장음표시 사용
sericulo viri l. s. a iusti more Ii: a. a. 3 omnium opia rerum etc. Then, Perhaps the rite faecam conventional and we nil g. Cicero De m. i. 33. aist erroris statis A mam Sallustiar. Ai. 3 ea res a cu uittam cladis tui . Horace has sonae si xty Mur exam Picue here the termination Os the genitive nouit iiiii genitive epithet is the sanie typeis in the ex sectiori . ut Ont twenty three whcre the terminiitionis genitive Oun an genitive epithe is dii serent tyi in thenex sectiori . his seems O ho that, illi Horace consideration Os euphon leti tot he adoption Os the ordor. ro. αὶ Eo type a compare Odo . 3. 8 animae dimidium meae. Addo. . . l. i. 6 ossi Et lava at rura stit i. r. r. i. 7. ii Larisae percussit campus opimae l. O. 3, i. 5. 7. l. 8. 7 modici transili ut munera Liberi l. 9. is bimi cum
probabi dative. For type bi compare des i. 8. 3. ut mari uae iscium dierant The Missu D. rimosa Troiae Itinera; I. i. 9 Deteris pocula Massici Addides . . i5 8 .
l. 7. I, 1. 35. i. a. 1. 33, 3 , a. 7. 9, 3o a. 9. 6, a. o. I . 3. a. 26, a Cereris
2. 9. 24, 2. o. Ι 8, 2. I 2 8, 2. 12.9, 2. 2. 25, 2. 3. O 2. I . 8, 9, 2. I . I 2, 2. 5. , IO,
Deta It hould e observed that in the ex amples cited a Dat the adjective and
Det . Simila to the example ina et are those here the place of the ver is talienti a partici ple adjective, o ad veri, compare alS Di The type is seen in Ps
26. When Horace piat the participi Lesore iis nouia he wem alwaycto regard the Partici pleras ostreater importance. Usually, at leas in prose, Englisti ill renderthe participiet a nouia It wil suffice to quote rona prose Cicero De O . 3. 8. io anum rarum timemus stet my the ange Os Jove Sallus Car. 8 8 post eou iramur m Romam the bui id in os Rome Liv l. i. i re Helenae auctores ad-
sacrifice of a lamb II. I ad uehatis increas of years II. et ambustus theburning o Phaethonὶ 4. I . et compositis laying ow of armsin; . 5. et Pictata sackin os citi es) C. S. 8, I tu niuis marriage of Women in Dod. 2. II in Educta in the depilis of the vallen et 3 et obstantis the obstacte forme by the etS et. 5 extis in a prison of hurdies 3 2. 65, 66 positosque ver=ras... circum . . . lar the Setilingo flave round the earth 5. 33 titatae change of Modin 9. 3 exercitatas the turmoi of the Syrtes); 3. 5 obducta frow o browὶ. 27. What is true os participies is also me of adjectives Stri hin instances are es 3. 23. 6 fragilique nryrto Sprig os myrile ; . . et laudantiιr simili prole forlikenes in si pringin C. S. o spicea donet Cererem corona with heat ars forcrown). Compare Liv 9. 2. 9 per cavam et em through the clest in the ockὶ That
preposite adjectives are o Common in Horace nee cause no surpriS a se usoa leuiues for surroses of emotion, notus classi cation see ona 36 in reseretice to mera donna). In the followin passages it may I think be admitte that the reposite orseparate adjective is more important than the noun, and that the force of suci, adjective is best expressedi a nou in Englisti prose, fio in poetry OG I. I. I
g 9. Simila is the preposited adjective in litotes Compare des i. 8. non
