Horace: Odes and Epodes; a study in poetic word-order

발행: 1922년

분량: 320페이지

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g 7. A complement a stand uiside the noui and epithe is the lalter be ossuch a Lindis to malle iis expect the occurrenc os a complement This is commoni Proseis. g. Liv 36. o. 7 urbis sitae tu lano. and passim. In thetis and tota sthe ollo in cases Occur i. a. i diva potens Cypri see i. 9. 3 totusque

iere Iiam lacertis; i. 7. et haerentem coronam i crinibus i. 7. o luettier meliore flamma; i. 28 8 Tirhonus petu remorus in auras i. 35. a Drιrum Caesarem in ultimos Arisannos a. l. 7 per ignis si positos ciueri; a. a. 7 sinua metuente solvi a. 5. 3tauri emis i in Denerem a. 5. 3 discrimen olscurum soluti l crinibus a. i.


beatae coniugis additum citellis honorem; et I9. I tectaqrιe Penthei disiecta non leni ruinari . . a retorta ter Gracchia libero se to DI7ὶ 3. 8. II amphorae fumum bibere institutae consule Tullo Io I nec tinctus viola fallor amantiumri 3. 2. Ο fer assertuna fugientis agitato large cemvos Q. I 6 6 Acrisium virrinis abditae custodem saUidum Q. 29 2 Sole die referente siccos 3. 29. 33 Doninis . . . t mn face ae Mentis Etruscum in mare se also D 7ὶ et Aurusti paternus i in pueros animus Nerones; . I . II arces Alpib/ι impositas tremendis I . I devota morti pectora liberae se also gra7ὶ . 5. 8 vacuum duellis aniιm uirini; . 5. 29 Tirtute functo more patrum duces od. . I tot ora navium pravi l rostra a duci pondere Se note ad loαὶ 5. 23 et ossa ab ore rapta ieiunae canis 5. 69 indormit tinctis omniuna cubilibus t oblisione paelicum 7. I Remi l sacer negotibu cmuor; 2. O colorque i stercore fiιcatus crocosti But See at Soag I , 6, 7, an et . 49. In the followin instances the complement stand abnormali outSide. Almost alway there is a special reason or divergen e seo the regula order See Ode I. I. 23 Drι tubae t permixttis sonisus compare des . . et quote in D 33

I. 2. 23 audiet sagnas vitio parentum bara iuventus perhaps a caseis coniunctio Sato. 2. 29, 2 2 6, 2. 8. 38, 3. 2. Essae. . , 5. 5 I3. 8, I 5. 7, 16. 9ὶ I. 6. I aut pulvere Troico nigrum Isse; ionen I. 7 3 vel Baccho Thebas vel Apolline Delphos i insignis; I. . et metior fortuna parente; I. 28 9 et ovis arcanis seros misSuS I. 37. I una sospes navis ab iraibus4 I. 37. I mentemque I mphatam Mareotico et et. 6 rotus in fratres animi paterni See o I. a. et quote above);2. 5. 23 discrimen obscurum soluti l crinibus ambiguoque vulturi et I 8 38 hic levare iunctuna bauperem laboribus t vocatus se Ono 2 23 quote above) 3. 3. 52 Omne Sacrum rapiente extra; . . et DerSa actae retro Compare . I. I an E d. 5. 8Ο,

both cite below) 3. 6. I hoc fonte derivata clades 3. 7. II demissa tempestas MEuro se ga ad .in 3 et . I intactis opulentior Aesauris Arabin se also Det );

3 af n λ; soae et et certantem et uvam stirpatrae but se rather g 7ὶ 3. 3 erit ciculis alium nocentius; . I sepulcris capriscos erutaS; rebus meis loromin eles arbitrae; . 65 cum falIa, tabo munus imbutum, novam l incendio nuptam abstulit; . o tellure sorrecta suser compare 3. . 26 quote above repostum Caecubum adfestas dapes but se rather g 7 incestos, olim promissum carmen, iambos; 6 6 novisque rebus in delis Allobrox; 6 8 arentibusque abominatus Ha=anibal; 6 19 habitandaque fana ris reliquit; 7 6 sed tardiora fata te votis mansit λὶ See also D 3, and D 7, and the note nides 3. I. 2 . 3o. a Word may li belween epithe an nou while the belon Erro κοινου to the verti Such an orde is common in prose an poetry. Compare Plin I3 quia nullos hic praeceptores habemus i. e. hecause e have here Uri habemus no local nullos hic teachers' Catullus . t tua nunc sera meae puellae senaeo turgi lirtibent ocelli Ovid Fast. q. o6 Hi redeunt udis in sua tecta meitis Vergil Aen. a. 58

