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ing sor the casting out os demons and thedriving aWay os disinses, may receive the effectos divine grace, so that everything in the housesor in the places of the laithsul, on Which this Mater shali he sprinkled may be free of impurit' may be delivered stom injury; that there maythere abide no pestilent spirit, no corruptingin The sint leas, which is no. lost, containin such parisas the sollowing. There . id naturally be, as in monother copies of the Manual, fome rubrim directing whenand ho. holy .ater is to he made. Accordine to the Use to which the present order belongs, the ceremony Waspersormed on ait Sundays during the year, and Simples Uccurring thereon, aster Prime and the Capitular Uffice, or aster Capitular Mam, and besere Terce, is a primi robed in an alb and a red silli cope, attended by vario acolytes, in the miridie os the chola, ali turning towardsthe altar. on mutiles, the rite was persormes ouisideos the choir besore sonae fide altar, and the blessed Mater was sprinkled at sext. On Palm Sunday, though it is not a Douhie, the omer sor Doubles Was solio. . Firat the salt was exorcised and Nessed: I exorcise thee,
enemy himself with his apostate angels; by the power os the fame Iesus Christ our Lord, Who is to come to judge he quick and the dead and the world by sire.' An
sprinkling of this Water: so that the heiathsubness Which We intreat hy the invocation os Thyname, may be defended stom ali assaulis:
purifications, that Thy creature, Thre in Thy mysteries
serv-' fing sor the casting out os demons, &αas above:J ut creatum tua mysteriis tuis tibi serii' liens ad abiciendos demones, es reliqua in supra. I Foriaiciendos si.e. abiete os . Which is the readine of the Sarum, Vork. and most other Uses, the Roman has abitendos. In a very remarkable Gaelie Treatise in the har Brece On the Consecration os a Church, mention iamade os the psalms and prvera in the pontifical adieciendos Hemones. M r. olden, in his valvabie translation, substitutes e ciendos. r.e., by mahing the si of the crom inith it in the actos putiine it into the water. These Mords are in red by a mistahe os the scribe.' For the use of nequissem Miched spiriis, see Eph.
gractousty to illumine, aster the manner, os Thy
mercy to sancti , this creature os sali and water: that Wheresoever it shali he sprinkled, by in- Vocation os Thy holy name ali the assaulis os theunclean spirit may be repelled, and the terror os the venomous serpent may be driven saraWay and the presence of the Ηoly Ghost maybe everyWnere gractousty present With us Who
This rubric is unnecessarily written tWice by mistaveos the scribe. In Scolland, ns in other countries during the Middie Ages, the Eulogy or Blessed Bread was distributed on ali Sundays at the conclusion os public Worship. It must hecaresully diuel inguished isOm the Consecratcd Brcad, thesacramental BOcly os the Lord, which was partalion of sore the conclusion os the Liturgy, but which at that period very se. except the Priost usualty received. The custom scems to have ariscn srom the primitive practiceos divi ling among the clurgy and other mor Persons Such paris os the oblations of the salthsul as hau been hi sed hut not consecratod, and it secnas also to have been a rudimentary furvivat of the Agape. To the present dayin many paris of Christendom, those who considerthemaelves unfit to communicate eagerly partave os aspectat hind of mke or hun that is hancled round hesoreor aster the Dismissat Benediction os the Liturgy. In Scoiland and Ireland in the time os S. Columba, S. Κenneth, &c., the practice seems to have been disserent,sor S. Adamnan incidentally mentions that an event curred when S. Kenneth and his monks aster none
the time os that milh is belween the Benedicamus and the Mass-bre . ' The occasionat character os the Benedicamus Domino said aster the Post CommunionPrvers minis to the invariatile Benedicamus aster thetast Gospei as the sormula to which reserence is madessee the ordo oven a ve. The reading of John i. I-I4 at the close of the service, a custom not indicated in Missals older than the twelstheentvry, has come to M an integrat portion of the Roman Rite.
the marriage service hegan, Was as sollows iit is omitted in iliis Manual : Ecce convenimus huc, fratres,V &c., it in ill he more interesting in linoa maumat V Lo,hrethren, Me are comen here besore God and His angels
os his foui. The fame admonition Mali be made to Me man
he wedded togyder at thys tyme, say it no e or i α ere me do any more to this mater. s Vork Man.
coverer And let Me man receive her in the
own right haud, and so DI Me man fledrae his Dira to the woman, using the worri in referense
presenIr, ille Service was an actuat anil complete marriage
sollowed immediately by the beginning os a conjugal liis.