finit ni three cases os ,ostposited litotes vir. Odes i. i curaque non mis; a. 6. 39 I 6 non mendax, and p . . a ventis Durus non suis. The ron felixos E a. a. et is omeWhat disserent: se note M De. 3o. Prolepti adjectives are ei ther reposited or separat . Ompare is i. a. iacimtressit memorem orti labris notam a. i. 9o cis i terrer esuos a. 8. 5ar curis acuens sagittas λὶ a. . t hispido manan in a ros a. 6. et a stulit Harum ira mors Achitaem is o a. 6 8 Hesperiae mala luctuosae se too roαὶ 3. 9. ia, 3. 9. 6 si arcent animae ara superstiti; . i. si nostri memorem se scar si re Iamu 3. 6. i lare conspicuum tollere Perticem: . o. io dent smuit timendos a. et . 6a 63 improbore t crescunt ae itiae Q. 5. D ternum me trans decus 3. 7. II oscinem comum prece susci Ialo 3. 29 5 transmum incertos honores'. 3. 9. 3, 5 si celeris quati l pinnas a. 7, 18 quos Eoa domum reduci l arma caelestis; . a. ar, a moresque t aureos e cis note the Pause aster moresque 3. 18 Dem quae strepidum, Pieri temperas ; . 6. male feriaros Troas . . . Verre 4 6 39 celaremἱ- Ironos i vomere menses; . . I ι .rmicum. . . re ita carmen. . l . 36vacuam par feci auram: . i . 38 secundos re iri exitus is a miseras inimicat urbes C. S. 67 mel sytis semper Proro a aeri um a 3 truri acris ... a Vos 3. 5. 6 insedit vapor sit Mosae Apuliae s. 95 et inquietis ad Eens Oecoriis see a 3 6 3 inanis, si potes, vertis minas ii is, i indusiue s recor iis libera bicis i5 8 turbaret uberuum mare. It shouldie observed that at least te os the above sui ages may be classe funder Iri.
3I. Osten a reposite o separate adjective oes closel in sense ut the
profondo conforto se in Frenchis. g. Uictor Hugo Aetnaeis l. 1 7 unciari et blanc unier horizontal ib. l. 5 Paulique universe L cri sit an in ur Englisti poet whokne Italianis. g. ra 'Fuli many a gem os purest a serene'; Milion In Stygian cave ortorn,' that id an eloquent. Not unlike are Milton's in this dari Woridand wide, an Shahespeare's Fre speech and earless ' Rich. II. I. I. 23J. Latin prose an Poetr Suppi numerous instances .g. Cicero De O . . f. 86 pestifera bella civilia Pro est. 5 . Ii 6 in Eo ardenti tribunatu sim Cat. I. 3. 6 Itia
consilia omnia; ib. I. 7. I omnes cives ut Sallus II utita labore meo M. Pomnes iere res Speras Cat. alienum ae grande Liv I. 6. 7 nutras opes humanas an fassim. For poeita compare Vergil Aen. 9 8i 6 suo cram πιιrVite avo, and Ennius A. I. ir. 37Iuo eum sumine sancto Horace des I. I. a dulce decus cum I. . 6 iunctaegite
In the ollo in; pax ages e have ii the genitive, tr an a ljectival diri e in ii
os r. a. et . et Aeoliis Eibus queremem l a 4 suem ae tot aristis. Compare
3. 5. 7. - - in ictum ore Iio. Ot unlike are . 7. ii emissa tempestas 3 Euro, and . 6. io impuli cu ressus Euro. 35. The prose orde os adjective, complement. Oun Or Oun, Omplement, adjective . e. e. iv l. 3. 8 celebre suae sos eros nomen an passim is frequent in Poet . I hOweve the com Plement is a genitive, Horace osten leavescit ouiside: or. in the word s. he Put the epithetsi ei ther id os the nouia This orde is comm ni prose. Compare Cicero De O . I. 19 6 omnem morem Medaemoniorum . A. i. a. o in Plionis onere irare With centis his orde is re tuent in Cicero 'i: D. i. 8 6 rhetorum eam tis de Marathone I .iv l. 6. 38 aera de immortat Iaris 3 . . Iiguam tam causam cuMiratisa Sallust Cat. 7. i magna traemia eou.