iuvenem ...pastores magno ad Nom clamore trahelant; ib. . et I aterque ad sitaera

sumtis Perigitur Liv 22. I. II nuntiant. . . cruentas in orbem spicas cecidisse Zi. Simila example in Horace are des et. 7 6 morantem saepe diem mero irem; 3. 7. et priores hinc Lamias ferunt i denominatos 3. 29. 8 quod fugiens semel hora vexit Dolo2 et nova collibus arbor inhaeret; 7 3 iussas cum Me poenas Iuam I7 63 ingrata misero vita aeucenda est. b In the ollowin cases the pause at the nil os the line preveni ucsrom seelingilia an apparent complement elong to the words et ween hicli it lies: desI. . I iuventus nunc omnis. I. I 2. 27 alba nauti l stella refulsis; I. a. ai


missa Venus rursus mes se ais D 9 O . . et altis merim ripis. si ne instanc oris i. a. hic m. nos potius triump/os is paralleled by LivyP m. Dixeram bonis potius ominibus. In the Livian Irassage there is undoubted stre

ix Although the des andi is providem parallel , I may be allo reser tot w example in Vergi vir Aen. a. 53 stis tita exuras vinclis ad Gera piacmas and 6 8 7 excutam alii Uiramia motritis aera. In suci cases the revicius Occurrerace sthe verti akes the Orderis the adverbi adverb-phrase much les harsh. si In Latin prose is a transitive veri, has a Persona Objeci and an abstraci ornon Persona subjeci, the Persona objec is requently put sint. compare Liv Tres ii nisi me amor ne ii suscepti fatalis, and lassim se in ' More Latin and Englisti Idiom. Appendix A . Example are numerous in Horace e. g. Odes i. l. 3 mul os

1. 28. I te. . cohibent. . . munerari I. 3. Is omnis una mane nox M. 28. a me. . . Nortis


5et Osten, at leas in poetry , e in an adjective set nextu a noun with whichi is no in grammatica agreement, and yet, obviously, quali sying this nou as et aSthe ther nou with Whicli it agrees grammatically. Vergil provides an instances






Maecenas atavis C lite regibus. et praesidium Ct dulce decus melim sunt quos curriculo Pulverem Olym Picum

collegisse iuvat metaque semidis evitata rotis palmaque nobilis sterrarum dominos evehit ad eos: hunc si mobilium turba Quiritium

In these notes tym preposit . si, separat , Is m preposite Mand separat , pii postposites, ius m postposite Mand separat , P. α Prol Omena. I. l. regibus equat resis s) it is emphati and predicative i. e. spriangsrom orire ars M.t Mere rival Compare Eo . . i Divis orae bonis and Cic. De O . l. 3 2. ii 6 f .)obscuris orti maioribus. It should he obse ediliat exibus e De ould can equali weli. Horace, Os Course, may have destred to voti three finalis' in succession See o P. 24.

For the intervenitrii vocatis See nido . . . 2. dulce decus meum D decus stan is et ween the w epitheis. See

4 metaque emissis evitata Otis: O the groupin se P. I 6. terrarium ' : ord osuriis orld the seel that the are equat os the ea et enly ings ad deos ast). The Orde Seem to suppor the vie that terrarum dominos i long to quos and notri deos. The tres o terrarum no appropriate to the go is the are ather lord of heaven a Catulluscalis them 68. 36. 76 caeles es faci casset eros or lord os the universe asin Ovid Ex Ponto . . I in rerum dominos moet imus arma deos sor the frequent position os rerum se P. I . In Ex Ponto . . a terrarum ominum quem sua cura facis Augustus is fittingi called lordis his orld, Whil D. I. . S. 6 nam tua non alio colui penetralia risu i terrarum dominos quam colis ipse eos does no prove that errarum dominos refers toaecos. Since the lines may mean Celsus Onoured Oti O les than ovit Onour these earI IF ord especiali the em peror a is the were Ods' note Particulari l. 49 quem tu pro numine ἰ ivus habebas . For et e i ad deos compare Odes 4 2. 7, and Juvenal I. 38. 7. unca note the contrasted person placed early-iarum l. 9, gaudentem

