장음표시 사용
and ministry may by Thy blessing be broughtto suli effeci: Through Thy Son Iesus Christ
cherubin. Herse.-Bless ye the God of heaven, Who
Sanctify, we beseech Thee, o Lord God the Holy Trinity, by the invocation os Thy holyname, the ossering of this oblation, and thereby, through the co-operation os the Holy Ghost,mahe ourselves to be to Thee an eternat sacrifice. Another Secret. Attend, O Lord, tanto our supplications, and gractousty and fax ourablyreceive this oblation Which we offer unio Theesor Thy servants whom Thou hast been pleasedio bring to maturity of age and uiato their
one Through . . . . Our Lord. The Creed commonly callud the Nicene.' The Praver iniit silently by the priest aster the sirst oblation os hread and wine and the other rites os theossertory. It is somelimes called the Super Oblasa. Her of the originat has been inserted by a mistahe of the scribe in coping it out of the Missa De Trini Me, in κhieh as a simple Votive Μam, it Mould he correct.
the heginning set in order the whole creation, didst mahe man aster Thine image, and didst provide sor hi in the inseparabie hely os Woman,
Ο God, Who hast consecrated the marriage bondos' such an excellent mystery, that by the Covenant os matrimony Thou mightest signisy the Mystic Union os Christ and the Church :O God, by whom the woman is joined unto the man, and the fellowship, ordained in thebeginning, is endowed with that hiessing whichalone Was not taken aWay by the penalty os
original sinJ' and by the judgment of the
δ Namely, that which sollows : This pari os the prayeris calleo the Sacramental Benediction. It contains that which gives Marriage ita Mystic or Sacramental
y one leas is here .anting stom the ΜS. In ali Manuals os the fame type, the Bridat Blessing is immedi. ately sollowed by a long rubric ginning NMandum se J quod hae clausula Deus qui tam, &c.; prohibiting the
marriage is the sacrament, the wcond is a continuation of the Same Sacrament. Is, therelare, a Widower marries a
widow, this himsing is not remaled. Is a wido. marriesa hachetor, in that case also it is not satu, hecause thewoman has Men himsed atready and consecrated fleshdraws the unconsecrated that is joined to it in marriage into iis own state. On the olher hand is a virgin marries a widower, the benediction is salo, on account of the position sin the sacramental figure, os the bride asrepresenting the church. It is also said in the secondmarriage os a Midow's Midower and of a widower's Wido. vilio had not heen hiessed in the first murriage. Theseremarks apply to the sacramental bleming Only ; ali othersare said indifferent ly in ali marriages. And this question was discussed and determineo in the SacredPalace at Rome, and hrought over translata into England by Master John Haysted A. D. I 32I ; and thecause of the discussion was, hecause a multitude os primis had at that time assembled at the Apostolic See to obtain ille benefit os absolution sor having indiseretely conserreutilesSings on second marriages. Theresore, on this mini, a neis statute is passed which thus Mons: ' Destring ioput an end to the ancient controversy, we declare is this edici, aec. It is given in suli in many Manuals. The rubric proceeds, Here it may be asked,'' &α, as in the
Aster the lacuna in Our MS., we find ourselves at thea ve passage this question was discussed,'' &c., but thereserences to Haysted and to the cause of the isining os the Decree, as also the extraci stom the Decree are omittes. Vide Deer. Greg. IX. lib 4. c. a I, 3. I lib. I. c. a I, S.
was discussed and defremineae in Me sacred
itiess it is a perfere sacramens, Fer consideres in itio eri mira remnae Io ue sint sacramens, it has sacramen alis sommaehat os a defeci, for it has nottae fuli signi cance, since the GH is nos oney fasis is in rae marriage of Christ and the Chunta, and θ reasoulet of this defeci, Me bossinx is farinam iram A seconae marriares. Bur Mis is to munderato, of second marei es, that are secondion the pars of the man ands' on the pars of the
For st a virgis contrare marri e with one re hohad a former re me, neverrimosa the nuptials areflesset There is preseret'ed also in some meamne
May We be profited unio salvation, o Lord God, by the reception of this sacrament and hyour continuat consession os the Holy Trinity andyos the indivisibie Unity os the Same. Ano heros Com. We beseech Thee, almighty God, accompany With thy gractous love ' the ordin-ances of thy providence, that what thou dost unite in lassul sellowship thou mayest heep in
h Feras, the technical expression sor giving to another, the object called ille Pax is ferre pacem. Que omiti mistahe os the scribe. ' Amore. Roman, DTome.' The Voth Manual prescrit,es a speciat benediction totae iniit, Willi the chalice. V The Roman Bridia Masshas also a special Prayer os benediction at the end. - Bonum potabile. A glam os .ine is drunk in live manner at the eno os the Jewish marriage service, aster inhieh the illam is tiroken to pie s.