In the Ees, sodes, an C. S. I findisnlyrave olea exception Vi Z. Odeso. 2. 33 Erycina ridens O. 26. 9 Pimplei dulcis I. 37 Musa procax Θὶ et . . a Xanthia
frigoribus see o g et Iin 3. I. 9, 1 Socraticis madet i sermonibus se to Det I ; . a. 8 Sulpiciis accubat horreis se to g IJ Dod. 5. 3 hostilis domos , 5 86T F teas preces; . Io Esquilinae alites Θὶ 8. 8 equina ...tiberari . I hostiliumque navium P I 6 39 Hiebrem tollite luctum se to Det I). Sometimes a genitive hicli stand oulside adjective an noun se g 35 ad init. i generi in meaning. Compare des 1. 12 35 Catonis i nobile letum se to D 3 ;2. I. 2 atrocem animum Catonis Se to 35ὶ 2. 8. 5, 6 neque Attali l ignotus
here renam occupavi. At 3. 4. I Herculis ritu the nam may be generio; ut Horace always has a reposite genitive illi ritu se note ad loc). Under his sectio ma be classe et . I . 28 fonti cum potiore cenis.
38. A genitive may alsole ei ther a preposite or b separate an preposited
hecauserit is more important than the word pon hicli it depends It thus may repreSent the subjeci object indirect object an somn. Such genitives are Mund ostenenough in prose e. g. iv leontium plerisque deie=atifus flerisque dat. ἔG. cura quae scribentis animum ... ectere . . so et, scribentem animo. In the Same way a preposite adjective ma equat Such a genitive compare nitae I. 3. 36, and 2. 2. 6. In Horace's des an Modes ali the cases are repreSented, e. g. OG I. 7. II nec Iam Larisae percussit a us, here Larisae is logica Subjeci; . . I quem mortis imuit gradunt, here mortis is logical objectu I. Ia 55 subiectos Orientis orae Seras, here Orientis is logica indirect object I. I. 5 laetam luviis et nemorum coma, here nemorum is logical ablative.
o. Horace, Perhaps imitat in Greeli, sonaetimes appears o lac the genitive
early in theci se sense Os with reseretice to,' in est Rc os,' as Or, e. g. Odes i. 3. 3Peurorumque regat auro and a so the win is may the ather thereos guide thybark...' a. 8. 7 iuvenumque proin t subiti a cura, and a. r uraouth ...' a. O. 3, comesce amorem ac sepulcri l mitte su mutitios honores. restini lamentations and , as O the tomb. . . . ' a. . 77 istion inor is ... Tibi Z et 5. Grexit Caesaris au diari aeternum meditans decus. with resereticeri glorious Caesar I shallie heard ...'; E d. i. 3 et Occidentis usque ata ultimum sinum . or, a so the est.... Addo . l. a. andido . . a. D i. In ruina in the descent of a Person Horace ut the nam os the ancestor fir si in the genitive, ince the ancestor is the person to horiamur attention is espectat ly
.pod. 5. 6 Creontis Iliam. Eo an apparent exception via. iis . o. I facunda nego Atlantis se On4 35. Perhapsin the analog os the bove example Horace writes Iustitiae soror at oris I. a . 6 Pelopisgonitor at Odes i. 8. 7. a. 3. 37, 'M. 7. 65 Andromedae terat Odes a. 20. 7. t in Odes . o. 6 I. a. 9. and a. 8 3 . r. When a reposition occurs, the genitive, as in Prose, is osten reposito
compare the oot note a Da 5 Thus Cicero De O . i. i. i has in dicenta exeri ιω-
tione. . . in utriusque orationis facultate and passim. Formorace compare Odeso. 7. 8 in Iunonis honorem . 3. I in omini caput 3 6 26 inter mariti Pinari . . IOIrans maris aequora E d. I. II per A trunci a crιm his trium ulnarum toga. Perhaps solis in Odes 3 27. I may be excused on this principie. D 3. Ina 35 e have hown o the norma prose orde vi Z adj. ComPlement,noun, o noun, Complement, adj may be Varie sis the complement is genitive in thesor adj., noun, complement, or complement, noun adj. ut in the following instances We have the orde genitive, M. noun Odeso. I et 35 Catonis i nobile terrιm compare
