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supplications, this creature of Wax, and, by the poWer os the holy crom. pour upon it Thyheavenly benediction, that as Thou hasi ovenit sor the use of men to dispel darkness, it may receive by the sign os thy holy cross suchpower and blessing, that in Whais ver placesit may be hindled or placed, the devit may raetire, and tremble, and flee aWay in terror Withali his ministers stom those habitations, and never again presume to disturby them that serve Thee: Who With God the Father and the HolyGhost livest fano reignest ever Worid Mithout end. R. Amen.J
of bees hast made this liquor to attain to the
diost sulfit the petition os righteous Simeon : Nehumbly beseech Thee that by invocation of Thy most holy Name, and by the intercessionos Saint Mary ever a virgin, whose sestival isthis day devoutly celebrated, and through the
received into the arms os holy Simeon : Me
There is here a hole in the parchment but no desectin the text. This prayer Mas salo on a monotone, excepi that the
arisen in the clarkness sor the upright in heari, and the joy of evertasting salvation. AndThou Who diost fui fit the expectation of righte-ous Simeon, that he should not see death untii he had seen the manifest incarnation of the
Thy servant Moses With the fame fire, so Thou Mouldst illumine our hearis and our understand-ings, to the end that we may be counted Worthyto allain to the vision os evertasting glory:
derunt, read viderunt.' Le., the canticle, Loes, now lettest Thou, &c. 7 All that solioins, to the end of this service, helonga strictly to the volume called the Processional. Sometopies end with the Nunc dimit is, referring the reader
sor the rest to the ProcessionalS.
Hail, thou that an suli os grace, virgin Motheros God : sor out os thee arose the Sun ofrighteousness, Christ, Who enlighteneth thethings that are in darknem. Rejoice, Thou righteousJ etder, as thou receivest in to thinearnis the Deli verer os oury fouis, Who giveth
Today the blessed virgin Mary presented thechild Iesus in the temple, and Simeon, filleclwith the Holy Ghost, took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said, Loes, noW lettest Thou Thy servant depari in Peace.
λ Nostras ought to he nostrarum.
' Gloria notio lumine subsistis uiro in manibus suum aM e luciferum. The reading in the Roman Mimal la Feb.ὶ is-Regem gloriae nou luminis: subsistit Virgo, adducens manibus Filium ante luciferum genitum : theΚing of the new light os Glory; she abides a Virginbringing in her hands, &c. That is .hen the choir sos singorsin reached the galeor door os the sarchitectural choir.
Remember not our iniquities, o Lord, northe iniquities os our sathere, netther take Thou
words Remember not,' have been sung as a solo, theysing the seven penitentiai psalms i6, 32, 38, SI, Oa, 3O, 343ὶ, With Glory be to the Father, &c. and then thea ve anthem in suli, sollowed by the Κytie and Lord'sPrver. Meantime a primi of higher rank wearing a redsilli cope and other priestly garmenis, and having Rdeacon on his right hand and a subdeacon on his test,sollowed by the other ministers os the altar, wearing albs Mith amices, go in procession hy the vestibule to the stepos the altar and there say prostrate the above Psalms pro se, i.e., Privately. Aster the pM., &c., as a ve irecited by ali sine nosa, i. e., not sung , the Priest Mith his deaconand subdeacon rise, and turning towards the fouth side inhont of the right hand comer, he Mons Mith the notationused in preces, And lead us not into temptation, RS above. This right hand corner is right hom the mint of view of the people ; it is noW called the lest tand corner, hom iis relattion postively to the erucifix hino the altar .
pentance : look, Ne beseech Thee, upon ThyservantS, Who Consess that they have grievouslysin ne d against Thee. For Thine it is to give absolution stom guili, and to grant sorgivenessio the sin ning ; and Thou hast said that Thou destrest the repentance os sin ners rather than
and salvation, and mercisully pardon ali your
' Some copies reverse the respective positions os nos and vos. In so sar as it salis to you to lae accused andio us to largiVe.' At this potnt ali the congregation, viming the so sor the ground rose up hom their prostrate attitude, and stood while the priest Mid, Who liveth, &c. This was a
common practice On certain occasions.