your lila. Amen. Also another Messini
g Mnu mine: Numine is meant, but some Manuals have Nomine. In the Vork Use the service ends Miththe censing os ille bed. 3 Aster this some manuals have, M to ter a tomer of streno4 : Fram the face of the euem ' Read serpetuam visam et quierum or quietem serpetuam as in other Manuals. The common re ing is iudae, lead.
mayst have lila elemal, and mayst live ever
in The Baptismal Ceremontes of the ancient Churchwere grou d under five paris :I. The Consignation and Exorcism, On the person 'sreception as a Catechumen. The office Was sometimus
entilled Ad Christiantim Faciendum, and the catechumen was hencesortii regarded as a Christian, though ns yet animperisci one, or rather, in the state os being made a Chris. tian. He remained under instruction and probation, sor a certain period os monilis Or everi years. In later centuries the office Was retainud, but it laecame a mere preliminarypart of the baptismal rite, being persormed immediatelybescire it. In the early Scottish Church, childten inere made catechumens on the eighth day sS. Pa r. Can. 3 andi emained suci, sexcepi in cases os necessityi tili the yearly
seMons os baptism s Easter and Pentecost. a. The Consecration os the element. This Was lwrsormed on the Eves os Ea,ter anu Pentecost, and also atother times is necessary. The clites part of this ossice was the Prusace and other prayers, including the Wordsos Institution, in ali which thure was a resemblance to the Consectation os the Eucharist. In many haptisms wateraiready consecrated Was used, and thereiore this pari os
3. The Act os Baptism Pro r. 4. Confirmation, ille essence of Whicli consisted in sacramental unction With hallowed oll. In the wesi this rite has always been administered by a bishop. When abishop was not present at the baptism. one Mas foughtout as mon as possibie, to complete sconsummare therite. As dioceses increased in siete, the normal peri Was extended to inithin seven ycam. Finalty it laecamethe regular custom to bring the child to be anoin ted by the hishop at the age os seven years. But originalty the separation os liaptium and the sacramental anointing Wasexceptionat. Numerous authorities can be quot . s. Firet Communion. The child having laeen haptigedand anoint , was immediately taken to the altar and communicat . An old ordo Romanus sorbids womento sucule their children laetween baptism and first coni.
joines With the second or third. The Murth and ssit,had not yet been customarily transferred to later peri s. The tendency to do so had, ho ever, hegun. In some coptes os Manuals laetonging to various Uses, the person baptired is communicateri, only si Has eius id deposcas. In Leolaic's Sacrameniary the rubric about the hishopanil confirmation is omitted, hut the presbyter is directedio communicate the newly baptized person. In the Mimal os Robert os Jum leges, the Body and Blood aredirected to be given, and not as in many MSS. the Bodynione. According to the Pontifical of S. Thomas cis Canterhury, is a bishop lae not present, the Body and Blood are to be gi ven hy the presbyter Without confrmation. Somc olher MSS. ive the fame direction. Radulph Ardens s Iath cent. mentions the necessit y os communicating insanis. Bona says the practice dieit out in Gaul in the twelsih century; but in other places ii lingered on sor a long time asterwards. Nicephoras sI4thcent. refers to ii as existing in his day. The MediaevalManuals of the British Istes generalty represent in this
there re, iuen a ve, is used in the fame sense M in the expression to Mask Lanns.'
