장음표시 사용
the font os baptism labours to bring sortii toThee, that What is to be done by our humbleministry may be sulfilled by the effect of Thymighty grace. Through thy Son Iesus Christ
i This litany contians the names of no Scottish Sainis,as are Munit, sor example, in the Litany of the Culdeesos Dunkeld. Nor cloes the list os invocations include thenames os ali the inints that are usualty given in litantes, and the reason is that this is an abbreviated litany sor use
on a special occasion. Ii coxa: alias more names, hOMever,
itan the Roman litany sor the Eves Os Easter and Pente. cost, excepi that the Roman adris invocations cis the Doctors, SS. Anthony, Benedici, Dominic, and Francis,and, in generat clames, ali primis, levites, monsis and semale minis. This word i inserted lineause ille Holy Spirit is mentioned in the body of the prayer. The pinyer iiseis corresponding as it dom to the Secret os the Mass, Massaid privately except the last clause which was recitedaloud Or Surig. In a loose and popular sense the prelace WM suPPMedio hegin Mith the last clause of the Secret. In theeorrect and proper sense, it hegins with the worus, It very meet and right,' Rc,
manner Work the effect os Thy sacramenis, and although Wu are unworthy os performing mysteries so great, yet sorsahe not Thou thegifts of Thy grace, but incline Thy mercisul eam even to Our Prayers. o God, Whose Spirit, in the very hcginning of the worid, moved to and sto iapon the waters that even then β the natureos Water ' might receivei the poWer os sanctisting. o God, Who, Washing aWay the sins os thegui ty Worid, didst sh oK a resemblance of regeneration in the very outpouring of the flood, that ' by the mystery of one and the fame element there might be hoth an end to sin anda beginning to grace. Look, We beseech The o Lord, on the lace of Thy Church and increasethere in Thy regenerating influences, Thou Who by the rushing si ream os Thy floWing grace mali est glad Thy city, and sor the reneWing os the nations, clost open the sountain os baptismto the whole Worid, that by the poWer of Thyglorious nanae it may receive os the Holy Ghostille grace os Thy only-Begotten. Here Me prostshali divide the waser in the form os a re f. 'That He may mahe this Nater, prepared sorthe regeneration os men sto be fertileJ throughthe secret mingling thereMith of his own light '
fand that stom the pure Komb os the divine
psalm, there Was substitute Grant them, Lord, clernalrest and malic Thine evertasting light to shine umia them. VAt Matins there Mere three nocturns, ea ch containing three psalms and three lessons with threu very solemn responsortes. At the dat ly recitation one nocturn wassaid every night, so that is the occurrenco Os silvais didnot interrupi the oriter, three nocturna would he Laidi ice weekly. The Ossice WaS niat satu on Satur lay evening and Sunilay morning. On the oc Sion Os a death, Orfunerat, the nocturns were said in sull.
In Manuals, the ossice of the Dead, is preceded by the older sor the Visitation os the Sicli, the Litantes kr the ing, and the Commendation os Souis. These were the sicli d and cleati, hed services. Then sollowed the Psalms and prayers Sald between the hi use and thechurch during the removat of the hody, &c. And then comes the ossice of which a portion appears in the text. It hegins with Vespers, commonly called the Placebo stomthe fitat inord of the firet anthem. I will please the
os Israel, &C. Antiphon. Ι ain the Resurrection and the
spirit os our brother, Whom Thou hast commanded to be taken λ Dom the whirlpciois os this orld, that Thou Wouldest be ple ed to granthim a bright place of resteshment and quiet; let him go insely through the gates os the grave and the punishments os darkness, and may hedπeli in the mansions of the ininis and in theholy light Rhich Thou didst promise of old to Abraham and to his seed; may his spirit sufferno injury; but When the great My os theresurrection shali come, he pleased in inise him up together Mith Thy ininis and elect; biot out his transgressions and ali his sins, and may heobtain milli Thee the liis of immortality and the eternat hingdom : Through Christ four
go into them and I Will praise the Lorcl. Thisis the gate os the Lord; into it the righteous
Accersiri is salse analogy sor arcerei m arcessi.' A psalm was usualty indicated by iis omning Woessand not is ita number. Here the heginning of the second
create mala aster Thine oWn image, to receive with kindness and compassion the spirit and wulos Thy servant, N., Whom Thou hast commandeclio be taken aWay this day stom among humanassaim and to be brought unto Thee; let notthe shades os death have dominion over him, nor confusion and the blachness of earliness.cover him, but cleansed stom every stain os sin,
Blessed Ρeter and to ali his other Discipies thepo er os binding and loosing ; Himself absolvethee, N. , stom every bond os sin; and in so saras it is permitted unio my smilty to absolve, Ipray that thou mayest be absolved besore thejudgment sint of the fame Iesus Christ our Lord, and that thou mayest have lila eternat,
mater, and censeae, misiae the cansor incerti Meanthem, This is my rest.
