for is the conventiona interpretation e correct, Latin orde is a Chines pugZle, an schoolhoys hould not be permitte to Spen valuable time on this exhilaratin game But is, follo the principies of Latin poetic orde a demonstrate inrig bove, e hali arriveat conclusioniles uncomptimentar to both Horace an Latin poeita. The groupin uncta turpis ova ranae is simply that os type Sy, and ranae goes,ith both os an sanguine heiween hicli it lies. I submit heresere that . 1 mus berea by a Roman as and gg anointe os foui toad by tibi ood.' e may is,elike, in the Horati an manner, Suppi unctam sanguine stri se With tamam. D A. S. Way in his translation Macmillan, 898 says rightly An the spawn acloathlycload ha voided, meare with blood, An the Datheris, screech-owl bir of gloom.' 6. Me evenin three adjectives together solio ed by three nouns in more ortes parallel order no but two instances, however, in the des the sodes assor no example vi g. Odeso. 9. 21 and 2 9. 3. The sorme run thus latentis proditor in imo Istatus puellae risus ab an D. Here proditor is a quasi-adjective, an a Roman would rea the lines thus Athehider' betrayer illiin the sweet giri laugh Do the corner. The lalter passage Odes et . . 3 read a follows at non ter aevo iunctus amabilem l ploravit omnis
Antilochum senex l annos .... Ompare o Vergili rora . 37 et omina aurasus taurino cornua voltu i Eridanus, and Horace Sat. I. 5. 7 nam vaga se veterem dilapso samma culinavi l Volcano ....
g It is convenient at this potiatrio insert a complete listis types αλ α' β' and 8'in Horace'sides, sodes an C. S. αλ. Odes i. et Ii superiecto pavidae natarunt i aequore dammare Addo. 8 6, 7,
tr. Si metimes a genitive tali es the Place sine Os the adjectives e. n. y. i. r. here piscium piscaritim i. r. 3 here cuius m quod i. 23. here veris mPemus 3. 7. . ,here Maricae an adjective. 13. The nexi type that Occurs illi an frequenc is seen in the formula nou A. a'. n. adj. A, noui L. There are three instances illi the verti in the centre These e may at α' via Oris i. o. 8 ireaque evem coerces aurea turbam . 7. 13ιiamna tamen eleres reparaus caelestia lunae Epota. 7. 55 Neptunus acto uni hibemus sieso. may perhaps. d. oris a. i. 5 7 quissuis . . . inulta cesse uim tens tellure. Di . Those classe s have the verti anywhere. The type is Secta in O ses . . , s
metaque fervidis mirata rotis; ut mos os the example might e classe unde Det
I. 28. II, 2 I. I. 2, 2. H. 4 5, 2 6. 5, 2. 7. 5, 2. 2. 2, 3, 2. I . 25, 26 Zi, 2. 6. 8, 9, 2. 6. 38, 2. I 8. , 5, 2. 19. II, et With intrusi V verb), 2. 9. 8, 3. I. I, 22, 3. 3. 5, 3. o. 2, 3, 3. I . 8, 3. 5. 3, 4, 3. 7. I, 3. 9. 6, 7, 3. 9 24, 3. a. 7, 3. 29. 24, 3. 29. 9, 4. 6. 2, 4. II 6, 7, 'M. 2. 59, . 5, 4. 17, 8
With intrusive genitive , 5. 27 6. 3 8 9, Io, . 5, 6 λὶ II IO, II. 28, 4. 3 With intruSive conjunction), 6, 37, 17. 33, 3 , 7. 5 . Simila is Odeso. 6. 7 here
15. The nexi type is seen in the formula adj. A, nou B, adj. B, nou A. have notice an instanc in Cicero De O . . . 5 talibus aure II a VocibuS... circumsonare. Compare OG 2. 3. 34, 35 demittit atras belua centiceps aures. AddI. 7. 29, 2. II. Io, . I . 7, 8, 3. II. 9, 3. II. 35, 36, 3. I . a is, rea cohibe=rte , 3. 5. IO, 3. 6. 25, 3. 7. 4, 3. 8 9, 3. 9. 25, 3. I9 26, 3. 22 6, 3. 4. 36, 37, 3. 7. 59, o seu lum zona bene te secuta laedere collum I. , , . . 58, - . 7 λὶ 4. 4. 7, 4. II. II, et sordidum sanantae residant rotantes vertice fumum , Ego . I. 29, 2. 29, 2. 57, 58, 2 63, 6. I, I 6. o. compare Vergil Am.
6. 38 tristique palus inamabilis tin . Simila are des . . et doctarum hederae praemia frontium, anda . . I Thurini Calais tus Orninti, here the nounspraemia and litis tali the place of the adjectives. Di 6. The formula of the nexi type is nou A, nou B, adj. A, adj. B. I aVenote a parallel in Tacitus Ann. 1. 1 cuncta Siscoriuiis fessa civilibus Cicero De O . I. 3. I a Siraus odio digna maiore, but the positionis maiore is due to emphasis, like solis in has Catiline oration 3. . 6 Res praeroribus erat nota solis. The ne in parallel orderi H occum irs in Odeso. 6. I Martem tunica tectum
i Odeso. 2. 7, 8. ut mos of these cases may be classe under g 8, an many unde Da . The chiastic type β is see at Odes . . I Proetum mulier fer a credulum. Ad 3 et . , , and Epod. 8. I, 2. Under his Sectio ma come des . . 23, 2 here Romuli is equivalent to Romulis adj. , and Dod. 13 6 where consule is the equivalent of an adjective. O at Ode 3. 8. I and DoL 7. here the nouns are quaSi- adjectival Finali Odes I. 5. of the Same type as αὶ the pronouns qui an te tal in the place of
am d. fracis), . . II, 12, 2. I. 9, Io 2. 2. II, I ductaque per Pia i regum colla minacium a. 7. 22, 23, 3. 5. a se also D 8ὶ 3. I . 25, 26 Luit albescens animos capillus i litium et rixae ctis os 3. 19. 28 me lentus dicerae torre amor meae; . I. I9, 2 Albanos prope e lactis pone marmoreum Se note ad loc. . . Io, I3, et dirus per trbra me ut Italas; . 8 9 Io talium res est aut animus
inStance occur Odes . . et ad aquae lene caput Sacrae a. 5. I Chloris albo sic umero nitcn 3. 4. 69, o testis mearum. . . sententiarum notus Se note ad loci);3. 6 3o et Seoli certa es meae Q. 26 7 8 arcus oppositis foribus minacis 3 27 2, 3 ab agro rava decurrens lupa Lanuvino a. 27. Io imbrium divina avis imminentum;