mpari, o devit, stom this image os God, ing rebuked by Him, and give place to the
other manuals say with his thumi, ' cum pollice.'This is the fame as in the Vork Manual, Sarum has The iam os the Saviour, ' &c. His paragram is not in the Manuals of Sarum Vorkand S. Asaph. It appears, ho ever, Mith variations in the Mimal of Robert of Iumirum and in the Pontificalos S. Thomas of Canter V. The idea suggested by this faet is that the Rathen Manual is possibiy a copysrom an authority older than the extant Sarum and other
the fame Thy Son Iesus Christ our Lord, Who isto come to judge the quich and the dead and the world by fire. D. Amen.J
you and wi Mur Let us pray. I exorcise thee, creature os sali, in the name
of the Faster Almighty, and in the love os Iesus Christ our Lord, and in the power of the
iare M Maia ook foetoaias Me sau that to ali Who receive it, it may become a persect medicine, abiding within them, in the name os the fame
o God, the immortal Guard os ali Who ask os Thee, the Deliverance of them that cali upon Thee, the Peace of them that mahe their requesta unio Thee, the Lila os bellevers, the Resurrection
Hear, o accursed Satan, and adjured by thenamu os the Eternat God and of the Saviour Jesus Christ His Son; and vanquished, thouano ali thy envy, depari, trem bling and groaning ;thou hast no part in this servant of God, N.,nOin meditating heavenly things, and about torenounce thee and thy Worid, and to acquire a
λ By a mistahe of the scribe, Oremus is Written in recl. Vocari, read Vocare.
hlessed immortality. Give honour therelare tothe Holy Ghost Who noν cometh unto him, inorder that, descending stom the highest height of heaven, and overthrowing thy Wiles, He may bring to persection his purified breast, that is, the temple and habitation sanctified unio God, and that wholly delivered stom ali the guili ofhis past sins, this servant of God may continuallyrender thanks unto the Eternat God, and blessΗis holy name ever World Without end. R. J
God of heaven, God os the earth, God of the angels, God of the archangeis, God os thepatriarchs, God os the propheis, God os thea postles, God of the martyrs, God os consessors, God os virgins, God os ali Who live weli; God
Also, ad ration Oeter a semate. Theresore, o
God os Abraham, God os Isaac, God os Iacob, God Who didst deliver the tribes of Israel stom
y Ut supra, in blach, perhaps by mistave os the scribe ;hut it occurs here Systematically.
Egyptian bondage, and in the desert diustiustruct them by Thy servant Moses regardingilie keeping of Thy commandinents ; and Whoclidst deliver Susanna stom the salse accusation :Ι humbly beseech Thee, to Gelivor also this Thyhanomaiden, N. , and that Thou wouldest bepleased to bring her to the grace os Thy baptism. Also, ad ration mer a semate, Theresore, o
the samo Jesus Christ our Lord and God, by the gist os His mercy, hath been pleased to callunto His holy grace and blessing and to thelant os baptism that he may become His templethrough the water os regeneration unio the remission of sins. In the name of the fame
preserve thee against thy adversaries, that thoumayest have eternal life and mayest live everworld without end. Amen. Assur so S inm
temple of God, that thou mayest have eternalli se and live ever Worid Mithout end. Amen.'
one os the most common sentures os the devotions of thelaity. Besore the Resormation many peopte seldom used nny othcr Private or fami ly prayers, a practice Which continued in remote corners tili comparatively recent times.
The inhabitants os Noril, Rona lan istet a ut 6o miles north os the Bult of Le is , tili they came exi inci, hadno other form os public Morship than the recitation every Lord's my in the mineri chami os S. Ronan, of the Lord's Prayer, tho Creed, and the Ten Commandments. si In the Church os Scotland besore the Reformation thelatili publicly received, and consessed, comprised the doctrines taught in Scripture and in the decrees of thesrst fur counctis.' Here ends the oriter sor preparing candidates sori riptism. In the primitive church the fame or similarrites and prayers Wcre used Partly at the beginning parilyduring the course, and partly at the end, os their cateche. tical instruction. The numerous exorcisms and adjurations were due to the belles that, So long as a Person
S. Michael, . S. Gabriel, . S. Raphael, .
S. Dionysius With thy companions, S. Victor With thy companiolas, S. Sylvester, S. Leo, S. Jerome, S. Augustine, S. Isidore, S. Iulian, S. Gildard, S. Medard, S. Alban, S. EusebiuS,S. SKithin, S. Birinus, Alt ye holy confessors and hermitS, S. Μary Magdalen, S. Margaret,
S. Scholastica, S. Ρetronilla, S. Genevieve, S. Sother, S. Praxedis, S. Prisca, S. Thecla,
S. Asta, sor us. expellia. In the Μiddie Ages it Was universalty and without question belleved that an unbaptiged ehild was Here usualty sollows the clause: Alt ye holy martyrs, inhabited by a demon, which was driven out iis the pray sor us. V The omission is probably a mere lapse baptismal pinyein. of the Pen.