' To understand the nature of this Absolution and incleed of the whole service, it is necessary to remember
which penitenis underisent the public discipline of themurch. That discipline began with the recitation of the penitentiai psalms, the offering of the pinyers givenabove, and the Absolution. The noticeahle seature is that Absolution inas granted by the Church hom the firet. In other Worci her discipline was very sar stom Ming a legat punishment: it involveu and taught evangelicia
repentance. It declared that while repentance is in asense the means of Ohtaining absolution or krgivenesa, yet in a very just and important sense, absolution is thenecessary Preliminary to true repentanCe. Forovenem isnot the mechanical result of mere human repentance ; but
hen, at the conclusion os their maceration, the seven penitential PM. Mere again recited, with the preces Milowing them above, and aster certain appropriate prnyers, the fame Absolution was given, on the neWground that the penitents were now established in their restored state, sully sorgiven in foro ecclesiae, their repent-
tents were now duly prepared sor the celebration os the Lordys death and Resurrection, and to take pari in ali the privileges of the Mithsul. of course, in a generat sense, the entire Church passed through Lent in a penitentiat spirit.
the penitent: Through Thy Son Iesus ChristJ
the Father fand of the Son and of the Ηoly
Near the porch and the altar the priesis and levites, the ministers of the Lord, shail Weep,' and shali say, Spare, O Loes, spare Thy people, and destroy not the mouths os them that cry yunto Thee, o Lorcl.
- cinis. The Roman Missat reads pulvis, dust.' Le., singing solo the first word or two os each anthem.' orabant; read plorabunt.' Ne dissipes ora clamanesum. The Roman Mis irrads, ne claudas ora canentium, shut not the mouths of them that sing. Ne is generalty used with the perfectsubjunctive, as in one of the Advent prayers, Festina, quesumus, domine, ne tardaveris, DY., but occasionalty, as here, it occurs with the present subj.-The EnglishBihle, sor this clause, translates Uand give not thine herilage to reproach. V oel ii., I7. R These three anthems are osten omitted hom Manuals, which reser sor them to the book os anthems, &c., called the Processionat.
And so Me service of this do is fui sed us
os the Lord appea red in the cloud. Exodus
I exorcise thee, Creature os floWers and leaves,
in the nam e os God the Father Abbmighty and in the name os Iesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the pomer of the Holy-Ghost.
Theresore, ali poNer os the adversary, ali thehost of the devit, ali the might os the enemy,
ali temptations os demons, he rooted up and expelled stom this creature os floWers and leaves,so as not to solio. the Moisieps os them thathasten unio the grace of God : Through Him
Thy right hand may defend them that it has
benediction, may obtain remission os sins and
The children of the HebreWs, bearing olive branches, went sorth to meet the Lord, cryingaloud and saying, Hosanna in the highest.
For sanctiscatur read sancti alus.
λA Manual usualty omits the rest os the service, Whichwas io be Mund in the Processionat. In this respect the Rathen MS was a Manual and Processional combined. The occasiones inclusion os matter not strict ly longingio a Manual is a common sintvre Os those copies that
Six days hesore the seast os the Passover, when the Loro came into the city os Ierusalem, child ren met Him, and they carried in theirhands branches of palms, and they cried Witha loud voice, saying, Hosanna in the highesti Blessed art Thou Who hast come in the great-ness os Thy mercy l Hosanna in the highesti
The Vork custom was to sing this anthem after the Gospei, While the Procession inent round the church bach to the West do r.
second station, Me cansor incesting The multitudes Mith flowers and palms go sortii to meet the Redeemer, and they give triumph to the Conqueror, they render due
Bos. Israel's Κing art Thou, and the gloriousonspring os David,
η According to the Vork Processiones, this himsing was first sald by the priest, Who genuflected thrice ; and thenrepeated by the choir, alw With three genuflections. Sarum trealia it M a simple anthem. β Sarum provides two alternative ReSponsortes. Le., the choir shali remat the Same verse aster the ys, and then Shali repeat ii aster the i ys have sungeach Os the other verSeS.' Crius. The Vork Processional, as printed by the Surtees Society, realis here Laetus, and sor relictis it readeoelistis. Vithout doubi Coetus coelicus, Which is thereading of the Roman Missal also, is correct.