When they were used G futuro, the Service Was a Le- trothai, which, howcver, was nOt a mere engagemunt ormutuat promise, but a sacramental and permanent uniona true marriago, excepi that it was not to be realised tillsome future and more convenient Mason. The Service
exhibited here was intended sor a marriage strictly Socallia and not a mere betrothai, and therelare the worus were to M used de presenti.
Thy holy name, that Whos ver shail Wear it may ahide in Thy peace and continue in Thy Will and live in Thy love and increase thereinin and cometo old age and be preserved unto a long liis .
Medicus is the adjective designating the finger nexi the litile finger. It is auo calles dimisus anular,s. Medicus must not be mistaven sor Medius, .hich is applied to the middie finger. This is a more exaet description of the ceremonymentiones in the previous Paragraph :- Sarram : With this Ung. I the wedde and this eoidand siluer. I the Eme and with my body. I the
N. E. Di Scottano, viso mordetis sor πωldly. In variova manuala these vernacular formulae s.hlehare osten gium in Latin also are calles the verba saera. mens alia. It mill he notieed that our manuat here differs
ought to he repeat ed aster the nexi two verses.' These two verses are not in the Vork Manual, nor insome copios os the Sarum. They are in the Marriage Service of the Hereford Missal. 7 This is the correct mode os concluding V this prayer. Note that Abraham's God is the Son.' An expansion of the threesold sacerdolat Lenedictionos Num b. vi. 24-26. Minister V is the usual Mord sor a deacon, but Some- times, as here, the word is applied to any subordinate
other Manuals.' observe that Abraham a God is here calles the Fatheres. rvra P. 36. The Father and the Son are the fame Substanee. though not the fame Peraon. omittes in the Vota Manual.
the Nuptials ' is to ven on a Sunday or a Double os the I. or II. clam, the Μ s of the Day is sald with the Gloria in Excelsis and the Creed, and the Britat Massproper is V commemoratia,' that is, iis prayers are saidaster the Wayers of the My, inch aster inch, but Mith the addition os the prayers Propitiane, Deus qui potesta e and
Deus Abraham. on ali other days there is a completem s sor the marriage service. The Epislle is Eph. v. aa-33 : uae Gospei, Matth. xix. 3-6, and the Introit. Gradual, and Communion are proper. The Gloria in Excelsis and the Creed are not said. Tne Bridai Mass os the Rathen Manual is a Votive Massos the Holy Trinity, which is not to De consciunderi Withthe Mass in the Proprium de Tempore sor Trinity Sun lay. Α Votive Mam has no relation to any particular day, butmay be salo at any time. The Votive Maas os ihε Holy Trinity is used sor various occasiolas, e. g. sor a Generat Thanksgiving, with the Missa pro Gna larum Actione incorporateae; in some missals it is appotnted as an earlymorning service sor ait Sundays, &c. In the Bridat Service of the texi, the Votive M s osilie Holy Trinity has certain modifications: vita, the Nuptial Mass proper is not Ucommemorateu,' hut iis Prayers are joined on to those of the Trinity, mahing in
tion. The prayers of the Nuptial Mam proper, except thusecret, are the Same as in the Roman. For the Episile of the Μ s De Trinita e there is substituieu the Epist leos the Bridai Mass, I Cor. vi. I 5-ao. So with the Gospei, which is the fame as in the Roman. Τhen, Oseourse. the Additional Blessings are insertes stoin the Nuptial semce. Also the Gloria and the Creed are iniit. The Rathen Britat Mass is the fame as the Sarum, excePtthat aster the Gradual the lalter adds certain Uerses sorEastertide, and a Sequence, Which is Alma Chorus,
containing the Names of Christ. In the Vork Manualthe Service is the fame, excepi that the Gospei is Iohia, iii. 27-a9; the Secret is that which appears in the
Roman. There are no speciat Uerses sor Eastertide, and
η Aster the Consession i Dicto Confiteor and otheropening sormula, ali os Which Ming invariatile are notinserted a ve, tho celetirant hegan the Anthem at the Introit,' in Service imolis of this Use more commonlycalled the office. In the Modern Mass, is it was not ROalways in the Roman, the second repetition of the An hem is timit ted. SO translated in deserence io Englisti usago. In theoriginal the Blessed Trinity is always seminine. In the Sarum and some other Uses, the nine repetitions os the Κyrie eleison were interspersed on certain occasions With verses, or suffrages. These may lae Seen