37ὶ I. a. 37 animaeque magnae brodion Paulum compar g 39ὶ I. 8. 6 arcanique frodiga compares 39ὶ a. 22. I leonum Larida nutrix se note ad loc. ἰI. 25. I hiemis soaeali l dedicet Hebro se note ad Ioc. I. et I o laborum i dulce
lenimen se note floc. and compares es . 3. 7ὶ I. 35. 3o iuveniιm recens examen comparea 38 et 8 7 iuvntumque prodis bublica citra se note ad loc. and compareos 2. O. 23, 3. 25. 4 4. 3. 7, DOLO. 3ὶ a. a. et a finguis 3Tgiae III Paeonias
opes compar g 38 et. 8. 5, 6 Attali ignotus heres et 18 9 At es et inreni lumnio vena comparea 38ὶ 2. 9. Io lactis et uberes. .r ivos a. o. 23 sepulcri l mitte supervacrιos honores se note ad loc an compare . . Dabovei 3 6 3a Eericorium pretiosus emptor se note ad loci 3. 6. 5 navium t saevos illaqueant Euces se note ad loci) 3. 25. egre ii Caesaris aridiar aetermis meditans ecus se note ad loc. an compare . . Dabove, here the preposite genitive bears the sense in respectoUὶ 3. 0 6 ne Semper dum ibas et Aefulae t declive contempleris arvum com Pare 38ὶ . . et straeque et fere nitae delectabere tibiae Iis carminibus compare OG I. I. 23 a. I urbis bublicum lumιm se note ad loc a. 6rum meae, si quid loquor audiendum i vocis accedet bona pars compares 38ὶ 3 8 quod regum tumidas contuderit minas compar g 38ὶ . . I o testtiae is aureae dulcem quae trepitum, Pieri, tempera se note ad loc an compare et 8 7 above ; . 5. 3, patrum i Sancto concilio se note ad Ioc.); . 8. 29 sic Iovis interest i statis epulis insiger Hercules se note ad locJ A. 9 7 Alcaei minacis esichorique graves
barbarorum Claudius agmina ferram vasto diruit impetu comparea 38 I . 38 belli sectinaeos reddidit exitus se note ad loc. I5 7 signa derepta Parthorum superbis i postibus compar g 38 I5. I , Is famaque et imperi l porrecta maiestas se note ad loc. C. S. I silvanimque potens Diana comparea 39 Dod. I. r 3 vel
Occidentis usque ad ultimum sinum se note ad loc an compar 2. 8. abo eὶ 2. II
murientium t prospectat errantis gregies comparea 38ὶ 3. I sarentis olim si quis impia manu i senile patitur ir erit se note ad loc.ὶ tit ora vertar huc et huc euntium Merrima inest uatio se note ad loαὶ 5. 1 non defuisse masciιlae Diaeinis i Ariminensem Foliana compar g 38ὶ I3. I7, 8 omne malaran vino cantuque levato sformis aegrimoniae dulcibus alloquiis se note ad loc. I7 3 per et Dianae non moet enda numina se note ad loci and comparea 383. For complements other than genitives in abnormal position See D 9. In the sol lowing instances e find the rare orde nouia adj., genitive des I. 9. I mater Sae usidinum se note ad Ioαὶ 2. 3. 3, desque dist mistas piorum se note ad loci ς 2. 7. 8, 9 pars violentior natalis horae se note ad om);3. . I qui rore suro Castaliae lavi l crinis sol ιtos se note ad loc. 3. 5. 3 hoc caverat mens provida exuli se note ad Ioαὶ 3. 5. 5 os purpureus rosae se note ad loci . . I cuncta nianus avidas u lent heredis se note ad loci); . t . Lotutela praesens Baliae. in id lae rhaps, Odeso. 3. I. See o g 5 adin. 45. A se cases occur in hich the nou and adjective orna together a quasi compound nouia, and the enitive there re ni appears to tandisulside. io prose