장음표시 사용
terruit gentis grave ne in lirct sacculuin 'yrrha nova monstra tu CKlaC. Omite cum 'rot Cus Pecus egit altos visere montis. Piscium et summa geratis haesit ulmo. nota quae sedes merat columbis, io C superiecto Davictae natarunt aequore damna. C.
i. a. dirae sp the terror os hall) se P. 27 and note nidae a. 4. 23. But the ad)ective a be ἀπο κοινοῖ, illi Oth niet is and erandinis see P. 33 2 pater g es by coniunctio, illi misi and terruit heiace iis position. rubente s) i. e. e. nasii Osiand) se P. 26.3 sacras 's' equat 'though Sacredri himself Compareitae i. ia. ω fulmini Iuris. iu See also P. I. 4. urbem placed aster the verbo illi Stress in contrasto centis, it selsaster iis veri, The antithesis i Rome and the empire. s. graves psὶ the position Osirave mahes it quasi- internat, illi rediret, i. e. 'lest a noxi Ous retum liouldie os Pyrrha 's age. The adjecti vegraet is is frequently used os recurrini note rediret Seasons os un healthyir Oxious kind. The regula Phras for the n holesonae par of the ea is ruret e
6. nova i. e. raheard os, horribi : see o Erod. 6. o. his adjective is
almos always prepositive a in noetius homo. Compare Odo I. 4. I, etc., butcontrasti fora. 7. 29, t. 26. IO, 3. 4. 2, 3. S. 3, 4. 4. 6, 4. 2. I
7. omne s): Proteus could no leave even partis his flochielow. altos ips): O meret 'high motanta in S,' ut predicative, to the op Of
9. piscium 's the orde prepares us for the antithesis columbis; ut piscium ais equat piscarium and the rotapin is then that oscit. II, 2below See P. 7 and 2. Moreove fiscium is logica subjeci se on
marti . hi te ith oves. columbis last in antithesis totiscium l. 9 above. I. a. Superiecto pavidae natarunt equore darinae so this important groupin See P. .
vidimus flavum Tiberim retortis
litore Etrusco violenter undis ire deiectum monumenta regi I 5 templaque CStRO, Iliae dum se nimium querenti iactat ultorem Vagus et Sinistralabitur ripa Iove non Probante UXOrtu amni S. OI3. vidimus the ver in his emphati position equat ἐφορa i. e. we have live to see. Compare Liv Pres I. 46 8 6 34. IO, I. 3. 5, 34. . . navum s) yello and theresore ood ed. o des . . 8 cur timet avum Tiberim Iavere, and 2 3. 8 villaque avus quam Tiberis lavit se note ad loc. . In Vergi Aen. 7. 3I, as in Ovid Mel. 4. 44s, va Seem Sto referri the ello san stirrecti by the wir and deposited at the mouth of the river. At Aen. 9 8 I naviis postpositest an m de a mere standingepithe : ut there is a variant vasto, an Vergit ould ardi cal Tibercaeruleus Aen. 8 64his avus were the conventionat epithet. At Catal. I, S), 23 the readinci uncertain, but 1 avum heuead the context SuggeSt muddywater. The colour of the Tiber is sat esto vata larget with the colour of thesky. In II iacere, 'Annungio, describin a fine a morning in Rome, writes sulfonte assarve I evere lucido. Iq. violenter is Separate sto retoriis to emphasige the strength and violen Ce of thelood perhaps also it a b sel adjectivet with undis Cp.
facit; Liv Pref ad illa mihi fro se quisque intendat animum. Note
For noui Iliae tronoun sex epithet querenti), epithet ultorem iee P. I 6.
nimium Seem to go illi both querenti an iactat.18. ultorem, Vagus: h may e notismi the comma at ultorem and tahe vases, a tDv a1r o, illi iacta ultorem i. e. he avenges Ilia by wandering
I9. The Sentence is grammaticali complete a ripari ha sol lows is an emphati addendum Semon P. 33hi. e. though ove sorhade, hecause his me
audiet civis acuisse ferrum. quo graves 'erme Clius Wrirent. auctici pugnas vitio Parcntum
quem vocet divum MPulus ruciatis is imperi rebus prece qua satinent virgines sanctae minus audientem carmina Vestam λ
cui dabit partis scelus eXI andi
Iuppiter tandem venia Poecamur onube candenti umero amictus,
22. graves the interest te in the adjective- the pes consistin os Persae P. 27, and O OEC 2. 4. 23. I melius ha been place nextri quo the meaning ould have been inorde that the Persae might more asil peristi. In iis present positio the constructio is quo With whicli melius esse: it ould have been helter si Persi periren iis the Persae had been perishing). 23. vitio parentum the phrase perhaps goo wit both tignas and Ora. The civit Ar were due t the crimesis thei sathers, and so was the reduce lpopulation. Is Horace ad not istic the word vitio paren iam to Maeard ithaboth tu as and rara, he would o have bandone the norma orderrara et itio arentum iuventus See P. 49. 24 rara st the iuventus os Rome liould have frequens. S. quem . . . diuturi is divum e genitive plures, compare l. i a ve sorthe separation is accusative, there is light tress contrast omi m ut Sce On precesua l. 26. mentis tr the imperium liould Iare. 26. imperi se P. S. prece qua emphati sor qua prece-the eopte cali, the oly Uirgins pray, and are instant in prayer heiace comes early Perhases et oceris brought sorward O prepare u so the HS Comparem. f. l. 29. 7. F. Iuppiter has tress se Onide 4 9. 26 i. e. Great Juppiter. 3i candentis p the word is reposite to bring it extra the antithetica nube.