ε or hanclmaid, N. ,'' is added in most other copies. Throughout this service the Rathen ΜS omits the seminine alternative usualty inserted. Poetasum This, or potiatur, is the usual reading.
minis the spirit of Thy servant Which Thou hastdelivered stom the bonos of the flesli, that goingsasely past the place of punishment and the fi reos helt it may be translated into the land of theliving : Through Christ four Lord. n. Amen. Jumen Me fruers have been flnisAed, me o
me and knOWn me . . . . the Way evertasting.
It is indeed presumption, o Lord, that a man
and placeo, through Thy gist, in bl sed quiet-
unto the congregation os ait the ininis, riseagain a neM man Mith Thine eleci, to be
hear Our prayers Which With special devotion netearsully pour sorth sor the foui os Thy servant, N., that Thou Mouldst be pleased to deliver ithom the torments of heli and to place it among the hosta os Thy sainis, and Wouldst commandit to he clothed Mith the garment of heaven and with the robe os immortality, and to he com- sorteo with the pluasant delights of paradise :
Unto Thee, o Lord, We commend the fouios Thy servant, N., that being dead to the woridit may be alive to Thee and whatever sins it committed through hailty cluring iis Isse and conversation in the worid, Wash Thou themelean aWay by the pardoning grace of Thymost mercisul compassion : Through Christ
May the prayer, o Lord our God, of the holymother os God and ever virgin Μary and of Thymost holy apostle Peter and os ali Thy sianis, and the hvmble and devout supplication of this Thy household effectualty plead With Thee sor
q That is, as is stated in the rubric usualty oven in Sarum Manuals, while the clerim Me returning hom thegrave.
mercy and to SPare, have Compassion on the
corruptions of mortali ty, restore it unio the
disserent manner and none of the other authorities con
R The word parenti is used here in the fame sense M in French. In like manner at the Paren alia sparenta sestival in os the pagan Romans, memorial Was made Osother relatives hesides the actuat isther and mother. - The firsi tino collecis are alternntium, Only one of hich was satu, accOrding as the de cased was male orsemate. The ihird is necessarily a private Prayer, evenwhen it appears among the memorials at the Dirge, and
the regular custom Was to say it silently. The sollowingis the rvhric: Deinde dicitur privarim Orasio pro δε- itinetis familiaribus videlicet Deus qui nos patrem et matrem, &C. ἰ quibus e letis sequa ur oratio Generatis in audientia sub eodem totio quo Orationes priores dicebantur. s rum Manual, Thus Only two of the a velaur collecis .ere said in audientia, one os the first two, and the last. This is a substitute sor a Dismissary Benediction, which is not pronounced at Funeruis, at Requiem Masses, nor at the ossice of the Dead.' Here hegins the Blessing of the Candies on Candie. mas day. According to the Sarum rite, the Priest, Mearing a silli cope and other incredotat garmenis, persormesthe service on the hiraest step of the altar.