N. H. i



Certat tergeminis tollere honoribus illum, si proprio condidit horreo quicquid de Libyci Verritur arei S. Iogaudentem patrio findere arculo agros Attalicis condicionibus

numquam domoveas, ut trabe Cypria Myrtoum paVidu nauta CCet mare luctantem Icariis fluctibus Africum is mercator metuen otium et oppidi laudat rura sui mo reficit rates quaSSAS, indocili pauperiem pati. 7 8. mobilium 's equais thou k Ckle they et give hi in II three

ossices, tergeminis 's . ut the order nobi um Iurbi uiritium is frequent se P. I and Ioa); an Soci the groupinguerae minis tollere honoribus see

P. O.

I 6, 7. otium et oppidi a Roman read this as reti rement an town': so though ossi Dis genitive, he feeis it to e objectis lauaea untii rura is reached se P. 38, an P. 2 a. sui s): the wor probabi has emphasis it is an emphati afterthought se P. 3 - this is his own his native and . Sorae hink on the storiny


Est qui nec veteris Pocula Massicinc Partem solido cinere te die ros Pernit nunc viridi inCmbrii sub arbuto Stratus nunc ad actua lCn caseu sacrae.

multos castra iuvat, et lituo tubae IR rmixtus sonitus bellaque matribus detestata. manet sub Iove frigido is venator tenerae coniugis immemor, Seu visa est catulis cerva fidelibus. seu rupit teretis Marsus Per Pla M. me doctarum hederae praemia frontium

ad aquae lene caput sacrae so the orde se P. 8. It is ita a light extension os the frequent type aquae casu Sacrae See On P. zo buta Roman would rea the wOrd a the come-'near ater genti Springi ne caput at the Stirine. M Spring were ac re an had thei Stiri ne an alta l. 23. multos castra Se P. I and on l. 7 above. 23. 24. lituo tubae permixtus sonitus the normal prose order ould berem Ius lituo sonitus uocu See P. 48 permixtus licuo Iubae sonitus. Horace isties us' hea both instrument early a is,e had lituus Iubaque with sterm Ius sonitus in apposition. Compare Oaeo . I. a. O rem rus the consusion os ound we P. 26, an sor Iulae permixtus soni usse P. 49.2S. manet comes irSt illi Stresf-he Stay on an on. 26. tenerae t): ecause he is delicat he oughto have remem redher Compareides I. l. I. coniugis the word lies bet Reen et enaror arid immemor accordin to utei SC On de l. 7. 29 ; ut in an case Obbective genitive tenil to e repositive se P. 39 . 27. fidelibus f : ecatis the have aithsuli remained the have cen



dis miscent Superis, me gelidum nemu 3o Nympharumque leves cum Satyris ChoriSCcernunt populo, Si neque tibias Euterpe cohibet nec Polyhymnia Lesboum refugit tendere barbiton. quodsi me lyricis vatibu in SereS, 35 sublimi seriam sidera Vertice. II. Iam satis terris nivis atque dirae grandinis misit pater et rubente

3I Nympharum the wor is logica Subject an prepares us by iis positio for the antithesis Satyrs. A Roman read the line thus: Nymplis lightly illi Satyrsiancing. The Nymplis ance lightly though the have


34. Lesboum , s): the orde recalis to min the ames of great lyrisis Such as Alcaeus an Sappho. The tres is echoe in stricis , of l. 33. 33. lyricis f): Dyo ran merus a mere riter os lyrici contraSt an epic , shallae more than Satisfied. 36. Sublimi 's contrast demisso. Horace means that instea of beingbowed down illicitiameiecauseae cannot emulate the maSSive Oweri a Vergili a Homer, he list up his head alos in pride a bein clasSed among