sive tu mavis, Erycina ridens, quam Iocus circum volat et Cupido: Sive neglectum genu et nePOte 35 respici Ructor, heu nimis longo satiate ludo, quem iuvat Clamor galeaeque leUOS, acer et Mauri pediti cruentum vultus in hoStem; osive mutata iuvenem figura ales in terris imitaris, almae filius Maiae, patienS UOCRri Caesaris ultor: serus in caelum redea diuque 5 laetus intersis populo uirini, neve te nostris vitiis iniquum
ocior Rura 33. Erycina ridens: See o P. 36.34. Volat note the positio by coniunctio; circum volat is practi catly
39. acer et Mauri peditis ...Vultus: O the groupin See P. O. cruentum pS has tres S. AS Bentie says the Mauri ere o Drus: but the Ca scowllat a bleedini fallen foeman. his positioni cruentum perhaps malae Marsi a les probabie emendation. The word seditis might
mea that the Mauri an has di Smounted. I. mutata iuvenem figura: so the orde See n de I. O. 4. Compare to Oni e 3. 2. 32.42. ales in terris an anget, Scit ere, on arth. almae 's): nurturing like a Lindi mollier no destroying like Mars See also P. O a. 44. Caesaris s): perhaps equali Great CaeSar' Compare des I. 37. 6. 45. Servii predicative. redeas for the re Compare πό in ποθεωσις. diu goes illi both laetus and interris. 47. te for it position e P. I. nostris s): the orde bring out the antithesis, an Case relation comeearly Se OG I. 2. 7.
III. Sic te divari citens Cy Pri .
sic fratres Helenae lucida sidera. Ventorumque regat Pater obstrictis aliis Praeter Ia Pyga, navis quae tibi creditum
debes Vergilium finibus Atticis
reddas incolumena Precor et serves animae dimidium meae.
48. ocior ' i. e. ali too wist' comparatives are naturali prepositive se P. S. 49. tollat has tressa contrast hic. See nido . . 26. Potius is emphasi red by separation Dona hic See . of I, 2. inultos l . . . Caesar so these emphati addenda se P. 3. Sa te duce Horace rite an ablative absolute a is ne Medi equiten had precede l. III. I. te diva se ora Odo I. 2. 7. potens Cypri Cy ri a standisulside diet a potens hecause e stili ait sor an ollaeci se P. 47. O the ther an objective genitives more osten precede See P. 39 , and it is hard to See hymorace Shouldio have rittendiet a Cy ri potens See to P. 4 2 lucida p): perhaps equais no obscured by torna. Wichliam Go . an others in vi e o Plin N. H. . lol ch. XXXVII an Statius Sim. 3. 2. S. se a reserenceo St Elmo's re but the star Castor an Pollux may bemeant These rise in frontis helion, and aretrilliant objecis in the eveningsk Dom Januar to Apri l. e. during mos os the torna monilis To Praytha the may be bright is to pransor fine cather at suci a time. Se ono G I. 2. 27, 3. 29 64, and . . l. ad Uergi been travellin in the Summer, Horace ould carcet have been o anxious. Compare' ita s
3. ventor um is equais and a. r in is may thei sather ...' See P. O. The word intorum is larought clos to si era in artificia antithesis. 3, 6. quae tibi creditum debes the sentence a be et a completea debes, re Dum an e quasi- substantival τὴν rea 'axaraθῆκον this gives I i lium sonae emphasis 'even Uergil. But See also P. l. 7. incolumem predicative. S. animae dimidium meae so the grOupin se P. I an o a
illi robur et aes tripleXCirca pectus erat, qui fragilem truci iocommisit pelago ratem PrimUS, ne timuit praecipitem Africum decertantem AquilonibuS, nec tristis Hyadas, ne rabiem Noti,
quo non arbiter Hadriae is maior, tollere Seu Ponere vult freta. quem mortis timuit gradum, qui siccis oculis mon Stra natantia,
qui vidit mare turbidum et infamis scopulos Acroceraunia eto nequicquam deus abscidit Prudens Oceano dissociabili terraS, Si tamen impiae
non tangenda rate tranSiliunt Vada. Io, I fragilem truci l commisit pelago ratem for the roupin See P. . ote the happy juxtaposition o weakness ira flem an violence Iruci , of open ea , elago an a in boat raum .
praecipitem s): ascis e bard fraecisirationem Africi, like rabiem Nouos l. Iibelo . o in l. 4 Iristis Hyadas equat Iristitiam 'adum. See n
I9. turbidum et so the positionis et compare nide I. 35. 39.2o infamis s): See o OUE 2. 4. 23. 2I. nequicquam is emphatici separation Dona the Verb.
23, 24. impiae t non tangenda rates transiliunt vada: so the grouping
auda V omnia I 'r Iurti is gens humana ruit ut vetitiim iactas:
aucta Ial Hi nciuis ignem raude mala rentibus intulit: Post ignem aetheria domo
subductum macies et nova ebrium D terris incubuit cohors. semoti tu serius tarda necessitas leti corripuit gr.idum.
CXPCrtus uncti uiri Daedalus aeras AEnnis non homini datis: asperrupit Acheronta Herculeus labor. nil mortalibus ardui est: caelum ipsum petimus Stultitia, neque
26. per vetitii Ἀρὶ brealis through the barrier i Sin se P. 26. 27. Iapeti si genus: See P. I. 29. ignem aetheria the adjective is placed in ron os domo to bring
per OStrum patimur scelus iracunda Iovem ponere fulminR. o IV. Solvitur acris hiems grata vice veris et Favoni, trahuntque Siccas RChinae ArinRS, a neque iam tabulis gaudet pecus aut arator igni, ne prata Canis albicant pruiniS.
iam Cytherea choros ducit Venus imminente luna, iunctaeque NymphiS Gratiae decentes alterno terram quatiunt pede, dum gravi Cyclopum Volcanus ardens visit ossicinas. nunc decet aut iridi nitidum caput impedire myrto, aut flore terrae quem ferunt Solutae; io
IV. I. acris s)... grata s) both are reposite hecauSe ContraSted-harsh,inter but hindi spring For the positionis ve=Ys et Favoniae P. S. 2. Siccam pS i. e. dry not et the have been ut of the water o long, and fine eatheria hegun. 3. StabuliS...peCuS...arator igni: note the ChiaSmus. 4. canis sS Roman perhaps firS feel the adjective vitin fratia seeon . 2), but Comparem P. I. S. Cytherea: may be regarde a a noun, ut Go thinlis it means in Cythera' i So Compare Odes I. I. . I 6 Merea be a noun the Sentenceis complete a ducit the word following the forma picturesque aster- thought- Yes, Venus in the oonlight'; See o P. 3. 6. iunctaeque Nymphis Gratiae decentes for the second epithetiderentis)outSi de See . 48, an Compare . 34. 7. alterno equat an adverb; See o P. I For sederae onides I. 3. 6. Compar l. I belo aequo sutiat sede. 7 8. gravis Cyclopum l . . . officinas se P. 46b. Here Volcanus comesnea CFclopum in orde to group together the person concerned See nido I. 2. I7 ardens Conae nexi, .e hol and eager, in artificiat contraStrioaravis, whicli suggest heavit burdene an totisonae, oin in ense illi both CFclopum an incinas se P. 2).9. viridi nitidum Caput. . myrto for the groupin See P. O. The greeno the glossy air is a preti picture Suggeste by the collocation viridi nitidum.
et domus exilis inritonia quo simul caris, nec cuna vini sortiore talis nec tenerum Lycidan mirabere quo calet iuventus
nunc omnis et mo virgines C PCbunt ro
is vitae ' the positio ma be expla ined in Severat ways et Hue is theimportant ord and is practicali subjeci se P. 38ὶ summa may have an attribute nisi ther si de se P. 33ὶ it is possibi that reet is is genitive illi
longam s is predicative an quasi proleptic: e ough hew opes os a
sabulae is a nou com in an adjective an l. a. Page inys, equat sy ι δε si compare virgo charta, γέρων λογος, virgin effort) Horace says allthat is test sor oti is night. and the storici lis os the ead, and the ghostly worid' he intentionalty throwsioub on it alii misin fabulae prepositive. Even suchis orti is dotibi sui hereries): the resore eat, rin k, an die merry.i8. talis sor iis positio Sce nitae l. 3. 6. iis tenerum ' the delicate charin os Lycidas se on P. 27. The epithet is prope tora Oman Cp. Odes I. I. 26, and See Esse . I. q. 2O. nunc ipsὶ the position repares scio the antithesis mox, hic hilset is separated rom terebunt See als On P. Od. omnis tres is emphatic.
Quis multa gracili te puer in rosa perfusus liquidis urget odoribus grato, Pyrrha, Sub antro pcui flavam religa ComRm, simplex munditiis heu quotiens fidem smutatosque deos flebit et aspera
nigris aequora ventis emirabitur in SolonS, qui nunc te fruitur credulu aurea, qui Semper Vacuam, Semper amabilem ioSPerat, CSCiu RUrae fallaci S. mi Seri, quibUSU The order of this de is osten strat ned. Is it a translationi
I. multa gracilis ... puer in rosa so the groupingrae P. O. te puer: See nide I. 2. 7.